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Page 5
45. A(n) ELEMENT is a pure substance that can not be broken down into any other substance by some
physical or chemical method and from which all more complex forms of matter or substances are made when
they are combined together in different ways and in different amounts. P. 9, 70, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
46. The smallest particle of any element that you can have which still possesses all of the physical and
chemical properties of that element is a single ATOM of that element. P. 10, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
47. Nearly 2000 years ago the Greek philosopher DEMOCRITUS gave us the word atom
when he said that all matter was composed of tiny indivisible particles called “atomos.” P. 73, VCR:
Atoms and Molecules
48. At the present time about 118 different elements have been discovered and officially
recognized and named. P. 84 - 85, VCR: Atoms and Molecules, VCR: Changes in Properties of Matter
49. An orderly arrangement of the 118 different elements on a chart according to each element’s unique
chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass number, and physical and chemical properties is called
the PERIODIC TABLE of elements. P. 82, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
50. The periodic table of elements was originally created by a Russian chemist named DMITRI
MENDELEEV and later it was modified and changed to the modern version of the periodic table that we
use today by a British chemist named HENRY MOSLEY P. 81
51. Each element found on the periodic table of elements has a unique single letter (Hydrogen – H), two
letter (Helium – He ) or three letter (Unnilquadiam – Unq) abbreviation which is called the
CHEMICAL SYMBOL of that element. P. 83
52. JONS BERZELIUS created the unique one, two or three letter chemical symbol for each element.
53. In addition to each element having a unique chemical symbol each element found on the periodic table
of elements also has a unique ATOMIC number and ATOMIC MASS number P. 83, VCR: Atoms and
54. The atomic number of an element is usually always SMALLER in numerical
value than the atomic mass number of that element. P. 83, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
55. The atomic number of the element
is 5 . P. 83, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
56. On the periodic table of elements those elements which have an atomic number of 1 (Hydrogen) to
92 (Uranium) are naturally occuring elements which can be found to exist somewhere in the
earth’s land, water, or air.
57. On the periodic table of elements those elements which have an atomic number of 93 (Neptunium)
to 118 (Ununoctium) are synthetic or man made elements which have a very short life span that
only allows them to be made in a laboratory under very special conditions.
58. The atomic MASS NUMBER of an element is a measurement of the average mass of all the different
kinds of atoms (isotopes) of an element. P. 83, 79, 81, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
Example: There are 17 different kinds of Tin (Sn) atoms (isotopes) and the average mass (atomic mass or
weight) of these 17 different kinds of Tin (50 Sn 118.69) atoms (isotopes) is 118.69
Page 6
59. The atomic mass number of an element is sometimes called the element’s atomic WEIGHT.
VCR: Atoms and Molecules
60. The atomic mass number or atomic weight of an element is usually always LARGER in numerical
value than the atomic number of the element. P. 83, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
61. The atomic mass number or atomic weight of the element
3 Li
is 6.941 . P. 83, VCR: Atoms and
62. Any particle which composes an atom that is smaller than the atom that it composes is called a(n)
SUBATOMIC particle. VCR: Atoms and Molecules
63. The four different forces which hold the subatomic particles that compose an atom of an element
together are: VCR: Atoms and Molecules
64. The three most important subatomic particles found in an atom of an element which determines most of
an element’s physical and chemical properties and the types of physical and chemical changes that it can
undergo are the PROTONS, NEUTRONS, and ELECTRONS. P. 74 - 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
65. The only atom of an element which does not contain at least one proton, one neutron, and one electron is
an atom of the element HYDROGEN.
66. An atom of the element hydrogen contains 1 proton(s), 0 neutron(s), and 1 electron(s).
67. The subatomic particles which compose an atom of an element are found in either the NUCLEUS or the
ELECTRON CLOUD of the atom. P. 75, 76, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
68. A(n) PROTON is a subatomic particle which has a positive electrical charge. P. 75, 77, VCR: Atoms
and Molecules
69. Protons are only found in the NUCLEUS of an atom. P. 75, 77, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
70. The chemical abbreviation for one proton is p + and the abbreviation for seven protons is 7 p +.
71. The number of the protons found in the nucleus of an atom of an element determines nearly all of an
element’s PHYSICAL properties VCR: Atoms and Molecules
72. You can NEVER change (increase or decrease) the number of PROTONS found in the nucleus of the
atom of an element otherwise you would change it into an atom of a different element.
