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A GENERAL LINEAR MODELS APPROACH FOR COMPARING THE RESPONSE OF SEVERAL SPECIES IN ACUTE TO~JCITY TESTS. Karen l. Daniels Jonathan f. Goyert Michael P. Farrell Rodn~y H. Strand Environmental Sciences Oivision Lak Ridge National laboratory Oak Ridge, Tn. 3783[ ABSTRACT desfgned Simply to estimate the concentration of a substan,e required to produce a response in SOX of the ~opulation (ttle LeSS value). Comparing species on the basis of LC5C' vaLues is inadequate because several species can have identical values while their overall response to a substance may differ i~ either the threshold concentration or the rate of response. This pap~r presents a sequential general linear mOdels approach for comparing the responses of two or more species to a particular compound using contrived data as an example. Acute to~icity tests (bioassays) estimate the concentration of a chemical required to produce a response (usually death) in fifty percent of a population <the lCSO). Simple conparisons of lC50 vaLues among several species are often inadequate because species can have identical LCSJ values while their overall response to a chemical may differ in either the threshoLd concentration (interce~t) or the rate of response (slope). A sequentiaL approach using a generaL linear model is presented for testing oifferences among species in their overall response to a chemical. This method tests for equality of slopes followed by a test for equality of regression lines. This procedure ~mploys the Statistical Analysis System's General Linear Models procedUre for conductirg a weighted least squares anal)sis ~ith a covariable. STATISTICAL METHQOS Data generated from bioassays consist of the test concentrations (t ci), the control concentration (c ~i), the number of orgdnisms in each te;t concentration (t_ni), the number of organisms in the controL concentration (c_nil, the number of organisms responding in the test concentration (t_ri), and the number of organisms responding in the control concentration (c_ri). *Research sponsored by the Office of rlealth and EnvironmentaL Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract ~-74r5-eng-26 with tJnion Carbide Corporation. Publication No. 1888, Environmental Sci~nces Division, ORNL. 8efore one can examine tre relationship between concentration and response for each species, a number of variable transformations are required. The first transformation corrects for the oroportion of organisms responding to the control conditions to isolate the response to the test compound. Abbott's (192S) formula is frequently used in toxicological studies to accomplish this! 1NTROOUCT10N Acute toxicity tests or bioassays are widely used to asspss the potential effect of to~ic substances released into aquatic environments. Test species may b~ selected for their sensitivity to the substance, for their importance to the ecosystem or to the lccal community, or for their success and widespr~~d use as a Laboratory organism. Questions frequently arise about which of these criteria should be used for species selection. Data from comparative toxicological studies must be analyzed and evaluated to answer these Questions. In the past, toxicological studies were where pi is the proportion responding to concentration alonel p ti;t rilt ni, the proportion respondi~g - to concentration i and to t~e control, and p_ci;c_ri/c_ni, the proportion responding to the control aLone. For the 733 nonconstant variance about the errors can be fitted by the method of we;g~ted Least squares, using the transformed variables (Neter and Wasserman 1974). With this method, the parameter estimates are obtained by minimizing a weighted sum of sQuares of residuals where weights are inversely proportional to the variance of the errors. For this exaMple, the weighting variable (wi) may be expressed as: case where ti is less than c, the value of pi is set to 2ero beca~se the proportion is restricted to values between 0 and 1. The relationship bet~een the concentration and the proportion responding (corrected for control) is examined using regression analysis tec~niques. The relationship between the dependent variable CV), the proportion responding, and a single independent variable (X), the concentration, may be formuLated as a linear model: wi=niPi(l-Pi), where ni=number of orqanisms in t~e ith sample and pi;proportion responding in the ith sample. This is in contrast with ordinary Least squares where parameter estimates are obtained by minimi2ing the eQually weighted sums of SQuares of residuals. By minimizing the weighted sum of squares of residuals, t~e precision of the estimates is increased. Yi=BO + R1Xi + ei, i=1,2, ••• ,n where 80 and Bl are the modeL regression parameters and ei is the residual or error. The