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Review and Practice Rome
Twelve Tables
Patricians and Plebeians
Punic Wars
Augustus Caesar
Government and Law
Pax Romana
World History/Napp
A. It was a time of peace in the Roman
Empire. No major wars developed as Rome
expanded and grew in prosperity. It began
with Augustus Caesar and continued for
several hundred years.
B. He saw a cross in the sky and said that he
would conquer in the sign of the cross. He
was tolerant of Christians and eventually
personally accepted Christian ideas.
C. There were many causes of the fall of the
Roman Empire such as high taxes and
corrupt emperors. But this was the
immediate cause of the fall of Rome.
D. It was the language of the Roman
Empire. It was the language of the Roman
Catholic Church and the basis of French,
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian.
E. It was the written laws of Rome. It was
written to protect the plebeians from the
changing whims of powerful men.
F. It was a conflict between Rome and
Carthage in North Africa. Both sought to
control the Mediterranean. Carthage lost.
G. In this political system, citizens vote for
representatives. In Rome, only patricians
could be Senators in the Senate.
H. The terms refer to the two social classes
in Rome. One class consisted of wealthy
landowners. The other consisted of the
working peoples of Rome. One class had
more power than the other.
I. It was the center of the Roman Empire. It
connected three continents: Europe, Asia
and Africa. It was profitable for trade.
J. It was the most significant Roman
contribution to world history. Ideas like
innocent until proven guilty and equality
under the law influenced later modern law
K. He was the first emperor of Rome. He
battled Mark Anthony and Cleopatra for
power and his reign ushered in a golden age.
He beautified the city of Rome. He acted as
if Rome was still a republic but it was not.
The aqueducts of ancient Rome demonstrate
that this early civilization
(1) used large wooden structures for
(2) practiced religious toleration
(3) were able to prevent flooding
(4) had advanced technology
One explanation for the fall of the Roman
Empire is that it
(1) refused the aid of foreign mercenaries
(2) grew too large to govern their territories
(3) banned long-distance trade causing
economic strain
(4) required devotion to a single religion
The Pax Romana was a period of
(1) cultural isolationism
(2) censorship and regulation
(3) advancements in arts and in knowledge
(4) decreasing influence of religion on
cultural practices
Which geographic feature was central in
helping the Romans unify their empire?
(1) Alps
(3) Mediterranean Sea
(2) Tiber River (4) Great Rift Valley
A geographic similarity between Italy and
India is that both of these countries are
(1) on peninsulas
(2) on archipelagos
(3) between two oceans
(4) south of the equator
One contribution of ancient Roman culture
was the development of
(1) the concept of zero
(2) the process of making silk
(3) a republican form of government
(4) the printing press
The Roman Empire grew wealthy because it
(1) developed extensive trade networks
(2) created classless societies
(3) encouraged democratic ideals
(4) established free-market economies
How did the geography of the Italian
peninsula influence the development of the
Roman Empire?
(1) The unnavigable rivers in the northern
part of the peninsula protected the Romans
from their neighbors.
(2) The harsh climate prevented agricultural
production on the Italian peninsula.
(3) The lengthy, rugged seacoast encouraged
frequent invasions of the Italian peninsula.
(4) The location of the peninsula contributed
to Roman control of the Mediterranean
The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve
Tables of Rome are examples of
(1) written laws
(2) religious rules of conduct
(3) economic sanctions
(4) early constitutions
One contribution of ancient Roman culture
was the development of
(1) the concept of zero
(2) the process of making silk
(3) a republican form of government
(4) the printing press
An immediate result of the fall of the
Roman Empire was
(1) a renewed interest in education and the
(2) a period of disorder and weak central
(3) an increase in trade and manufacturing
(4) growth of cities and dominance by the
middle class
Thematic Essay – Practice
Theme: Change – Collapse of a Government
The sudden death of a ruler, a defeat in war, or a successful revolution has often led to the
collapse of a government. Political, social, and economic changes have occurred as a result
of the collapse of a government.
Select one situation where the collapse of a government has led to significant changes in a
country or region and for each
• Describe the historical circumstances that led to the collapse of a government
• Discuss the political, social, and/or economic changes that occurred as a result of the
collapse of that government
* Our choice: the collapse of the Roman Empire
Outline of Ideas for Essay Below:
Historical Circumstances that Led to the
Collapse of the Roman Empire
Political, social, and/or economic changes
that occurred as a result of the collapse of
the Roman Empire
One Body Paragraph:
“The Western Roman Empire may have fallen more than 1,500 years ago, but its rich
legacy of innovation and invention can still be seen today.
