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1) Sometimes prolonged excessive exposure to high hormone concentration causes a
phenomenon known as____.
a) diabetes mellitus
b) cellular inhibition
c) down-regulation
d) metabolism of protein kinases
e) increased metabolic rate
2) Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus_______.
a) enter venous circulation and travel to the heart, which pumps the hormone-containing
blood to the pituitary
b) enter the hepatic portal system, which feeds the pituitary
c) travel by arteries to the pituitary
d) first enter into the hypophyseal portal system
e) first enter the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract
3) Oxytocin______.
a) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism
b) is an adenohypophyseal secretion
c) exerts its most important effects during menstruation
d) controls milk production
e) is produced by the neurohypophysis
4) The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is
dependent on_______.
a) the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path
b) the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ
c) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ
d) nothing, all hormones of the human body are able to stimulate any and all cell types
because hormones are powerful
e) the synergism between hormones
5) One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to
changing blood levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this
a) the rapid oxidation of carbohydrates
b) catabolic inhibition
c) protein synthesis
d) humoral stimulation
e) neural stimulation
6) Aldosterone_______.
a) is secreted by the neurohypophysis
b) functions to increase sodium reabsorption
c) presence increases potassium concentration in the blood
d) production is greatly influenced by ACTH
e) is secreted when blood levels of sodium are above normal range
7) _____hormones are synthesized from cholesterol.
a) aldosterone
b) prolactin
c) testosterone
d) oxytocin
e) A and C
8) A woman with excessive body hair, a deep voice, and an enlarged clitoris shows the
outward symptoms of which hormonal dysfunction?
a) hypersecretion of gonadocorticoids
b) hypersecretion of estrogen
c) hyposecretion of progesterone
d) hypersecretion of TSH
e) hypersecretion of oxytocin
9) How is the heart involved as and endocrine gland?
a) It secretes ANP which helps regulate salt output by the kidney.
b) The secretion of hormones is not the main function of the heart.
c) It secretes ANP which causes renal reabsorption of sodium.
d) It secretes ANP which causes increased blood pressure.
e) It is controlled by the hypothalamus.
10) Thyroxine is a peptide hormone, but its mechanism is different from other peptide
hormones. Which of the following statements is true concerning this difference?
a) it causes positive feedback
b) it does not require a second messenger to effect a response
c) it is very specific in the cell type it targets
d) it is a stimulant of cellular metabolism and targets all cells
e) its action is fast than any other hormone
11) Hemorrhage causes_______.
a) rise in blood pressure due to changes in cardiac output
b) systemic vasodilation
c) stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system
d) release of renal renin
e) no changes in blood pressure
12) Blood within pulmonary veins returns to the ______.
a) left atrium
b) right ventricle
c) right atrium
d) left ventricle
e) systemic circulation
13) The pulmonary semilunar valve is ascultated in the_____.
a) fifth intercostal space, inferior to the left nipple
b) second intercostal space left to the sternum
c) fifth intercostal space, inferior to the right nipple
d) second intercostal space right to the sternum
e) sternal angle
14) Which blood vessel of the heart receives blood when the ventricles are in systole?
a) pulmonary trunk
b) vena cava
c) aorta
d) pulmonary veins
e) A and C
15) If the vagal nerve to the heart were cut, the______.
a) the heart rate would decrease because of the parasympathetic stimulation
b) the AV node would become the pacemaker of the heart
c) the heart rate would increase
d) the heart rate would not change because of the SA node
e) the heart would stop because of lack of ANS innervations
16) If the foramen ovale stays patent after birth the_____.
a) the blood would flow from the right atria to the left atria
b) the blood would flow from the right ventricle to the left ventricle
c) the blood would flow from the pulmonary trunk to the aorta
d) the peripheral tissues would receive a higher amount of oxygen
e) the right auricle
17) Select the correct statement about factors that influence blood pressure.
a) An increase in cardiac output would decrease blood pressure.
b) Systemic vasoconstriction would increase blood pressure because of parasympathetic
c) Increase of body weight would increase blood pressure because of increase of blood
d) Increased aldosterone release would increase blood pressure.
e) Increase ANP release would increase blood pressure.
18) Which of the following are directly involved in pulmonary circulation?
a) Superior vena cava, right atrium, inferior vena cava
b) right ventricle, pulmonary artery, left atrium
c) left ventricle, pulmonary veins, aorta
d) right atrium, pulmonary artery, left ventricle
e) left atrium, aorta, superior vena cava
19) The velocity of blood flow__________.
a) is the slowest in the capillaries since their total cross-sectional area is the greatest
b) is slower in the veins than in the capillaries since veins have a large diameter
c) is slower in the arteries than capillaries since they possess a large diameter
d) is directly proportional to the total cross-sectional area of the blood vessels
e) is slower in the aorta than in the renal artery since aorta is a larger artery
20) Which tunic of an artery is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure?
a) tunica externa
b) tunica intima
c) tunica media
d) the tunica with most elastic fibers
e) the tunica of the basement membrane
21) Which of the following is a type of circulatory shock?
a) Hypovolemic, due to an increased blood volume.
b) Cardiogenic, which results from any defect in the blood vessels.
c) Circulatory, where blood volume is moderately decrease.
d) Vascular , where there is a slight vasodilation throughout the body
e) Vascular, due to extreme vasodilation because of a massive release of histamine
22) Which of the following does not directly help to regulate blood pressure?
a) ADH
b) ANP
c) Angiotensin I
d) TSH
e) Nitrous oxide
23) The pulse pressure is calculated by:
a) multiplying systolic and diastolic pressures
b) subtracting systolic pressure from diastolic pressure
c) dividing diastolic press by 3
d) adding systolic and diastolic pressure
e) subtracting diastolic pressure from systolic pressure
24) Factors that aid venous return include ___.
a) physical exercise
b) urinary output
c) venous valves
d) diameter of the capillaries
e) A and C
25) A person with chronic essential hypertension of 180/100 mm Hg shows all of the
following, except_______.
a) decreased size of the heart muscle
b) increased damage of the blood vessels endothelium
c) damage of the kidney
d) increased ESV
e) increased work of the left ventricle
26) The ___________is the blood pressure that draws fluid back to blood vessels.
a) capillary hydrostatic pressure
b) capillary colloid osmotic pressure
c) tissue colloid osmotic pressure
d) tissue hydrostatic pressure
e) both A and C
27) ___________________in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch detect increases in blood
28) ____________ capillaries have very large pores.
29) ____________is the pressure responsible for filtration on the arterial side of the
30) Blood Pressure =________X _________.
31) Increased venous return and ventricular contractility will____________ end diastolic
volume (EDV), will________ end systolic volume (ESV) and will __________cardiac
output (CO).
32) The marginal artery of the heart is a branch of the ____________________________.
33) The________________________collects blood from most of the veins of the heart.
34) The rising phase of the action potential of the nodal system is caused by the opening of
the _____________________channels.
35) When the heart contractility increases the ESV_______________________.
36) Cardiac output is calculated by multiplying the ____________and the ___________.
37) During the __________________________the pressure in the ventricles is decreasing
and all the valves are still closed.
1) C
22) D
2) D
23) E
3) A
24) E
4) C
25) A
5) D
26) B
6) B
7) E
8) A
9) A
30) BP = PR X CO
36) SV and HR
10) B
11) D
12) A
13) B
14) E
15) C
16) A
17) D
18) B
19) A
20) C
21) E