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Name_________________________________________ Block_________________
Genetic Disorder PowerPoint Project
YOUR DISORDER__________________________________________________
Objective: To incorporate your knowledge about cells, cell division, genetics, and DNA to research and present
a 12 slide presentation using multimedia presentation software such as PowerPoint on a specific genetic
Background knowledge: You have already completed your basic study about the ideas of genetics and
mutations. Now with the information that you have you are being asked to research a specific genetic disorder
and give an oral presentation along with creating either a PowerPoint or poster to explain the genetic disorder.
Instructions, requirement, and rules:
Format Rules: Each slide must have a white background with font of no less than 20 points. Make sure that all
the fonts are the same style and size for all slides! No more than 50 words on a single slide. Each slide must
have a picture, diagram, or graphic.
Submitting Rules: Student must submit using a USB (thumb drive), or through email.
Information Requirements:
Slide 1) Title Slide: Name of disorder, student name, period, and date
Slide 2) What is the name of the disorder, who gets it, and how common is it?
Slide 3) What are the signs and symptoms of the disease. What systems of the body does it affect and how does
it affect them? What parts of the cell does it affect and how?
Slide 4) How is the disease diagnosed and what is the life span of someone with the disease?
Slide 5) What is the history behind the disorder? Who discovered it or/and who have done research on the
Slide 6 and 7) What causes the disease? Is it sex-linked? Is it a mutation and if so on what chromosome and
what type of mutation? Is it due to heredity? Is it a nondisjunction? Is it recessive or dominant? Is it
codominant? (hint this is the most important part of the project)
Slide 8) What are the current disease treatments?
Slide 9) What are some future disease treatments (genetic technology)? Gene therapy, genetic engineering etc…
Slide 10) Interesting facts about the disease such as controversies, treatment failures, cost of treatment,
prevalence, and advantages to having the disease…. If you truly research your disease, you will find
something to fill this slide.
Slide 11) Extra credit information (something about your disease’s genetic cause or treatment that demonstrates
in-depth research)
Slide 12) At least 4 information resources: Full websites addresses with title of website/article, date you went
to the website, author of website /article, and date of
last change to website/article.
Presentation Requirements: Student must present their presentation to the rest of the class.
List of possible Genetic Disorders to Present:
 Achondroplasia (Dwarfism)
 Albinism
 Adrenal hyperplasia
 Autism/ Asperger syndrome
 Cystic Fibrosis
 Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
 Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
 Familial Dysautonomia
 Gardner syndrome (intestinal polyposis
 Gaucher’s Disease
 Hemophilia
 Huntington’s Disease
 Jacobsen Syndrome
 Klinefelters Syndrome
Klippel-Feil Syndrome
Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
Marfan Syndrome
Moebius Syndrome
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Proteus syndrome
Rett’s Syndrome
Sickle cell anemia
Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Tay-Sach’s Disease
Tourette Syndrome
Turner Syndrome
List of Internet Resources to get started:
Yahoo - Genetic Disorders
Site explains several different disorders and contains links to all of the different types of genetic
Genetic & Rare Conditions Site
links to different types of disorders in alphabetical order.
What can our chromosomes tell us?
A site that talks about karyotyping of genotypes.
Genetic Disorder Library
To learn more about different genetic disorders, browse through the Genetic Disorder Library.
A Genetics Glossary
ex.html. A basic genetic glossary.
Genetics Education Center Seeks to help educate people about genetics.
The National Human Genome Research Institute
Explains about the human genome project.
Department of Energy - Human Genome Project Information
Provides a lot of information about the human genome project.
A Gene Map of the Human Genome
You can see the mapping of several different chromosomes found within the body.
Learning about the Human Genome Project and Genetics through the World Wide
Looks at the ethical issues of genetic research.
Understanding Gene Testing
This site talks of how genes are linked to disease and how a gene creates a genetic disorder.
Basics of DNA Fingerprinting
Explains the basic understanding of DNA fingerprinting.
What is Genetic Testing?
Shows the basics of genetic testing and talks about the ethical issues of that happen due to genetic testing.
YOUR DISORDER____________________________________________________
Grading Rubric:
Title Slide
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11
Slide 12
Late penalty
20 points
15 points
10 points
5 points
white background, Font at
least 20 pt, < 50 words
per slide, fonts the same
Missing one format rule
Missing 2 format rules
Missing more than two format
5 points
All components
All components
All components
All components
All components
All components
All components
All components
All components
All components
extra credit slide
4 properly done resources
4 points
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
Missing one component
2-3 points
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
Missing 2 components
0-1 points
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
Missing more that two
4 improperly done
3 resources
2 or fewer resources
20 points
Student completes
Minus 10 points per day late up to 3 days
Total points possible = 95pts
And up to 5 bonus … ____/100
0 points
Student does not complete