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Things to Remember
When working with digital images
What’s your output device?
We prepare images based on our intended use
Output device
• Images for PRINT
• Should have a higher resolution
• Usually in CMYK color mode
• Usually have a lower resolution
• Use RGB color mode
Points to Remember
• Create Archival Master
• Scanned at highest level possible - appropriate for
your environment
• Save in uncompressed file format (psd, tiff, eps)
• Create all derivative files from the archival
• Back-up Archival Master
Points to Remember
• Image for the web
• Must be compressed, optimized and saved
in a file format readable by browsers
• Compression?
The process of reducing the amount of information needed to
display an image file. Compression shrinks the file size which
results in faster download times.
• Lossless Compression method
• Lossy Compression method
Points to Remember
• Optimize?
• The process of selecting the correct file format,
resolution, quality settings for an image so that it
is efficient and usable on the web.
• The ultimate goal is to find a balance between
file size and image quality.
Graphic File Formats
Common Web File Formats
Ideal for images with flat areas of color such as logos,
illustrations and cartoons. Supports transparency and
animation. Uses lossless compression to reduce the file size.
Ideal format for photographs or graphics with subtle
gradients. This format supports millions of colors and uses
lossy compression to reduce the file size.
PNG-8 similar to GIF and PNG-24 similar to JPEG format.
• Images for digital display typically have a
lower resolution (72 ppi)
• Image pixels map one-to-one with the
display resolution of a monitor
• Monitor resolution varies by platform and
user configuration
• Monitor resolutions
High resolution graphics – not needed online. They just
appear larger on screen and take up more file size and