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Systemic Anatomy Exam V
Prepared especially for the Trimester One Class, Summer 2004
Please place the single best answer for each of the following questions unless the question is marked by the letters,
MAC A, in which you should mark all correct answers. There will be no questions once the exam begins as
interpretation of the question is a part of the examination.
1) Where in the CNS is the location of nuclei that give rise GVE fibers carried in cranial nerves?
a) lateral horn of the spinal column Tl - L2
b) sacral segments S2,3,4
c) cerebellum
d) spinal cord, gray matter
e) none of the above
2) Postganglionic fibers from __ innervate digestive glands of the stomach.
a) sphenopalatine ganglia
b) terminal ganglia
c) Edinger Westphall nucleus
d) inferior salivatory nucleus
e) superior cervical ganglia
3) Postganglionic neurons arising from the ____ innervate the parotid salivary gland
a) sphenopalatine ganglia
b) otic ganglia
c) Edinger Westphall nucleus
d) submandibular ganglia
e) sublingual salivary ganglia
4) Preganglionic fibers arising from superior salivatory nucleus innervate what structure?
a) sphenopalatine ganglia
b) dorsal motor nucleus
c) ciliary ganglia
d) otic ganglia
e) superior cervical ganglia
5) Postganglionic neurons arising from the ciliary ganglion innervate which one of the following structures?
a) smooth muscles of blood vessels in the face
b) sublingual salivary gland
c) smooth muscles of the eye causing dilation of the pupil
d) smooth muscles of the eye causing constriction of the pupil
e) the heart slowing rate
6)Preganglionic fibers from cell bodies located in the __ synapse in the ciliary ganglion.
a) superior salivatory nucleus
b) dorsal motor nucleus
c) Edinger Westphall nucleus
d) inferior salivatory nucleus
e) posterior salivatory nucleus
page 1, SA Exam V, Q. # 1-7
7) Postganglionic neurons carried in CN X innervate which one of the following structures?
a) smooth muscles of the eye causing miosis
b) sublingual salivary gland
c) lacrimal gland
d) the heart decreasing rate and force of contraction
e) the heart increasing rate and force of contraction
8) Neurotransmitters cross the synaptic cleft by what process?
a) active transport
b) passive diffusion
c) facilitated diffusion
d) osmosis
e) none of the above
9) Which one of the following tissues contain cholinergic receptors?
a) cardiac muscle cells
b) dendrites of postganglionic neurons
c) smooth muscle cells
d) skeletal muscle cells
e) all of the above
10) Stimulation of nicotinic receptors has which one of the following effects?
a) release of norepinephrine from preganglionic sympathetic neurons
b) release of acetylcholine from postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
c) relaxation of skeletal muscle fiber
d) release of acetylcholine from somatic fibers
e) all of the above
11) Stimulation of muscarinic receptors has which one of the following effects?
a) mydriasis
b) increased secretions from salivary glands
c) increased heart rate
d) bronchodilation
e) decrease peristalsis
12) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) pediculosis - infestation with lice
b) plumbism - chronic kon poisoning
c) pruritus - itching
d) taxis - movement
e) syncope – fainting
13) Choose the INCORRECT match.
a) virulence - pathogenicity
b) myringotomy - to make a surgical puncture into the ear drum
c) pathognomonic - diagnostic for
d) hypercapnia - decreased levels of CO2 in the blood stream
e) palsy - weakness or paralysis
page 2, SA Exam V, Q.# 7-13
14) Why can't you focus on objects near to you after your eyes have been dilated in the ophthalmologist's office
with a muscarinic receptor blocking agent?
a) the radial muscles of the iris are paralyzed
b) disruption in the axoplasmic flow of the optic nerve
c) paralysis of the extrinsic ocular muscles
d) cholinergic receptors on the ciliary bodies are dysfunctional
e) none of the above
15) Catecholamines are a group of biogenic amines which have sympathetic activity. Which one of the following
are considered catecholamines? (MACA)
a) dopamine
b) epinephrine
c) acetylcholine
d) norepinephrine
16) Epinephrine is a sympathetic neurotransmitter. It has which of the following effects upon the body. (MACA)
a) positive chronotropic effect
b) mydriasis
c) increased blood glucose levels
d) increases peristalsis
e) cause bronchodilation
17) Which of the following tissues are directly innervated by postganglionic cholinergic GVE axons?
a) smooth muscle of the eye
b) SA node of the heart
c) eccrine sweat glands
d) blood vessels in skeletal muscle resulting in dilation
e) all of the above
18) Which of the following release epinephrine?
a) parasympathetic preganglionic neurons
b) parasympathetic postganglionic neurons
c) chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
d) sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating the heart
e) sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating eccrine sweat glands
19) GVE neurons arising from the brain stem, innervate all but which one of the following tissues?
a) smooth muscle of the esophagus
b) gastric glands
c) smooth muscles of the eye
d) sweat glands in the skin
e) salivary glands
20) GVE fibers are carried in all but which one of the following cranial nerves?
d) CN HI
page 3, SA Exam V, Q. # 14-20
21) Are GVE sympathetic fibers carried in the ventral rami of spinal nerves?
a) yes
b) no
22) What effect would a muscarinic blocking drug like atropine have upon heart rate?
a) positive chronotropic effect
b) negative chronotropic effect
c) no effect
23) Where do parasympathetic GVE fibers innervating sweat glands located under the arm come
a) C4-6 spinal segments
b) C6-8 spinal segments
c) Tl-2 spinal segments
d) T4 spinal segment
e) none of the above
24) Parasympathetic jjreganglionic axons are relatively ______, as compared to sympathetic
preganglionic axons which are relatively ____.
a) long; short
b) short; long
c) long; long
d) short; short
25)) GVE neurons innervate smooth muscles fibers all over the body.
