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Power-Adaptive Operational Amplifier with PositiveFeedback Self Biasing
Byungsub Kim, Soumyajit Mandal, Rahul Sarpeshkar
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, USA
[email protected]
Abstract—This paper introduces a positive-feedback selfbiasing technique for operational amplifiers (op-amps) which
enables their power consumption to adapt to their
environment: The power consumption of one our op-amps
scales almost linearly with load capacitance, input signal
frequency, and output signal swing. A voltage follower built in
the MOSIS/AMI 0.5µm process with our op-amp has a
measured power consumption that varies between 1.38µW and
90µW, as the load capacitance varies from 1pF to 100pF. Our
op-amp is primarily intended for low power switchedcapacitor applications.
Increasing interest in distributed wireless systems, such as
sensor networks [1] has created the demand for a low-power
operational amplifier [2] which can adapt to various
operating conditions. A traditional operational amplifier,
because of its fixed bias current, consumes constant power
regardless of the load capacitance, the input frequency, and
the output voltage swing. However, many systems in the real
world may have time-varying operating conditions [1, 3].
For example, the frequency and the amplitude of a sound
signal may vary over a wide range. In a switched capacitor
circuit, the load capacitance that an op-amp needs to drive
changes between switching modes. A bias circuit blind to its
varying environment will waste power. To eliminate
unnecessary power consumption, an intelligent bias-control
circuit must be able to adapt to its input and to its load
capacitance. In this paper, an effective bias-control method
for an op-amp using positive feedback is introduced.
Measurements show that our technique is useful in circuits
where the op-amp is used in a negative-feedback loop such
as in voltage followers.
The organization of this paper is as follows: In Section II, we
discuss the time-varying nature of the power requirement for
an op-amp. In Section III, we describe our op-amp’s design.
In Section IV and V we present analysis and experimental
results respectively. Section VI presents our conclusions.
Figure 1. Example of operatation of S/H (a) in hold mode (b) and in
sample mode (c).
Fig. 1 (a) shows a typical example of a sample-and-hold
(S/H) circuit. In hold mode in Fig. 1 (b), the voltage across
the feedback capacitor is stable, drawing no current from the
op-amp. In sample mode in Fig. 1 (c), the differential input
voltage of the op-amp changes abruptly with clock
transitions and the op-amp conducts large amounts of current
until its differential input voltage is near zero. If the output
voltage changes by Vsw at every clock transition, we can
easily derive that the ideal power consumption should be
Vdd I out dt = Vdd CVsw f
where P, Vdd, C, Vsw, f (=1/T) and T are respectively the
power consumption, the power supply voltage, the load
capacitance, the output voltage swing, the switching
frequency, and the clock period.
Figure 2. Architecture of Positve Feedback Bias Control (a) and the
voltage follower application (b).
Traditionally, an op-amp’s bias current is fixed to meet
maximum performance criteria and consumes worst case
power given by
Pmax = Vdd CmaxVsw max f max
In a real environment, if the load capacitance, the output
voltage swing, and the switching frequency all decrease by a
factor of 4, the op-amp will burn 64 times more power than
is necessary.
A. Architecture
Fig. 2 (a) shows the architecture of our positive feedback
self-biasing op-amp. A positive-feedback bias controller
measures the output current i1(t) of the op-amp and
compares it with the bias current i2(t) of the op-amp. If |i1(t)|
is larger than bi2(t) (b < 1), the bias controller decides that
the bias i2(t) is too small, otherwise it decides that i2(t) is too
large. Depending on this decision, the bias controller
increases or decreases i2(t). This mechanism forms a
positive-feedback loop since each increment of i1(t) raises
i2(t) and thus the transconductance of the op-amp, further
increasing i1(t).
When our op-amp is used in negative-feedback
configurations the technique is still potentially stable since
negative-feedback attempts to reduce the voltage error vdiff(t)
across the op-amp’s differential input terminals while the
positive-feedback biasing modulates the rate-of-change of
this reduction. Most op-amps operate in negative feedback,
for example, the voltage follower in Fig. 2 (b). In this paper,
we only discuss our idea for op-amps with capacitive load
compensation. The dynamics for other configurations is
beyond the scope of this paper.
B. Circuit Implementation
Fig. 3 shows the circuit implementation of Fig. 2 (a). The
differential input stage of the op-amp has bias control
transistors M1, M2, and M3. M1 is the control transistor which
varies i2(t). M2 and M3 set maximum and minimum values
Figure 3. Circuit implementation of Fig. 2 (a).
imax and imin for i2(t), respectively. A current-replica circuit
copies i1(t) and feeds it into a current rectifier which
computes |i1(t)|. A current comparator compares |i1(t)| and
b×{i2(t)-imin}+ib where ib is a very small amount of offset
current (designed as 10nA) provided by M6. The currents imin
and ib guarantee a minimum op-amp speed and a minimum
comparator speed, respectively. The parameter b is set by
adjusting the size of transistors of the current comparator and
is 0.05 in this design.
Because our bias current changes over a wide range, it is
not easy to describe our op-amp with a simple linear model.
We will use two models to describe our system. First, we
will assume that i2(t) does not have the upper and lower
bounds, imax and imin. Then, we will consider the effects of
the upper and lower bounds.
Fig. 4 shows a simplified model of Fig. 2(b) with the
circuit of Fig. 3. By assuming that the parasitic capacitances
are much smaller than the load capacitance, we can ignore
the poles of the bias current controller and use constant gains
A and b to model the current comparator, where A is the gain
of the overall current comparator and b is the weight for i2(t).