relationship between the proportion responaing and the concentration is nonlinear and generally can be accurately represented by the logistic function (Aerkson 1953). This function, often called the logit, is represented as follows: The Logistic transformations are not defined for ~i=C or Pi=1, that is, for those concentration levels where none or all of the subjects responded. Chatt·erjee and Frice (1977) described severaL ways to handle this situation. for example, these data points can be omitted from the regression analysis because of a considerable degree of uncertainty about the exact concentration that caused all or none of P;:exp(BC + B1Xi')/l + exp(BO + 81Xi'), w~ere Xi'=log(Xi). An alternative model, the probit-model, accurateLy represents the reLationship between concentration and proportion responding (Finney 1978). T~e response function in this model is represented by the inverse of the cumulative nor~aL distribution. For detaiLs refer to Finney (1978) and Hewlett and PLackett (1979). The logistic f~nction is used in this example based on the discussion by Berkson (1951). the subjects to respond. An alternative proposed by Berkson (19S3) is to approximate Pi=C by Pi=1/2xt_ni and Pi=1 by pi=1-1f2~t ni. A finaL aLternative is to fit the-model both with and without the extreme data points. If the fitted modeLs differed considerabLy, then the ~xtreme data points shouLd be reexamined. For this example, Berkson·s rule was applied to avoid deLetion of data. To linearize the logistic response function, it is necessary to transform the response variable as folLows: Our approach for testing differences in concentration-response relationships among species is to fit a linear modeL with a covariable (Log10 of the concentration) using tte transformed variables in a procedure often referred to as an analysis of co~ariance (Neter and Wasserman 1974). The key statistical inferences of interest in this analysis are the same as witt analysis of variance modeLs, nameLy whether there are any significant differences in the concentration-response relationship among species. Pi":ln(Pi/l-Pi). The Linear modeL then becomes: Pi"=BO + B1~i' + ei, where, Xi"=log1~(Xi) and the transformed variable Pi' has a ~ean approximateLy equal to Ln(Pi/l-Pi) and a variance V(Pi")=1/niP;(1-Pi) (Chatterjee and Price 1977). Because the variance of the transformed variabLe is a function of its mean, the error variance is not constant (one of the modeL assumptions). This can also bp observed by examining the residuaLs after fitting the Linear model using the transformed variabLes: the variance increases as one moves away frop the mean or sex response point. Linear regression models with An important assumption in covariance analysis is that all regression lines have equal or parallel sLopes. This assumption can be tested by examining the interaction between the covariable and species. If there are no significant differences, then the slopes are 734 The equality of stopes does not necessarily imply that the species have the same regression lines because their intercepts may differ. To test for equality of regression lines among species, the full and reduced models described by ~eter and Wasserman (1974) are compared. considered the same. The foLlowing SAS statements (SAS 1979) are used in this example to test for differences among three species in their rate of response to a single compound~ DATA NEW; SET TOX_DATA; in Calculates proportion responding treat ment s (PT) *******************.*******************; The full model (f) calculates a separate concentration-response relationship for eacn species in the model. The SAS program statements used to generate the output from the full model are~ ******.************* •• **.***.** •••• **.** ~eneration of Full Model responding in Calculates proport ion controls(PC) *************.*****.** •• ********** •• **.; GLM; CLASS SPECIES; PROC PC=C RIIC NI; ~ODEL /I.bbotts' correction for the control response ******.*******_.* •••• **.*._*.* •• *.** •• _; LOGIT=SPECIES LOGCONC(SPECIES); wEIGHT WI. P=(PT-PC)I(l-PC); The output tram this analysis is shown in Table 2. The separate slopes for each species are specified as parameter estimates. **************************************** 8erkson's rule 10r all or none responses ******-******.*.* •• **********.*.*.*.***; The reduced model (r) removes the species effect by combining them in a simple linear reqression model. The SAS program statements used to prOduce the output for the reduced model are: IF P=C THEN P=112*T_NI; IF p=l THEN P=1-C1/2*T_NI); Calculation of Loql0 of the concentration(LOGCONC) **********--**.*****.*****.******** •• **; ***************************************. Generation of Reduced ~odel *************************************.