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2016.17 Fifth Grade Science, Quarter 4
Big Ideas/Key Concepts:
 Major geologic events that occur over eons or brief moments in time continually shape and reshape the surface of the Earth, resulting in
continuous global change.
 The cosmos is vast and explored well enough for us to know its basic structure and operational principles.
 All life is interdependent and interacts with the environment.
 Knowing the parts of the nervous system and understanding its function forms the basis for understanding human health.(WCS
Student Friendly “I Can” Statements
Earth’s Features & Tectonic Plates
Earth’s Features & Tectonic Plates
SPI 0507.7.1 Describe internal forces such as volcanoes, earthquakes,
faulting, and plate movements that are responsible for the earth’s major
geological features such as mountains, valleys, etc.
I can describe and model tectonic plate movement on Earth.
5. WCE.SC.13: Find textual evidence that valleys are formed as a result
of Earth’s plate movement.
I can find textual evidence that valleys and mountains are formed as a
result of Earth’s plate movement.
5. WCE.SC.14: Find textual evidence that mountain-building has
occurred and continues to occur as a result of Earth’s plate movement.
I can analyze the use of technology (seismographs) in interpreting and
predicting plate tectonic movement through earthquake measurement.
SPI 0507.T/E.1 Select a tool, technology, or invention that was used to
solve a human problem.
I can evaluate the design of a solution (earthquake resistant building,
improved monitoring of volcanic activity) for its potential to reduce the
impacts of an earthquake, flood, tsunami, or volcanic eruption.
I can analyze and interpret maps of Earth’s mountain ranges, valleys, deep
ocean trenches, and the placement of volcanoes and earthquakes to
describe patterns of these features and their locations relative to plate
tectonic boundaries/faults (convergent, divergent, and transform).
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SPI 0507.6.1 Distinguish among the planets according to their known
characteristics such as appearance, location, composition, and apparent
Correlation with Fine Arts/Music:
5.WCE.MU.14: re: Holst’s Planets
I can create a chart that distinguishes among the planets according to
their known characteristics such as appearance, location, composition,
and apparent motion.
(Apparent motion, appearance, axis, composition, gas planets,
hemisphere, inner planets, outer planets, orbit, planets, revolve, rock
planets, rotate)
SPI 0507.6.2 Select information from a complex data representation to
draw conclusions about the planets.
I can use information from a complex data representation to compare and
contrast the planets in our solar system.
5. WCE.SC.15: Use data and categorize different bodies in our solar
system including moons, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids according
to their physical properties and motion.
I can use data and categorize bodies in our solar system other than
planets, including moons, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids according to
their physical properties and motion by constructing a chart detailing
physical properties and motion of these different celestial bodies.
(asteroid belt constellation, comet, cosmos, meteoroid, moons, seasonal
star patterns, solar system)
SPI 0507.6.3 Identify methods and tools for identifying star patterns.
I can use methods and tools to describe how stars and constellations (Ursa
Major, Ursa Minor, Polaris (north star), Orion, and telescope) appear to
move from the Earth’s perspective throughout the seasons.
5. WCE.SC.16: Construct scientific arguments to support claims about
the importance of astronomy in navigation and exploration.
I can construct scientific arguments to support claims about the
importance of astronomy in navigation and exploration to include the use
of telescopes, astrolabes, and sextants.
Human Impact on the Environment
Human Impact on the Environment
SPI 0507.2.3 Use information about the impact of human actions or
natural disasters on the environment to support a simple hypothesis,
make a prediction, or draw a conclusion.
I can research and explain how human activity (farming, mining, buildings,
park/wildland management, etc…) can affect the land and ocean in
positive and negative ways. (ecosystems, environment, oil spills, pollution,
over-population, loss of habitat, depletion of resources, acid rain, climate
change, ozone thinning, earthquakes, tsunami, tornadoes, hurricanes,
floods, and wildfires)
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Human Body Systems
Human Body Systems
5. WCE.SC.17: Identify the parts of the nervous system and their
I can identify the parts of the nervous system and their functions.
(nervous system, brain, spinal cord, neurons)
I can correctly label a diagram of the nervous system.
5. WCE.SC.18: Identify the parts of the digestive system and their
I can identify the parts of the digestive system and their functions. (teeth,
tongue, throat, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine)
I can correctly label a diagram of the digestive system.
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