a) true
b) false
26) Epinephrine has which one of the following effects when administered to a patient?
a) positive chronotrope
b) negative inotrope
c) increase peristalsis
d) bronchoconstriction
e) miosis
27) What effect would a beta receptor agonist (stimulation) have upon the heart?
a) decrease cardiac output
b) increase cardiac output
c) no effect
28) Which one of the following effects results from stimulation of adrenergic receptors?
b) bronchoconstriction
c) increase release of norepinephrine
d) penile erection
e) miosis
29) Stimulation of alpha one receptors would have what effect? (MACA)
a) elevate blood pressure by causing generalized vasoconstriction
b) increase blood pressure by causing generalized vasodilation
c) decrease nasal congestion by constricting the vessels in mucous membranes
d) constrict the pupil of the eye by stimulating the radial muscles of the iris
c) none of the above
page 4, SA Exam V, Q. # 21-29
30) __________ - (peripheral resistance) x (cardiac output)
a) length of blood vessels
b) blood pressure
c) heart rate
d) diameter of blood vessels
e) stroke volume
31) Which of the following is innervated by neurons carrying GVE information? (MACA)
a) skeletal muscle cell
b) glandular epithelium
c) smooth muscle cell
d) cardiac muscle cell
32) Where in the body do you find preganglionic neuron cell bodies?
a) lateral horn of the spinal cord
b) brain stem
c) ganglion
d) sacral segments S2,3,4
e) three of the above
33) According to the Bell Magendie law, GVE neurons are carried in ____ roots of the spinal nerve.
a) the dorsal
b) the ventral
c) both dorsal and ventral roots
34) Preganglionic GVE sympathetic neuron fibers leave the spinal nerve via the _____ .
a) the white rami communicantes
b) the gray rami communicantes
c) both the white and gray rami communicantes
35) Gray rami communicantes leave the paravertebral ganglia and carry postganglionic GVE neurons
to _
a) Tl through L2 spinal nerves
b) Cl through T12 spinal nerves
c) all spinal nerves
d) only those spinal nerves below the diaphragm
e) sacral segments S2,3,4
36) __ is the neurotransmitter released from preganglionic sympathetic neurons?
a) epinephrine
b) acetylcholine
c) norepinephrine
d) two of the above
37) Once norepinephrine is released from a postganglionic neuron, its effects are terminated by
enzymatic action. What enzyme inactivates norepinephrine inside of the presynaptic cell?
a) MAO
c) acetylcholinesterase
d) two of the above
page 5, SA Exam V, Q. # 30-37
38) The ___ valves are closed during ventricular systole.
a) atrioventricular
b) semilunar
39) The chordae tendonae attach directly from free edges of the valves to the ____.
a) infundibulum
b) trabeculae carnae
c) pectinate muscles
d) papillary muscles
e) sinoatrial node
40) Blood flows from the left ventricle directly into the ____.
a) aorta
b) pulmonary trunk
c) inferior vena cava
d) superior vena cava
41) The contractile impulse travels from the apex of the heart then back toward the base of the heart in the
a) atrioventricular node
b) Purkinje fibers
c) apex of the heart
d) bundle of His
e) interseptal fibers
42) The sinoatrial node is located __________.
a) by the filum terminale
b) inside of the conus arteriosus
c) at the base of the superior vena cava
d) at the base of the aorta
e) at the base of the pulmonary veins
43) The contractile impulse travels from the SA node to the ______ (in order of transmission).
a) apex of the heart
b)AV bundle (of His)
c) right bundle branch
d) AV node
e) Purkinje fibers
44) The subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery once it passes inferior to which of the following?
a) the teres minor muscle
b) the teres major muscle
c) the first rib
d) the clavicle
e) the head of the humerus
45) Chiropractic adjustments can affect the autonomic nervous systems of patients.
a) true
b) false
page 6, S A Exam V, Q. # 38-45
46) Adjusting the spinal column at the level of ____ can directly affect the sympathetic nerves that innervate
the heart and lungs. (Realizing that anything can affect anything answer this question based on the information
given in class as to where in the vertebral column sympathetic fibers arise that innervate various structures).
47) Choose the CORRECT statement with regards to the brachial plexus.
a) posterior division of brachial plexus trunks innervate muscles that are flexors
b) cords of brachial plexus are named according to their relationship to the brachial artery
c) the brachial plexus is derived from ventral rami of C5, 6, 7, 8 and Tl
d) the posterior cord is formed by the anterior divisions of all three trunks
e) the suprascapular nerve arises directly off of the lower trunk
48) A 28 year old woman suffers an injury to the left arm during a fall off of her bicycle. Radiographs done at
your clinic show an oblique fracture through the mid-shaft of the humerus. Injury to this nerve could result in
what motor deficits? (MACA)
a) inability to flex the elbow
b) inability to extend the elbow
c) inability to flex the carpus and digits
d) inability to extend the carpus and digits
e) inability to abduct the humerus at the shoulder joint
49) Which of the following classifications apply to the joint present between two adjacent vertebral bodies?
a) diarthrosis
b) synchondrosis
c) amphiarthrosis
d) multiaxial
e) secondary cartilaginous
50) The radial nerve innervates muscles that _______. (MACA)
a) flex the arm
b) extend the arm
c) extend the elbow
d) flex the elbow
e) supinate the forearm
page 7, SA Exam V, Q. #46-50
The end of exam 5, Your grades will be emailed to you by the close of the day.
1. E
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. E
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. A,B,D
16. A,B,C,E
17. E
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. A
22. A
23. E
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. A,C
30. B
31. B,C,D
32. E
33. B
34. A
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. A
39. D
40. A
41. B
42. C
43. D
44. C
45. A
46. C
47. C
48. D
49. C,E
50. B,C,D,E