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Final exam will be held on 13 December,
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Final Exam Review Topics - 2005, EOSC110, 102 Sect
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Earth's Interior
Layered structure of the Earth, Mantle phase changes, The outer core
composition, Fluid outer core, P and S wave shadow zones, Density of the
core and why we think it is dense, Seismic tomography, Significance of
high and low seismic velocities (in terms of temperature), Isostasy,
Crustal rebound, Gravitational anomalies, Magnetic anomalies, The Earth's
magnetic field, Thermoremanent magnetization, Magnetic field reversals,
Generation of the Earth's magnetic field.
Metamorphic rocks
Metamorphism, Factors of metamorphism: P, T, protoliths and stress,
Lithosthatic pressure vs. differential stress, 3 types of foliated textures: slaty,
schistose and gneissic, Classification of metamorphic rocks based on texture
and composition, Contact vs. regional metamorphism, Progressive
metamorphism, Rocks made by progressive metamorphism of shales, Index
minerals, Hornfels, Marbles, Quartzites, Origin of blueschists, Hydrothermal
process, Origin of hydrothermal water, Deposits associated with hydrothermal
veins, Geodes
Geologic structures
Ductile vs plastic behavior, Strain, Description of folds: dip and strike,
Anticline vs syncline, Limbs and axis of folds, How ro read the fold geometry
from a geologic map, Structural domes and basins, Types of fractures: Joints
and faults, Hanging wall vs footwall, Classification of faults into dip-slip,
strike-slip and oblique-slip faults, Classification of dip-slip faults into normal
and reverse, Formation of normal and reverse faults in extentional and
compressional regimes.
Geologic Resources
Geologic resources vs reserves, What influence changes in reserves;
Categories of geological resources, What comprise energy resources, What
comprise metallic resources, What comprise non-metallic resources,
Athabaska oil sands, Gas hydrates (Page 306) , Why gas hydrates are not
reserves, Formation of oil pools, Types of oil and gas traps: anticlinal, traps
controlled by unconformity, by faults and by changes in the sedimentary
facies, What makes a rock an ore, Banded Fe ores and its formation in the
Archean, Oxide minerals of Fe ore, Mn concretions, Laterites as Al ores,
Origin of laterites, Bauxite, Hydrothermal deposits of Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag and Ni
sulfides, Types of hydrothermal ore deposits, Crystal settling as the process
responsible for accumulation of Cr and Pt, Bushveld intrusion, Chromite,
Types of Au deposits; Placer deposits of gold, Diapirs of rock salt
Geologic Time
Formation of the Solar System (Pages 11-14), Composition and age of the
Solar Nebula, Age and formation of the Sun; Planetesimals, Accretion,
Terrestrial vs Jovian planets, Why meteorites provide the best constraints on
the composition of the nebula and the Earth, Where to find meteorites (Page
427), Chondrite and chondrules (Page 14), Carbonateous chondrites as
samples of the solar nebula, Differentiation of the Earth, Stony and iron
meteorites as samples of the mantle and the core, peridotite, Compositions of
the mantle and the core, Early volcanic activity on terrestrial planets,
Formation of the oceans, Formation of the atmosphere, Stromatolites as
builders of the atmosphere, Relative vs absolute geologic time, Age of the
Earth and the oldest rocks, Principles of original horizontality, superposition,
lateral continuity and cross-cutting relationships, Geologic formations, Types
of unconformities, How to correlate rocks, Methods of geologic correlation,
The principle of faunal (fossil) succession, Geologic time scale, Isotopes,
Radioactive decay, Half-life of an isotope, Radiocarbon isotopic dating, U-Pb
isotopic dating, Limitations on isotopic dating, Principles of massspectrometry, Absolute geologic time scale, Absolute ages of the Archean,
Proterozoic and Phanerozoic eons.
