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A gerund is a verb form ending in –ing. However, it is used as a noun.
(*Remember, a participle can also end in –ing, but it is used as an
Ex. Running is good exercise.
Swimming can be fun too.
A gerund phrase is a phrase that begins with a gerund, but it has other
complements that complete the noun.
Ex. Running in the heat dehydrates you faster.
Swimming in the river without a wet suit is a bad idea.
Like other nouns, gerunds can be used as subjects, predicate
nominatives, direct objects, and objects of prepositions.
Subject: The noun in the sentence that performs the action.
In the examples above, the gerunds act as subjects.
Predicate nominative: Renames the subject. (i.e. My mother is a
doctor. The word “doctor” is a p.n. because it renames my
mother) Hint: predicate nominatives are often found with the
verbs: is, am, are, was, and were.
Ex. My favorite sport is running.
My next favorite sport is running with bulls.
Direct Object: Receives the action of the subject. It answers the
questions: who? or what? (i.e. I gave the gift to him. [I gave
what to him?] {the gift} “gift” is the direct object)
Ex. My mother enjoys knitting.
My mother enjoys knitting for her grandson.
Object of a preposition: A prepositional phrase consists of a
preposition and a noun phrase, or the “object” of a preposition.
(i.e. I ran after her. [“after” is the preposition, “her” is the object
of the preposition])
Ex. My dog sleeps before eating.
My dog begs for food after barking loudly at the