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Section 7.6: The Skull Notes
The skull is composed of _____ bones that are interlocked (connected) along ____________
Sutures are ___________ joints that only occurs in the __________. It also contributes to the
compliance and ___________ of the skull
8 of these cones make up the _________ and the other 14 make up the __________ skeleton
__________: (lower jawbone) - “_________ bone that is _________ to the cranium by ligaments”
Cranium: “_________ and _________ the brain” (Shier,142)
Attached to __________ that allows you to move your head and _________
__________ sinuses- air-filled cavities in some cranial bones, they are lined by mucous membranes
are connected by passageways that lead to the nasal cavity
1. __________ bones: “forms the __________ (near the front) portion of the skull above the eyes”
The bony socket of the eye is marked by a bony elongated path that lies directly under the eyebrow
(supraorbital foramen) “where blood vessels and nerves pass to the tissues of the forehead”
Contains two frontal ________, there is one above each eye near the ___________
2. __________ bones: located on each side of the skull _________ the frontal bone
Forms __________________ of the cranium
They unite at the ____________ along the sagittal suture (dense, fibrous connective tissue joint
between the two parietal bones)
“Meet the frontal bone along the coronal suture” (separates the frontal bone and parietal bones)
3. ____________ bone:
Meets the parietal bone along the lambdoid suture (dense fibrous connective tissue joint that
connects the parietal bone and occipital bone)
___________ of the cranium
Forms __________ of skull
Nerve fibers pass from the brain to the vertebral canal and become part of the spinal cord through a
large opening called the foramen magnum
4. _____________ bones:
On each side of the skull, joins the parietal bone along the squamous suture (connects the temporal
squama with the lower border of the parietal bone)
Makes up the _________________ of cranium
Mandibular fossae: depressions that form a ________ with the rounded ends of the lower _______
Mastoid process: “provides ____________ to some muscles of the _________”
Styloid process: “gives attachment to _____________ associated with the __________ and pharynx”
_____________ process: “helps form the prominence of the __________ and joins the zygomatic
5. ____________ bone: “forms base of the cranium, __________ of the skull, and the floors and
sides of the orbits” and contains two sphenoidal ________. A portion of this bone will form a sella
turcica in which a pituitary _________ will fill in the indentation.
Section 7.6: The Skull Notes
6. __________ bone: located ___________ to the sphenoid bone and contain ethmoidal sinuses
-Cribriform Plates: form a portion of the roof of the __________ cavity
-Crista Galli: functions in attachments of ____________ and ____________ the __________ of the
-Perpendicular plate forms a portion of the nasal septum
-Superior nasal conchae: scroll-shaped bones attached to lateral walls of nasal cavity and support
mucous membranes of the nose
Facial Skeleton:
has 13 _________ bones and a ___________ lower jaw and create the structure of the face and
provide attachments for muscles that control facial movements/_____________
___________: forms the ________ jaw and some parts make up the hard palate (“bones of the
anterior roof of the mouth”), floors of the orbits and nasal cavities, and they house sockets of the
upper _________. The ____________ process creates an arch that will contain the teeth
_________ Bones: __-shaped bones located ________ the maxillae which form the posterior part of
the hard palate and the nasal cavities and its walls
____________ Bones: form the noticeable parts of the _______ below and by the eyes and help in
the formation of walls and floors of the orbital cavity. Each bone has a temporal process and will join
together to form the zygomatic arch (____________)
4. __________ bones: ________ bone, located __________ the eye socket closer to the walls of the
__________ cavity.
5. __________ bones: _______ thin and long bones that makes up the ________ of the nose by
joining along the _____________
6. __________ bone: very thin, located at the midline inside the nasal cavity. Forms the nasal
__________ when combined with the __________ bone.
7. ___________ nasal conchae: Locate toward the inferior (________) of the nasal cavity. Small and
________. They hold important _________ membranes.
8. _________: the _________ jaw. Consists of two parts:
______________ condyle (top part closest to the ________) : attached to muscles that allow
Coronoid process (projection behind the last __________):
Alveolar arch: (dental alveoli) __________ part that houses the __________ teeth.
Infantile Skull:
An infant's skull has a slightly __________ structure, for example; the nasal cavity and jaw are
considerably smaller than an adult’s.
Thin and ___________, not as easily ___________ as a developed skull.
__________ parts of the skull that are not __________ developed yet. They are _______ and
___________. This allows for better transfer of ___________ and ________ passage through the
____________ ____________.