Mass wasting
Classification of mass wasting with respect to velocity and type of movement,
Debris vs bedrock, Translational and rotational slides, Shear strength and
shear force, Factors controlling the slope stability: Angle, water concentration
and structure of the bedrock, Surface tension and pore pressure, Creep,
Permafrost, Why permafrost enhances creep, Gelifluction, Rampart Martian
craters, Formation of patterned ground, Why young volcanoes are associated
with landslides and debris flows, Debris, earth and mud flows; Debris
avalanche, Preventive measures against rockfalls
Groundwater hydrology
Porosity, Permeability, Hydraulic conductivity, Confined and unconfined
aquifers, Darcy's law, Hydraulic head, Cone of depression, What makes a
good aquifer, Artesian aquifer, Saltwater intrusion, Floating product and
dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLS), Contamination from landfills,
Direction of contaminant plume transport and fluid flow.
Hydrologic cycle, Streams vs sheetwash, Headwater, Mouth, Flood plain,
Tributary, Drainage basin, Continental divide, Base level, Velocity and
discharge of a stream, Factors controlling the stream velocity and discharge,
Regimes of erosion, deposition and transportation of sediment on the grain
size-velocity plot, Stream erosion as a result of hydraulic action, solution and
abrasion, Transportation of sediment in bedload, suspension and solution
loads, Potholes, Meanders, Point bars, Why erosion and deposition is
asymmetric in meanders, Braided streams, Development of
oxbow lakes, Placer deposits, Wave- tidal- and stream- dominated deltas,
Lateral build-up of land in the Missisipi and Fraser river deltas, Formation of
alluvial fans, Stream valley development, Ungraded and graded streams,
Lateral and vertical erosion, Processes responsible for stream terraces
Valley vs. continental glaciers, Recrystallization of snowflakes to glacier ice,
Ice ablation, Plastic and rigid zones of a glacier, Crevasses, Glacier zones of
accumulation and wastage, Snowline, Flow of a glacier, Glacial erosion:
Abrasion, formation of U-shaped valleys, hanging valleys, fjords, fjord lakes,
rock-basin lakes, Glacial deposition: Till, end, medial and lateral moraines,
outwash material, erratics, Pluvial and glacial lakes, Varve, Signs of glacial
erosion and deposition in BC landscapes, Fraser Glaciation in the Lower
Mainland, Cordilleran and Laurentide Ice Sheets, Land depression and
melting as consequences of ice retreat, Causes of glacial age (Page 428),
Effects of the recent glaciation in North America, Crustal rebound, Changes in
the sea level.
Deserts and coasts, wind and wave action
Formation of loess, Motion of water in waves, Wave height and wavelength,
Wave refraction, Longshore and rip currents, Erosional and depositional
coasts, Drowned and uplifted coasts.
Geologic History of North America
What makes continents stable over billions of years, Craton and cratonic
keels, Platform vs Shield, What rocks are found on cratons and why,
Peneplain, Terrane, Ancient continents of Arctica, Nena, Rodinia, Laurentia,
Pangea and Lauresia, Orogeny and orogenic belts, How mountains are made,
Characteristics of orogeny, Why supercontinents always break up, Iapetus
and Thetys oceans, How continents are built as a result of lateral «docking»,
Accretion as a result of subduction, Types of high-standing terranes that can
be accreted, Ophiolites as slices of an oceanic crust (Page 49), Accretionary
terranes of the eastern and western North America, Formation of the
Appalachian and Cordilleran mountains, Intracratonic basins, Appalachian
and Western Interior Foreland basins and formation of oil, How mountains
bring wealth to neighbouring plains, Opening of the Atlantic ocean.
Active tectonics and earthquake forecasting
Sources of seismic hazard to Vancouver, Cascadia earthquake probability,
evidence of large Cascadia earthquakes, renewal forecast, conventional
forecast, seismic gap, tectonics of western North America, Sierra Nevada
and Oregon Coast blocks, Basin and Range extension, thrust faults in SW BC
and NW Washington, Seattle Fault, Queen Charlotte Fault.