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Ancient Rome Study Guide
Test: 4/14/2016
1. Where did the Romans first settle and why?
The Romans first settled in an area with 7 hills. It was located on a long peninsula by the
Mediterranean Sea in Southern Europe.
2. Who were the first kings of Rome and how did they rule?
The Etruscans were the first kings of Rome; they ruled harshly and did not give options to the
people of Rome.
3. What is a republic?
A republic is a government where citizens elect their leaders.
4. Why did Rome create a republic instead of a monarchy?
After the Etruscans, the Romans did not trust putting all power in a king.
5. Describe the two classes in the Roman Republic.
Plebians- An ordinary citizen in Rome (farmer, merchant, artisan, etc.)
Patrician- wealthy, powerful citizen in Rome
6. Describe the set-up of the Roman Republic’s government.
Senate- 300 Patrician Men- Most Powerful Group- Created/Voted on Laws
Consuls- 2 Patrician Men- Had to agree on something before it passed; disagreement meant NO.
Jr. Consuls- Patricians that enforced the laws and oversaw smaller issues
7. What did the Roman Republic do in the case of an emergency in the government?
They elected a dictator who would rule with king-like powers for six
8. How did Julius Caesar gain power of Rome?
First, he gained the support and loyalty of his soldiers through his strong leadership skills. Then
he and his military took over the Senate. Julius Caesar took control and proclaimed himself to be
dictator for the rest of his life.
9. How did Julius Caesar die?
He was stabbed to death by a group of senators.
10. What started the Roman Empire?
The Senate placed Augustus Caesar, adopted son of Julius Caesar, as emperor.
11. Describe Augustus Caesar as a ruler.
He was a strong, intelligent ruler; he mostly worked with and respected the senate. He did not
want to suffer the same fate as Julius Caesar. He was well-liked.
12. After Romans conquered lands, what did they do to the people?
Some were enslaved; however, the rest were allowed to carry on as they were as long as they paid
Roman taxes, bought Roman goods, and provided Rome with raw materials.
13. What is a province?
A unit of land in the Roman Empire; it is kind of like a state in the United States of America.
14. How did Commodus end the reign of the “five good emperors”?
Commodus was the son of the last of the “five good emperors”. He ruled brutally and did not
follow the ways of the men that came before him.
15. How is Greek and Roman religion similar?
They are polytheistic; many Roman gods have the same characteristics as Greek gods, such as
Zeus=Jupiter and Aphrodite=Venus
Ancient Rome Study Guide
Test: 4/14/2016
16. How is Greek and Roman religion different?
Romans often adopted gods and goddesses from other religions. The gods also have different
17. What building material did Romans create and what affect did it have on the buildings?
They created concrete, which made buildings stronger and last longer. It even allowed buildings
like the Colosseum to be filled with water for mock naval battles!
18. What was the purpose of roads in Rome?
The roads allowed people to travel throughout the empire; most importantly,
the roads
allowed the military to quickly access problem areas and uprisings.
19. What was the Colosseum?
The Colosseum was the greatest construction of the Roman Empire; it could seat 50,000 people.
It had ramps and stairs, even an elevator for lifting animals to the arena to fight other people
and/or animals. Most of it is still standing today.