The Romans enjoyed many amenities for their day, including public toilets, underground
sewage systems, fountains and ornate public baths. None of these aquatic innovations
would have been possible without the Roman aqueduct. First developed around 312 B.C.,
these engineering marvels used gravity to transport water along stone, lead and concrete
pipelines and into city centers. Aqueducts liberated Roman cities from a reliance on nearby
water supplies and proved priceless in promoting public health and sanitation. While the
Romans did not invent the aqueduct – primitive canals for irrigation and water transport
existed earlier in Egypt, Assyria and Babylon – they used their mastery of civil engineering
to perfect the process. Hundreds of aqueducts eventually sprang up throughout the empire,
some of which transported water as far as 60 miles. Perhaps most impressive of all, Roman
aqueducts were so well built that some are still in use to this day. Rome’s famous Trevi
Fountain, for instance, is supplied by a restored version of the Aqua Virgo, one of ancient
Rome’s 11 aqueducts.
Many ancient Roman structures like the Pantheon, the Colosseum and the Roman Forum
are still standing today thanks to the development of Roman cement and concrete. The
Romans first began building with concrete over 2,100 years ago and used it throughout the
Mediterranean basin in everything from aqueducts and buildings to bridges and
The Romans were known to contribute to public discourse through the use of official texts
detailing military, legal and civil issues. Known as Acta Diurna, or ‘daily acts,’ these early
newspapers were written on metal or stone and then posted in heavily trafficked areas like
the Roman Forum. Acta are believed to have first appeared around 131 B.C. The Act was
traditionally withheld from public view until 59 B.C., when Julius Caesar ordered their
publication as part of the many populist reforms he instituted during his first consulship.
Rome was the wellspring for many modern government programs, including measures
that subsidized food, education and other expenses for the needy. These entitlement
programs date back to 122 B.C., when the tribune Gaius Gracchus instituted lex
frumentaria, a law that ordered Rome’s government to supply its citizens with allotments
of cheaply priced grain. This early form of welfare continued under Trajan, who
implemented a program known as ‘alimenta’ to help feed, clothe and educate orphans and
poor children.
For most of human history, literature took the form of unwieldy clay tablets and scrolls.
The Romans streamlined the medium by creating the codex, a stack of bound pages that is
recognized as the earliest incarnation of the book.
At its height, the Roman empire encompassed nearly 1.7 million square miles and
included most of southern Europe. To ensure effective administration of this sprawling
domain, the Romans built the most sophisticated system of roads the ancient world had
ever seen. Roman engineers adhered to strict standards when designing their highways,
creating arrow-straight roads that curved to allow for water drainage. The Romans built
over 50,000 miles of road by 200 A.D., primarily in the service of military conquest.
Highways allowed the Roman legion to travel as far as 25 miles per day, and a complex
network of post houses meant that messages and other intelligence could be relayed with
astonishing speed.
Arches have existed for roughly 4,000 years, but the ancient Romans were the first to
effectively harness their power in the construction of bridges, monuments and buildings.
The ingenious design of the arch allowed the weight of buildings to be evenly distributed
along various supports, preventing massive Roman structures like the Colosseum from
crumbling under their own weight.
The modern Gregorian calendar is modeled very closely on a Roman version that dates
back more than 2,000 years. Early Roman calendars were likely cribbed from Greek
models that operated around the lunar cycle. But because the Romans considered even
numbers unlucky, they eventually altered their calendar to ensure that each month had an
odd number of days. This practice continued until 46 B.C., when Julius Caesar and the
astronomer Sosigenes instituted the Julian system to align the calendar with the solar year.
Caesar lengthened the number of days in a year from 355 to the now-familiar 365 and
eventually included the 12 months as we know them today. The Julian calendar was almost
perfect, but it miscalculated the solar year by 11 minutes. This led to the adoption of the
nearly identical Gregorian calendar in 1582, which fixed the discrepancy by altering the
schedule of leap years.
Subpoena, habeas corpus, pro bono, affidavit – all these terms derive from the Roman
legal system, which dominated Western law and government for centuries. The basis for
early Roman law came from the Twelve Tables, a code that formed an essential part of the
constitution during the Republican era. First adopted around 450 B.C., the Twelve Tables
detailed laws regarding property, religion and divorce and listed punishments for
everything from theft to black magic. Even more influential than the Twelve Tables was
the Corpus Juris Civilis, an ambitious attempt to synthesize Rome’s history of law into one
document. Established by the Byzantine emperor Justinian between 529 and 535 A.D., the
Corpus Juris included modern legal concepts such as the notion that the accused is
innocent until proven guilty. After the fall of the Roman empire, it became the basis for
many of the world’s legal systems.
The Romans invented many surgical tools and pioneered the use of the cesarean section,
but their most valuable contributions to medicine came on the battlefield. Under the
leadership of Augustus, they established a military medical corps that was one of the first
dedicated field surgery units. These specially trained medics saved countless lives through
the use of Roman medical innovations like hemostatic tourniquets and arterial surgical
clamps to curb blood loss. Roman field doctors also performed physicals on new recruits
and helped stem the spread of disease by overseeing sanitation in military camps. They
were even known to disinfect instruments in hot water before use, pioneering a form of
antiseptic surgery that was not fully embraced until the 19th century. Roman military
medicine proved so advanced at treating wounds and promoting wellness that soldiers
tended to live longer than the average citizen despite constantly facing the hazards of
combat.” ~ History