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• Rome is a city located in central Italy.
• Italy is a peninsula located in Southern
Europe jutting into the Mediterranean Sea.
• The Apennines Mountains splits Italy in
two down the middle
Early Rome
• The Greeks settled in Southern Italy.
• A people known as the Etruscans lived in
Northern Italy.
• The Etruscans took control of Rome in 650
B.C. and they turned it into a City.
• The Etruscans were a big influence on the
• Including things like the clothing styles,
alphabet, and ways to set up the army.
Early Rome
• In 509 B.C. the Romans overthrew the
Etruscans and established a Republic.
• Over the next 250 years Rome was constantly at
war and expanding until they controlled all of the
Italian Peninsula.
• They were smart about it.
• They either made the conquered people Roman
citizens or made them allies, free to rule
themselves as long as they sent soldiers when
Rome needed them.
Social Structure
• Patricians – wealthy landowners
• Plebeians – Less wealthy landowners,
small farmers, craftspeople, merchants
• Slaves – Rome used more slaves than
other ancient empires.
• Consuls – 2 Men elected every year – ran the
government and led the Army in battle.
• Praetors – in charge of laws
• Roman Senate – A group of about 300
patricians who made laws
• Roman Law – Laws that were expanded as
Rome grew. Included things like innocent until
proven guilty and right to defend yourself before
a judge.
• Roman Law is still used today in parts of the
Greeks were artistic and free thinking.
Romans were practical.
Punic Wars
• Series of wars between Rome and
• Carthage, in North Africa, controlled a
large trading empire. It was originally a
Phoenician settlement. Punicus is latin for
• 1st Punic War – Rome kicked Carthage out
of Sicily after it built a fleet and beat
• 2nd Punic War
• Rome encourage one of Carthage
Spanish Allies to revolt.
• Carthage best general, Hannibal, took the
war to Italy.
• He marched a large army including
elephants into Italy and stomped the
Romans in a series of battles.
• But the Romans just built more armies and
attacked in Spain and invaded Carthage.
• Carthage recalled Hannibal
• Rome defeated Hannibal in Carthage and
became masters of the Mediterranean.
• 3rd Punic War – Rome invaded and
finished off Carthage and made it a
province of Rome.