73. An atom of the element mercury (Hg) has 80 protons in its nucleus but if I removed one of those protons
from its nucleus it would no long be an atom of the element mercury instead it would change into an atom of
the element GOLD which has 79 protons in its nucleus.
Page 7
74. A single proton has a mass of ONE Atomic Mass Unit (AMU). P. 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
75. One proton has approximately the same mass as one NEUTRON. P. 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
76. Most of an element’s atomic weight or its rounded off atomic mass number is determined by adding the
total number of PROTONS and NEUTRONS found in the nucleus of an atom of that element together.
P. 77, 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
77. The total number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom of an element is equal to the ATOMIC
number of that element. P. 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
78. How many protons are found in a neutral atom of the element
P. 77, 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
F 19
9 protons
79. A(n) ELECTRON is a subatomic particle which has a negative electrical charge. P. 74, 77, VCR:
Atoms and Molecules
80. The negative electrical charge of one electron is equal to but opposite the positive electrical charge of
one PROTON. P. 77, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
81. The abbreviation for one electron is e -- and the abbreviation for seven electrons is 7 e -82. Electrons are only found in the ELECTRON CLOUD of an atom. P. 76, 77, VCR: Atoms and
83. The number and arrangement of the electrons found in the electron cloud of an atom determines nearly
all of an element’s CHEMICAL properties. P. 125, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
84. The total number of electrons found in the electron cloud of an atom adds very little to the mass of an
atom since it takes nearly 1840 electrons to equal the mass of one proton or one neutron. P. 78
85. The electrons found in the electron cloud of an atom are arranged in layers called ENERGY LEVELS,
SHELLS or ORBITALS of electrons. P. 76, 125
86. The names of the different energy levels, shells or orbitals of electrons which compose the electron cloud
of an atom, starting with the shell of electrons which is closest to the nucleus are the K shell, L shell,
M shell, and N shell.
87. The maximum number of electrons which can be placed in the K shell or orbital of electrons is 2 .
88. The maximum number of electrons which can be placed in the L shell or orbital of electrons is 8 .
89. The maximum number of electrons which can be placed in the M shell or orbital of electrons is 18 .
90. The maximum number of electrons which can be placed in the N shell or orbital of electrons is 32 .
91. The last or outer most shell of electrons in an atom is called the VALENCE shell of
electrons in that atom. P. 125
Page 8
92. The electrons which compose the valence shell of electrons in an atom are called VALENCE electrons
in that atom. P.125
93. The number and arrangement of the VALENCE ELECTRONS in the valence shell of an atom of an
element primarily determines if and how an atom of that element will chemically bond to another atom
of an element during a chemical reaction to form a molecule of a compound. P. 125
94. The number of electrons and protons found in an atom of an element are normally the SAME since
atoms of elements are usually neutral in charge. P. 77, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
95. The total number of electrons found in the electron cloud of an atom of an element is equal to the
ATOMIC number of that element. P. 77 – 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
96. How many electrons are found in a neutral atom of the element
P. 77 - 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
29 electrons
97. A(n) NEUTRON is a subatomic particle which has no electrical charge. P. 77, VCR: Atoms and
98. Neutrons are only found in the NUCLEUS of an atom. P. 77, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
99. The abbreviation for one neutron is n o and the abbreviation for seven neutrons is 7 n o .
100. A single neutron has a mass of ONE Atomic Mass Unit (AMU).
and Molecules
P. 78, VCR: Atoms
101. One neutron has approximately the same mass as one PROTON. P. 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
102. Most of an element’s atomic weight or its rounded off atomic mass number is determined by adding the
total number of NEUTRONS and PROTONS found in the nucleus of an atom of that element together.
P. 77, 78, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
103. The number of neutrons found in the nucleus of a neutral atom of an element is determined
by rounding off the ATOMIC MASS number of that element to the nearest whole
number if it hasn’t already been rounded off and then SUBTRACTING its ATOMIC
number from it. VCR: Atoms and Molecules
104. How many neutrons are found in the nucleus of a neutral atom of the element
P. 73 – 77, VCR: Atoms and Molecules
12 neutrons
Page 9
105. Draw a planetary model of a neutral atom of the element 30 Zn 65.39 showing the total number,
abbreviation, and electrical charge of the protons and neutrons found in the nucleus of that atom and
the total number, abbreviation, and electrical charge of the electrons found in each of that atom’s shells.
Also, don’t forget to label each shell of electrons with its appropriate letter name.
2 e -18 e -8 e -2 e -30 p+
35 n o