The transconductance of the transistors of the differential
input stage in the strong inversion region, gm(i2(t)), can be
expressed as
g m (i2 (t )) = 2 µ Cox
i2 (t ) =γ i2 (t ).
A. Without Bias Current Limiting
By assuming that i2(t) is much larger than the offset
currents imin and ib, we can derive the following equations.
i2 (t ) = A( vdiff (t ) γ i2 (t ) − bi2 (t ))
Figure 4. System model of Fig. 2 (b) and Fig. 3.
i2 (t ) =
1 2
γ vdiff (t ) 2
( Ab >> 1)
The square relationship between i2(t) and vdiff(t) in (5) shows
that the bias current is very sensitive to the voltage error. A
small voltage error in transition easily makes i2(t) reach a
large value.
From (5) and the system model, we can derive the
following differential equation in which the polarity of the
integrated term depends on the sign of i1(t).
vin (t ) ±
1 t1 2
γ (vin (t ) − vout (t ) ) dt = vin (t ) − vout (t )
C b
For a step input vin(t)=±Vswu(t), (6) gives us
vout (t ) = Vsw 1 − 2
 for t > 0 ( Ab >> 1),
 γ Vsw t + 1 
for t ≥ 0
( Ab >> 1) .
The power consumption is
P = f ∫ Vdd ni2 (t )dt = Vdd CVsw f
n = 3.2 (i1 (t ) > 0 ) or n = 3.25 (i1 (t ) < 0 )
Vdd CmaxVsw max f max b Cmax Vsw max f max
n / bVdd CVsw f
n C Vsw
B. With Bias Current Limittation
In practical designs, i2(t) has upper and lower bounds imax
and imin. The lower bound imin is either set by M3 or by M3
and the offset current of the current replica caused by
mismatch. In measurements, imin=150nA. The upper bound
imax is either set by current limiting transistors M2 and M5, or
by the pull-up PMOS at the output stage due to mismatch.
From (5), the values of voltage error vdiff(t) at the two
bounds are
for t > 0 ( Ab >> 1),
i2 (t ) = 2 γ 2Vsw 2
 γ Vsw
t + 1
 bC
i1 (t ) = bi2 (t )
Figure 4. Phases of op-amp operation with current limiting when a step
input vin(t)=Vsw (Vsw > Vmax/b) is applied
where n is the ratio of the total power supply current to i2(t).
Equation (10) shows that the power consumption of the
voltage follower linearly depends on the load capacitance,
the voltage swing, and the operating frequency. We define a
power saving ratio compared to a fixed-bias ideal amplifier
vmax =
imax , vmin =
imin .
Fig. 5 graphically shows four different phases of the
operation of our op-amp when Vsw > vmax/b. During the t1
phase, i2(t) = imax, and the op-amp suffers from slew-rate
limitations because gm×vdiff(t) is larger than imax. As vdiff(t)
becomes less than vmax, the op-amp enters the t2 phase where
i2(t) = imax and i1(t) < imax. Therefore, the voltage follower
works as a normal first-order voltage follower. During t3, gm
x vdiff(t) is between imin and imax, thus (6), (7), (8), and (9) are
valid. Finally, vdiff(t) becomes less than vmin, resulting in i2(t)
= imin. The voltage follower then returns to normal first-order
dynamics with a small level of bias current imin.
If the maximum allowable settling error is errVsw, then the
total power consumed during the entire transition is
 i 
n 1 i 
1 
Ptot = nVdd CVsw  1 − min  f +  ln + min  2 − ln   Vdd Cvmax f
b 
max 
− 2 Vdd Cvmin f + nVdd imin
where f is limited by the maximum transition time tset:
Figure 5. Measured power consumption versus switching frequency with
0.5Vpp input voltage swing.
Figure 7. Measured power consumption versus signal voltag swing with a
10 pF load.
Figure 8. Measured input and output waveforms of the voltage follower.
Figure 6. Measured power consumption versus the load capacitor with
0.5Vpp input voltage swing.
t set
= Cmax  sw max + 2
γ vmax
 imax
 1
 ln − 2  + 2
 b
 γ vmin
 vmin
+ 1  .
 ln
 errVsw  
Note that a large value for b results in power-efficient
operation but reduces the maximum operating frequency
because of the op-amp’s large settling time. Equation (13)
shows that the power consumption is linear with signal
frequency, load capacitance, and voltage swing.
We fabricated a voltage follower in the MOSIS/AMI
0.5µm process. The voltage follower has an on-chip load
capacitor which can be configured as 1pF, 10pF, and 100pF
by an external digital signal. Fig. 6 shows the measured
power consumption versus frequency with three different
load capacitance values. The linear relationship between the
frequency and the measured power is clear in this figure. Fig.
7 shows the measured power consumption versus load
capacitance. Fig. 8 shows the measured power consumption
versus voltage swing. As expected, Ptot increases linearly
with C, Vsw, f. However, Ptot is not accurately predicted by
(13). This is because the assumption of no significant poles
from the current comparator is not accurate. Fig. 9 shows an
experimental waveform. It shows ringing because the
comparator’s poles were not modeled. Finally, increasing b
reduces Ptot at the cost of lowered bandwidth.
In this paper, we have demonstrated the concept of
positive-feedback self-biasing for operational amplifiers that
adapts their power consumption to their environment.
Measurements made on a test circuit show that the power
consumption linearly depends on the signal frequency, load
capacitance, and output voltage swing. Power-consumption
scaling predicted by a theoretical analysis is in accord with
experimental data.
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Supply Voltages," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 29, no.
8, Aug. 1004, pp. 936-942.
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