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Aprisa SR
Product Roadmap [COMPANY INTERNAL]
May 2012
Aprisa SR: summary of recent updates (1 of 2)
What is it?
Benefits and KSP
Released /
Access request/
access grant
channel access
A new method to control the
traffic and how the network
shares a common access
Enhanced performance in SCADA systems;
Contention free access;
Improved throughput
Q4, 2011
Network status
Enhancements to SuperVisor
that provides a single page
network health status, with
the ability to drill down to
investigate problems
A single page snapshot of network status;
Displays vital information without the
expense of a higher order SNMP NMS;
Ability to ‘drill down’ into issues reduces
fault resolution time
Terminal server
Provides the ability to
transport IP over serial, or
serial over IP
Enables the customer to terminate serial
data on the LAN at the base station – ease
of integration with head end systems;
Removes the need for additional third party
Remotely update firmware
on the entire network,
managed from the base
No longer require ‘truck rolls’ to update the
‘Non-intrusive’ distribution mechanism
minimises disruption to customer traffic
while distributing new firmware
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Q4, 2011
Q4, 2011
Q4, 2011
Aprisa SR: summary of recent updates (2 of 2)
What is it?
Benefits and KSP
Released /
Multiple repeater
Supports multiple one-hop
repeaters when using the
Access request / access
grant channel access mode
Improved repeater performance to extend
coverage or overcome path obstructions;
Multiple one hop repeaters are supported
throughout the network;
Repeaters can support an RTU
Q2, 2012
Updated protected station
hardware improves operation
New design provides a more robust switching
Improved protection of the protection switch
April 2012
New Protected
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Aprisa SR: summary of new features
What is it?
Benefits and KSP
Released /
Over-the-air rekeying
Change the encryption key
over-the-air for the entire
Continually changing the security key
increases security;
Over-the-air re-keying eliminates ‘truck rolls’,
enables frequent key changes;
Easily managed via SuperVisor
Q3, 2012
protected station
Repeater and remote
stations can be configured as
a protected station
Provides a redundancy option for key
outstation and repeater sites
Q3, 2012
Enhanced overthe-air
Applying compression
techniques to the over-the-air
traffic reduces the overhead
of Ethernet packets
Increases throughput by significantly
reducing the Ethernet overhead, enabling
more Ethernet RTUs to be connected to a
Q3, 2012
management of
protected station
Provides a mechanism to
mange the protected station
as a single entity, rather than
logging into the radios
Simplifies management of the protected
Q3, 2012
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Aprisa SR: summary of new features (2)
What is it?
Benefits and KSP
Released /
Layer 3 filtering
Filter IP traffic at layer 3
Improves network efficiency, reduces the
traffic across the air
Q1, 2013
Supports the v3 SNMP
standard with security to
network management
Security functionality included in SNMPv3
provides an extra layer of security for
network management systems
Q1, 2013
Extends SNMPv3 support by
adding encryption
Takes SNMP to the next level by adding
encryption to the SNMP communications
Q3, 2013
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Aprisa SR roadmap: OTA re-keying
Provides the ability to change security
keys remotely throughout the network
Managed through new ‘security’ menu
item in SuperVisor
‘Manager’ page for key management
‘Distribution’ page for key distribution
Follows the same process as OTA
software upgrades
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
OTA re-keying: what this means to the customer
• Continually changing security keys increases security
• OTA re-keying makes this process simpler
• Eliminates the need for ‘truck rolls’
• Customers are more likely to regularly change their security keys
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Aprisa SR roadmap: simple management of the protected station
Manage both radios through one SuperVisor
session, simple user interface
Log into either radio IP address
Configuration details of both radios shown in
single view
Changes common to both radios are shown
as a single box and changed on both radios,
For radio specific parameters, Primary radio
is shown on the left and Secondary radio on
the right
Benefit: Managing the protected station is
much simpler
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Aprisa SR: compression background
With the move to IP based RTUs, the traffic over the air is significantly
increasing, reducing the number of Ethernet RTUs that can be supported
in a single network,
This is turn means more base station sites, which translates to increased
costs for customers to add new points of presence,
It is not the Ethernet based SCADA protocols causing the increased
traffic, but the Ethernet headers wrapped around the protocol and
standard Ethernet operation (TCP and UDP),
Compression techniques can significantly reduce the Ethernet header
overhead by removing information before transmitting and recreating it at
the other end, a learning process,
In examples with Iberdrola, the number of remotes jumped from 14
remotes without compression to 22 with compression.
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Aprisa SR: compression details
Compression provides significant improvements
Over the air (OTA) packet length for serial data is typically 28 bytes for a ‘poll’ message:
• 6 bytes of Data
• 22 bytes of Radio
For a 6 byte IEC 104 ‘test frame’ carried as IP the OTA packet length is 86 bytes.
Compression reduces this to 26 bytes
Compression techniques:
• Radio Network and Ethernet – Proprietary
• TCP/IP ROHC v2 (Robust Header Compression v2. RFC4995, RFC5225, RFC4996)
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Looking to the future
Customers are seeking to monitor more points
in their network.
Additional services are being investigated to
be added to the telemetry network.
Small set of specific combinations of IEC
60870-5-104 protocol settings and topologies
can stretch existing capabilities.
The meet these demands, building on the
excellent base of the Aprisa SR, the Aprisa
SR+ is being developed, with increased
capacity and functions to further strengthen
the 4RF point-to-multipoint offering.
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
The next generation
Highest capacity in the market, delivering over 120 kbps of gross data, using QAM
modulation techniques for speed and robustness
Adaptive modulation and automatic transmit power control ensures the maximum
bandwidth is provided in the ever changing RF environment
High power – 10W PA design ensures optimal coverage through all modulation types
© 2012 4RF Limited | COMPANY INTERNAL
Thank you