*; LOGCO~C~LOG10(CONC); PROC GLM; ~OD[L LOGIT= LOGCONC; .tIGHT WI; ****** •• **-****.**** •• _***.*.*.******.** Calculation of the weighting vari~ble; ***************.***********************; Table - 3 presents the results from executing this program. The test statistic for determining if there are significant differences among regression lines requires the sums of squares for the errOr (SSE) and the degrees of freedom tor the error (DFf) from both the fu l L (f) and reduced (r) model s. The test statistic then is: **********************************.***** Transformatio~ of proportion responding to logistic functionClOGIT) ***************************************; LOGIT:LOG(P/(l-P)); ***************************************. Test for homogeneity of slopes ******************.********************; F: (SSEr-SS~f)/(DFEr-DFEf) with t..IROC GLM; CLASS SPfCIES; F(c-1,DFEf), where I(SSEf/OFEf), c=number of speci~s. MODEL LOGIT:SPFCIES lOGCONC LOGCONC*SPECIES; Far this exa~ple F(2,62)=4.0~ which is greater than 3.15 (the 95th percentile of the F distribution with 2 and 62 degrees of freedom). We conclude that there are significant differences among the species regression lines. Because the slopes are equal among the species, we also conclude that the differences in wFIGHT WI; An example of some of the output from the executio~ of this program is shown in Table 1. Because the interaction term was nonsignificant, we conclude that the regression Lines for the three species GIll have the same stope. 735 ,, the regression differences in investigate lines are due the intercepts. the nature of to To Neter, John and william Wasserman. 1974. Applied linear Statistical models. Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, Illinois. 842 pp. these differences, pairwise comparisons or more generaL contrasts among species may be ~ade using a variety of multiple 1979 Edition. SAS SAS User's Guide, Inc., Cary, North Carolina. Institute, 494 pp. comparison procedures (Chew 1977). CONCLUSIONS A methodology is described that examines the concentration-res~onse relationship among species in comparative toxicity tests. The species response data must first be response logistic corrected for the control and then linearized using the function and a logarithmic transformation. To statistically test for differences in responses among species to a particular compound, a covariance model was principle of we;Qhteo fitted by the least squares in a general linear modpls procedure. ACKNO~LEDGEMENTS authors wish to thank 8. ~alton and Millelman for a critical re~iew of the manuscript. The ~. LITERATURE CITED Abbott, w. S. 1925. A met nod of comput ing t ne effectiveness of an insecticide. J. Econ.. Entomol. 18: 265-267. Berkson, Joseph. 1951- :";hy I prefer logits to probits. Piometrics. 7· 312-313. Rerkson, Joseph. 1953. A statistically precise and relatively SimpLe method of estimating the bio-assay with Quantal response, based on the logistic function. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 48: 565-599. Chatterjee, Samprit and B. Price. 1977. Regression Analysis by fxample. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 228 pp. Chew, Victor. 1977. Comparisons among treatment means in an analysis of ~ariance. U.S. Department of Agriculture, APS/H/6. Washington, D. C. Finney, David J. 1971:'. Statistical Method in Biological Assay. ~rd Edition. MacM i l l an Pub. Co., Inc., New York. ~ewlett, p. S., and R. L. Plackett. 1979. The Interpretation of Quantal Responses in Biology. University Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 82 Pp. 736 Table 1. Output for testing equality (parallelism) of slopes STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM GENERAL LINEAR MODELS PROCEDURE Dependent Variable: LOGIT Weight: WI OF Sum of Mean Squares Square Model 5 24.368 4.874 Error 62 14.281 0.230 Corrected Tata 1 67 38.650 Source Source Species Logconc*Species PR 21.160 0.0001 OF Type I SS F Value 2 1.868 4.06 0.0221 22.107 95.98 0.0001 0.393 0.85 0.4314 Logconc 2 PR F Value > 737 F > F R-Square C.V. 0.630 92.101 OF Type IV SS F Value 2 0.256 0.55 0.5769 18.194 70.99 0.0001 0.393 0.85 0.4314 2 PR > F Table 2. Output for full model STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM GENERAL LINEAR MODELS PROCEDURE Dependent Varabile LOGIT ~ Wei ght WI Sum of Mean OF Squares Square Model 5 24.368 4.874 Error 62 14.281 0.230 Corrected Total 67 38.650 Source Table 3. F Value PR > F 0.000] 21.160 R-Square C.V. 0.630 92.10] Output for reduced model STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM GENERAL LINEAR MODELS PROCEDURE S Dependent Varabile: LOGIT Weight: WI Source OF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value ~~~.~ Model 23.608 23.608 0.273 Error 66 18.041 Corrected Total 67 38.650 738 86.74 PR > F R-Square C.V. 0.61 91.61 -------------~-- 0.0001