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The Roman Empire
Why are the Romans so famous?
 They had a huge empire… 3 continents
 That empire achieved many things and
influenced later kingdoms and countries.
 Influential leaders
 Achievements in architecture, building
science, engineering, law.
 They were sports enthusiasts.
 They created a base language that created
5 different languages
 Christianity was born during this time.
What do we want to learn?
 The geography of Italy.
 How Rome gains control of 3
 How did the Roman Empire rise and
 What were the achievements of the
Roman culture.
Where is Rome?
 It is in Italy
 Italy is bordered by
three islands and seas
 It has a Mediterranean
 It is surrounded by
 There are 3-4 groups
of people who lived in
Ancient Italy
How they ruled:
 At first, they had republic
 Romans were made up of two groups
 Patricians were upper class
 Plebeians were the working class.
How the Republic worked:
 Two Consuls or top gov’t officials
 A Senate of elected patricians as a
lawmaking body.
 Praetors were judges
 Romans were ruled by a dictator in
times of war.
 Plebeians had the Council of Plebs,
a representative body that could veto
Roman Law
 The most important laws were called
The Twelve Tables
 The tables were shown in the forum,
or marketplace
 “innocent until proven guilty”
 The law applies to everyone or “rule
of law”
 Juris Civilis Corpus- Body of Civil Law
 Look at your worksheet from
yesterday entitled “ the Roman
Republic”. Think about how our
government is designed
 How does our government look like
the government of the Roman
Republic? Provide 3 examples.
 Name a problem that the United
States is dealing with as a
government right now.
 Do you know how the problem
started? If so, tell why.
What about the Roman Army?
The army divided into groups of 5,000 or
All men had to serve at least 2-4 years but
most members were volunteer.
How did Rome gain land?
 By slowly conquering land around
 The 1st and 2nd Punic Wars allowed
Rome to defeat the city of Carthage
and gain control of Africa and the
Mediterranean Sea
The Rise and Death of Julius Caesar
 Caesar was a general in the army in
charge of Gaul (France)
 He was part of the First Triumvirate
or political alliance of 3 people.
 The triumvirate consisted of Crassus,
Pompey, and Caesar.
 When Crassus died, Pompey and
Caesar’s armies battled for power.
 Caesar defeated Pompey’s armies
As a leader
 Caesar did many
things including
building roads, a
new calendar, and
created jobs
How he was killed
 Caesar wanted to become dictator
and abolish the republic
 His best friends decided to kill him
before he declared himself “First
Princeps” or First Citizen
The Early Empire
 Started with Caesar
 Was Julius Caesar’s
adopted son
 He defeated Mark
Antony for power
 He was born and
raised Octavian
 He changed his name
when he became
 The name Augustus
means “majestic one”
What is the Pax Romana?
 It means Roman Peace
 For 250 years, Rome did not fight a
 So, for that period of time, the
Romans created a vast trade
network, built a lot of stuff, and
created new ideas.
Good Emperors and Bad Emperors
 Good Emperors expanded the empire
and created many things
Hadrian- built a wall and the Pantheon
Trajan- improved education
Antonius Pius
Marcus Aurelius
The Bad
 Nero- persecuted Christians
 Caligula- crazy enough that the
Praetorian Guard killed him and put
Claudias in charge
 The fall of the Roman Empire started
200 years before its collapse.
 Read the opening paragraph on page
 By reading this paragraph, identify major
problems the Romans encountered years
before its collapse.
 What do you predict will be the causes of
the collapse of the Roman Empire?
Why did Rome Fall?
 Worksheet that focuses on the decline of
the Roman Empire.
 Political- problems in the government
 Social- problems that exist among citizen.
 Economic- affects the way they produce
goods and services (jobs, trade, taxes)
 Military- affects the army and their ability
to fight.
Bellringer 1/19/11
 Pg 320
 Define the word “reform”.
 Describe two ways a government
might try to reform.
 Name two ways Diocletian tried to
reform the Roman Empire.
 Define “reform”
 Describe important factors that led to
the Roman collapse
Why Did Empire Decline?
 Political Problems
 Poor leadership
 Talented people refusing to serve in
 Wealthy people stopped paying taxes
Social Problems
 More slaves as a labor force
 Lack of education
 The Romans became a lazy group of
Economic Problems
 Soldiers seized crops and a famine
 Romans bought fewer goods
 People lost jobs
 Inflation- the rising of prices
 High taxes
 Workers leaving to serve in the army
 Army leader fought each other for
 Small invasions by rivals, the Romans
lost some of their land.
 The army couldn’t afford to pay
Diocletian and Constantine
 Diocletian divided the Empire into 4
 Help the economy by controlling
wages and inflation
 Constantine moved the capital to
 Tried to end fighting among the
 split the empire into two areas
 Western Roman Empire- capital was
 Eastern Roman Empire- capital was
 The Huns invaded Eastern European
side of the empire
 Germanic tribes like Franks, anglos,
saxons, Vandals and Ostrogoths took
over Northern Europe
 The Visogoths took over Rome
 The Empire fell in about 476 a.d.
Roman Culture
 Roman Architecture
The Romans constructed domes
They used Greek style columns in their buildings
They built porches in from of their homes
 The arch was used
as support for
 They were the first
to use concrete
 They designed the
 The coloseum was
the first sports
 They wrote satires or plays that
poked fun of people
 They wrote odes or poems that
express strong emotions about life
 Copied the style of Greek writers
 Famous writers: Virgil, Horace, Livy
 Latin became a standard language for
 Today, we use many roman phrases
in the courtroom such as
jurisprudence, writ of habeas corpus,
 The Romans used juries to decide the
fate of someone