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The Roman Republic:
Learning Goals
• Describe how geography influenced
Rome’s development
• Explain the main institutions of the Roman
• Describe how the Punic Wars helped
increase Roman power
6.1 - The Roman Republic
A.P. World History A
Mr. Schabo
Crestwood High School
Origins of Rome
• Rome built on seven
rolling hills in the
middle of the
Apennine peninsula
(da boot)
• Founded by
The First Romans
• 1000-500 B.C.: Three
groups inhabit the
• Latins built the original
settlement of Rome
atop a hill called
Paletine…these guys
are considered the first
The First Romans - Continued
• Greeks controlled
southern Italy & Sicily.
• Etruscans controlled the
north. They were
metalworkers and
engineers, and gave
The Roman Republic Is Born!
• In 509 B.C., a tyrannical king was driven
from power in Rome. The Romans decide
that they will never again live under a king.
• Romans formed a republic -
• Two groups vied for power: patricians,
wealthy landowners, and plebians, the
farmers, artisans, and merchants
The Republic, Continued
• Patricians allowed plebians to form their own
assembly and elect representatives called
tribunes. These tribunes looked after the rights
of the plebians.
• Plebians pushed for
• The laws were written on twelve tablets (tables)
and hung in the Roman Forum for all to see.
They symbolized
The Republic - Continued
• The Roman Republic combined the
features of a monarchy with the features of
an aristocracy and a democracy…they
called it a balanced government.
• Consuls were responsible for running the
government and commanding the army.
Limited to a one year term.
• Dictators were chosen to run things in
times of emergency, limited to a six month
The Senate
• Aristocratic branch of
Rome’s government.
• Later, plebians were
allowed in the senate.
• Assemblies represented
all who were not
patricians and helped
make laws.
The Military
• Great value was placed on the military.
• Landowners were forced to serve in the army,
and certain public officials
• Organized into legions – groups of 5000
soldiers, with cavalry supporting each legion!
Roman Dominance In The
• Rome eventually drove out the
Greeks and conquered the
Etruscans, dominating the Italian
• Rome quickly became a trading
state, roaming the Mediterranean for
raw materials and manufactured
goods like wine and olive oil.
• Carthage,
The Punic Wars
• Rome battled Carthage in a long series of
wars known as the Punic Wars. (264-146 B.C)
• Lead by Hannibal,
• With the help of its allies, Rome defeated the
Carthaginian army, giving it complete control
over the Western Mediterranean Sea.