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How long does it take for the
Earth to make one revolution
around the sun?
It takes the Earth about 365
days to make one revolution
around the sun.
How long does it take the
moon to make one revolution
around the Earth?
It takes the moon about one
month to make one revolution
around the Earth.
What causes the change of
seasons on Earth?
The change of seasons on
Earth is caused by the Earth’s
tilt on its axis.
What causes the phases of
the moon?
The phases of the moon are
caused by its position relative
to the Earth and the sun.
What are the phases of the
The new moon, the waxing
crescent, first quarter, waxing
gibbous, full moon, waning
gibbous, last quarter, and waning
What is the sun?
The sun is an average sized
What is the diameter of the
The diameter of the sun is
about 110 times bigger than
the diameter of the Earth.
How old is the sun?
The sun is about 4.6 billion
years old.
Describe the moon.
The moon is a small rocky satellite.
It is about ¼ the size of the Earth.
It is about 1/8 the mass of the
Earth. It has extreme
temperatures and virtually no
atmosphere, water, and life.
How many planets are in our
solar system?
There are nine planets in our solar
What is the Earth’s position in
the solar system?
Earth is the third planet from the
sun. It is one of the four rocky
inner planets.
How far is the Earth from the
Earth is about 150 million
kilometers from the sun.
Does the Earth’s surface
The Earth’s surface is constantly
Describe Earth.
Earth has large amounts of lifesupporting water and an oxygenrich atmosphere.
How does Earth’s atmosphere
protect the Earth?
The Earth’s atmosphere protects
Earth from the sun’s damaging
rays by blocking out most of them.
What was Aristotle’s model of
the solar system?
Aristotle thought that the Earth
was in the center of the universe.
Who figured out that the sun
was the center of the
Copernicus and Galileo discovered
that the sun was the center of the
What space missions added to
our understanding of the
The NASA Apollo missions put man
on the moon and added to our
understanding of the moon.