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Rome – Growth of an Empire
Fight for Power
• By 350 BCE, the Romans
began to extend their rule
beyond their city.
• The power of Rome soon
came in contact with
Carthage – in Northern
• After a series of three
wars known as the Punic
Wars, Rome, the winner,
became the dominant
force in the
A Shaky Republic
• The Roman Republic ruled vast amounts of
territory for nearly 500 years. However, the
republic began to fall apart.
– Senators corrupt and abusing their power
– Citizens felt their voices were not being heard
– Generals were competing for power
Julius Caesar
• Gaius Julius Caesar was a popular
general and consul, who won
battles and new territory for
• Caesar was so powerful, that in
45 BCE, he took his army into the
city of Rome to “restore order
and pride for Roman citizens”.
• The Senate was coerced into
appointing Caesar dictator for 10
• On March 15, 44 BCE, afraid of his
increasing power, members of
the Senate assassinated Julius
Civil War Breaks Out
• Power was left to Octavian,
Caesar’s nephew – Marc
Antony, Caesar’s friend
contested this decision.
• In 41 BCE, Marc Antony fled
to Egypt where he joined
forces with Cleopatra.
• Antony & Cleopatra’s forces
were defeated by Octavian’s
forces – and they each
committed suicide (30 BCE)
rather than being captured.
An Empire Is Born
• By 27 BCE, Octavian became
more powerful than Julius
• Octavian kept the Senate
happy by working with them.
• He changed his name to
“Augustus” – meaning exalted
one, or powerful position.
• Although Rome still had
representatives, power rested
the hands of an emperor, who
took the title “Caesar”, in
honor of Julius Caesar.
Rome Under Augustus
Augustus ruled the Roman Empire for
more than 40 years – known as the
Augustan Age.
During this time, the empire continued to
expand and protect its land.
The powerful Roman army defeated one
enemy after another. Soldiers were well
These forces were divided into legions,
army units that numbered about 6,000
men each. The legions were divided into
smaller units that could be moved swiftly.
As Rome’s population grew, its army also
expanded in size and strength. Under the
leaderships of ambitious generals, Rome’s
highly trained soldiers set out to conquer
new territories one by one.
Rome now controlled all the land around
the Mediterranean and into western
Europe and Britain.
The Augustan Age
Architects and engineers built new public
buildings, baths, arenas, temples,
amphitheaters, the colosseum, aqueducts,
lighthouses, and roads.
To bring new treasures home – and to keep
control over the empire – Rome built a
communications network of roads and ships.
Throughout the empire trade increased: olive
oil, wine, pottery, marble, grain, glass,
Literature became a focus with the epic
poem the Aeneid by Virgil - about the
founding of Rome.
Augustus succeeded in bringing peace and
wise leadership to Rome and her conquered
lands or provinces. Locals customs were not
changed making Roman domination less
For the next 200 years – some emperors
continued these policies. These were good
times for citizens of Rome. The came to be
known as the “Pax Romana” or Roman