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Name__________________________________ Date________________________Class_____________
Directions: Read chapter 9 of textbook. (Pages 278-294) Answer the following
questions using textbook, library books, or internet.
1. An __________________________ is a ceremony in which the President of the U.S.
officially takes office.
2. Follow the six step vocabulary process for the word precedent. Prepare to share and discuss
your chart.
3. George Washington was our first President, and John Adams was our first Vice President.
When Washington took office the U.S. was facing many challenges. List 4 of the challenges.
* national debt - the amount of money the country owed____________________________
4. Support a reason why Congress established a cabinet._______________________________
5. Washington set a _______________________ by choosing well-known leaders to serve in his
cabinet. At the end of his 2nd term, he also decided not to run for a 3rd term.
6. ____________________________was our first Secretary of State.
7. ____________________________ was our first Secretary of Treasury. He developed a plan to
reduce the national debt and build the economy.
8. Explain Hamilton’s compromise regarding the new capital.
9. To help American manufacturers, Hamilton asked Congress to pass a
______________________, which are taxes place on certain manufactured goods brought into
the country.
10. Justify Hamilton’s logic for passing a tariff? _______________________________________
11. The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest by farmers who refused to pay taxes on whiskey.
George Washington sent an army to put down the revolt. Explain the significance of the
12. _________________________ - 1789 rebellion in France that ended monarchy for a while.
13. Analyze the reasons for the French Revolution. Why did Thomas Jefferson support
France? ____________________________________________________________________
14. The French Revolution lost support in the U.S. because ____________________________
15. ___________________________ - actions that a nation takes in relation to other nations
16. Washington wanted to remain _____________________ in foreign affairs. (not take sides)
17. Describe two actions that Washington took to avoid war.
18. List 3 reasons why remaining neutral was difficult.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
19. In Washington’s _______________________________, he warned that political parties
would divide the nation and that America should stay out of foreign affairs.
20. Americans had reason to distrust political parties. Sometimes ________________ would
develop which are opposing groups within parties.
People were also fearful of political parties because national unity would be threatened.
21. Complete the labels on the T-Chart below. (page 289)
Led by A. Hamilton
Strong national govt.
Favored National Bank
Wanted trade with Britain
Wanted tariffs
Manufacturing, shipping,
Led by T. Jefferson
Strong state govt.
Disliked National Bank
Wanted trade with France
Opposed tariffs
22. Explain why we have political parties __________________________________________
23. _____________________________ grew in the 1700’s and took sides in political parties and
published views.
24. The election of 1796 had an unexpected outcome. Summarize the events of the election.
25. ________________________ was the 2nd President of the United States. He was a
Federalist that backed the policies of Washington.
26. On separate paper, create a multi flow chart depicting the causes and effects of French
conflicts with America. (4 causes and 4 effects)
27. What naval technology helped convince France to stop attacking American ships?_____
28. The _______________________ party split over the problems with France.
29. The Federalists passed new acts through Congress which made the Democratic-Republicans
angry. Why? ________________________________________________________________
30. The new laws regarding immigration made immigrants wait 14 years before becoming
citizens. The Federalists liked the laws because it would keep new immigrants from voting on
the side of the ____________________________.
31. The election of 1800 was a unique election. Explain why Congress had to settle the election.
32. As a result of the election of 1800, the _____________________ amendment was created,
and _______________________ became the 3rd President of the U.S.
33. What do you think John Adam’s believed to be his greatest accomplishment as President of
the United States? (infer)
34. _________________________ killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel which helped to weaken
the Federalist Party.
35. Concept: Choose ONE concept from the concept wall or choose your own. Write the
concept and give an example using Lesson 9.