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The Roman Republic:
Learning Goals
• Describe how geography influenced
Rome’s development
• Explain the main institutions of the Roman
• Describe how the Punic Wars helped
increase Roman power
The Roman Republic
A.P. World History
Mr. Schabo
Crestwood High School
Origins of Rome
• Rome built on seven
rolling hills in the
middle of the
Apennine peninsula
(da boot)
• Founded by Romulus
and Remus – two
brothers who were
abandoned as
children and raised by
a wolf!
The First Romans
• 1000-500 B.C.: Three
groups inhabit the
– Latins
– Greeks
– Etruscans
• Latins built the original
settlement of Rome
atop a hill called
Paletine…these guys
are considered the first
The First Romans - Continued
• Greeks controlled
southern Italy & Sicily.
They brought all of Italy
into contact with Greek
• Etruscans controlled the
north. They were
metalworkers and
engineers,a nd gave
Rome its alphabet, system
of writing, and the arch in
The Roman Republic Is Born!
• In 509 B.C., a tyrannical king was driven
from power in Rome. The Romans decide
that they will never again live under a king.
• Romans formed a republic – a government
in which political power rests with citizens
who have the right to vote for leaders. In
Rome, citizens included only free-born
• Two groups vied for power: patricians,
wealthy landowners, and plebians, the
farmers, artisans, and merchants
The Republic, Continued
• Patricians allowed plebians to form their own
assembly and elect representatives called
tribunes. These tribunes looked after the rights
of the plebians.
• Plebians pushed for the laws to be written down.
Patricians didn’t like this because they could no
longer take advantage of the plebians.
• The laws were written on twelve tablets (tables)
and hung in the Roman Forum for all to see.
They symbolized the idea that all free citizens
had the right to protection of law.
The Republic - Continued
• The Roman Republic combined the
features of a monarchy with the features of
an aristocracy and a democracy…they
called it a balanced government.
• Consuls were responsible for running the
government and commanding the army.
Limited to a one year term.
• Dictators were chosen to run things in
times of emergency, limited to a six month
The Senate
• Aristocratic branch of
Rome’s government.
• Composed of 300
members from upper
class of society.
• Later, plebians were
allowed in the senate.
• Assemblies
represented all who
were not patricians
and helped make
The Military
• Great value was placed on the military.
• Landowners were forced to serve in the army,
and certain public officials were required to
serve ten years in the military to attain office!
• Organized into legions – groups of 5000
soldiers, with cavalry supporting each legion!
Roman Dominance In The
• Rome eventually drove out the
Greeks and conquered the
Etruscans, dominating the
Italian peninsula.
• Rome quickly became a
trading state, roaming the
Mediterranean for raw
materials and manufactured
goods like wine and olive oil.
• Carthage, a city in Africa,
became jealous of Rome and
was determined to stop
Rome’s dominance. Before
long, the two went to war.
The Punic Wars
• Rome battled Carthage in a long series of
wars known as the Punic Wars. (264-146 B.C)
• Lead by Hannibal, the Carthaginian army
attacked Rome from Spain through the alps.
• With the help of its allies, Rome defeated the
Carthaginian army, giving it complete control
over the Western Mediterranean Sea.