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1) Three basic neuroeffector tissues
innervated by GVE neurons
2) Divisions of the ANS
3) Ganglion
4) Location of preganglionic neuron cell
bodies of the ANS
5) Location of efferent neuron cell bodies
of the somatic division of the PNS
6) Location of postganglionic neuron cell
bodies of the ANS
7) Primary function of ANS
8) Three types of autonomic ganglia and
which divisions of the ANS is each
associated with
9) Location and names of various
autonomic ganglia
Neuroeffector tissues are those innervated
bye the nervous system – these are the
excitable tissues of the body
Those innervated by the GVE neurons:
Cardiac muscle, Smooth muscle and
Glandular epithelium
Sympathetic, Parasympathetic
Divided by where the preganglionic
neuron cell bodies originate
Thoracolumbar – lateral horn of the T1L2 spinal segments
Rami communicantes – one of the branches
of the spinal nerve, route of communication
for sympathetic neurons and the spinal
Craniosacral – brain stem (carried in CN
3,7,9) and sacral segments S 2,3,4
Preganglionic neuron synapses in ganglia
called terminal ganglia
Collection of neuronal cell bodies outside
the CNS
See question 2
In ganglia
Sympathetic – “fight of flight”, prepares
the body to cope with intense physical
Parasympathetic – “resting and digesting”,
provides finite control of visceral function
Terminal, paravertebral and prevertebral
Sympathetic chain ganglia, sympathetic
Located lateral to the vertebral column
Bilateral from C1 to S3
Located anterior to the vertebral column,
assoc. with major vascular branches off the
-Celiac ganglion
-Superior mesenteric ganglion
-Inferior mesenteric ganglion
Terminal ganglia
-Ciliary ganglion
-Pterygopalatine ganglion
-Submandibular ganglion
-Otic ganglion
10) Autonomic plexus
11) Splanchnic nerves
12) Specific locations of sympathetic
preganglionic GVE neuron cell bodies in
the CNS
13) Sympathetic GVE neurons emerge
from the spinal cord in the ________ roots
of the spinal nerve from spinal segments
14) Sympathetic preganglionic neuron
fibers exit the spinal nerve via the ______
to enter the ______ ganglia
15) Once sympathetic GVE neuron exits
the spinal nerve and enters the
paravertebral ganglia, 1 of 4 things can
abdominal aorta
Celiac ganglion, Superior mesenteric
ganglion, Inferior mesenteric ganglion
Innervated by greater splanchnic nerve
formed by neurons from spinal segments
Celiac (solar) plexus
Postganglionic neurons innervate the
stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, small
intestine and kidney
Innervated by the lesser splanchnic nerve
Arises from the lower spinal segments
Postganglionic fibers innervate the small
intestine and colon
Innervated by the lower splanchnic nerve
Arises from lower spinal segments
Postganglionic fibers innervate the distal
colon, rectum, urinary bladder and genital
Ciliary ganglion, Pterygopalatine ganglion,
Submandibular ganglion, otic ganglion
CNIII, innervates intrinsic (smooth)
muscles of the eye
CN VII – lacrimal gland
CN VII – submandibular and sublingual
salivary glands
CN IX – parotid salivary gland
Nerve networks consisting of sympathetic
and parasympathetic fibers
Sympathetic nerve innervation which
convey visceral efferent and afferent fibers
to the viscera of the body cavities
preganlionic cell bodies in gray matter
Ventral; T1-L2
White rami; paraverterbral
-Synapse in the chain at the level of
- ascend or descend the chain and synapse
with postganglionic neuron cell body
16) Sympathetic neurons which exit the
paravertebral ganlgia to rejoin the spinal,
do so via what structure?
17) Which spinal nerves have white rami
communicantes associated with them and
which spinal nerves have gray rami
communicantes associated with them
White rami communicantes
Gray rami communicantes
18) Neurotransmitter released from
preganglionic sympathetic neurons
19) Enzyme that inactivates Acetylcholine
20) Neurotransmitter released from the
majority of postganglionic sympathetic
21) names and locations of enzymes, which
inactivate the neurotransmitters, released
from the majority of the sympathetic
postganglionic neurons
-Pass through the chain in the thoracic
portion of the trunk without synapsing,
form the splanchnic nerves
-Pass through the sympathetic chain and
synapse in the adrenal medulla (T10,11)
White rami
GVE neuron from spinal nerve to
paravertebral chain of ganglia
Spinal nerves T1-L2
Paravertebral chain to spinal nerve
Associated with all spinal nerves
Acetylcholine (ACH)
Norepinephrine (except sweat gland)
Monoamine oxidase – MAO –intracellular
on the outer surface of the mitochondria,
inactivate catecholamines by oxidation,
found in many cells throughout the body
including gut epithelium
Catechol-O-methyl transferase – COMT –
in the synaptic space – extracellular,
inactivates by methylation
22) Types and location of adrenergic
Cholinergic – muscarinic
Cholinerigc – nicotinic
Catecholamine metabolites – DOMA –
VMA – excreted in the urine at a rate of
110 ug/day
Cholinergic – muscarinic, nicotinic
Andrenergic (respond to Epi or Norepi)–
alpha, beta
Located on the neuroeffector tissues
innervate by autonomic postganglionic
cholinergic fibers
Located on the postganglionic neurons
located in the autonomic ganglia and on
skeletal muscle motor end plate (NOT part
Adrenergic – Alpha 1
Alpha 2
Adrenergic – Beta 1
Beta 2
23) Three catecholamines
24) Tissue that releases epinephrine
25) Is epinephrine released from
sympathetic postganglionic neurons?
26) Which sympathetic postganglionic
neurons release Acetylcholine?
27) What tissues are innervated by
postganglionic cholinergic neurons?
28) Where, specifically, are the
preganglionic parasympathetic neuron cell
bodies located in the CNS?
29) Cranial portion of the parasympathetic
nervous system innervates structures
located where?
30) Sacral portion of the parasympathetic
nervous system innervates structures
located where?
31) Which cranial nerves transmit GVE
32) Which spinal nerves carry
parasympathetic GVE fibers?
33) Where are the nuclei, which give rise to
GVE parasympathetic fibers located in the
of ANS)
On blood vessels – vasoconstriction
Presynaptic - autoinhibitory
Excitatory to the heart, + chrontrope and +
inotrope, release Renin, relax smooth
muscle in the gut
Relax smooth muscle, bronchodilate
Dopamine, Norephinephrine, Epinephrine
Adrenal medulla
Fibers innervating eccrine sweat glands and
BV in Skeletal muscle which produce
vasodilation, somatic neurons to skeletal
muscle (NOT part of ANS)
All preganglioinc autonomic fibers, all
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers and
previously mentioned postganglionic
sympathetic neurons
Gray matter of brainstem and gray matter
of sacral segments
Head, all thoracic viscera and most of the
GI tract from the esophagus through most
of the large bowel
Pelvic viscera, descending and sigmoid
colon and rectum