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Epilepsy Prof. Magdy Dahab August 26th, 2009 Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy What Is Epilepsy? A syndrome of recurring episodes of electrical activity of the central nervous system called seizures. Seizures may vary from mild and unnoticeable to full-scale convulsive seizures. Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Some Common Symptoms of Epilepsy Uncontrollable movements of the body Disorientation -Confusion Sudden fear Loss of consciousness Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T What Causes Epilepsy? In over 70% of cases, no cause for epilepsy has been identified. The other 30% can result from many other possibilities. Head injuries Lack of oxygen during birth Genetic conditions Lead poisoning Severe Infections (Meningitis and Encephalitis) Problems during development of the brain Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Seizures “Provoked” Metabolic disorders Hypoglycemia Electolyte imbalance Withdrawal from massive amounts of alcohol or sedatives Massive sleep deprivation High fever Hypoxia Substance abuse Excessive use of stimulants Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Seizures “Unprovoked” Birth trauma Anoxia Brain tumors Infectious diseases in the mother Parasitic infections Genetic Vascular diseases affecting the brain’s blood vessels Neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) imbalance Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Epilepsy 1-2% of people with epilepsy will have a diagnosable genetic etiology for their seizure occurrence The general incidence of epilepsy is between 1% and 4% Two major type so seizures: Generalized and Partial Generalized – uncontolled discharge of neurons on BOTH sides of brain. Seizure starts in one area and spreads across the brain. Partial – abnormal electrical activity involving only a small part of the brain - although sometimes a partial seizure can spread to the whole brain Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Generalized Seizures Tonic-clonic seizures Absence seizures Loss of muscle tone – causes person to fall down Myoclonic seizures Non-convulsive. Person may be unaware of surroundings and stare off. Lasts only 5-30 seconds Atonic seizures “grand mal” – massive discharge of neurons on both cerebral hemispheres. Body becomes rigid and jerks. “Tonic-clonic” means “stiffness-violent” “grand mal” means “great sickness” Involves motor cortex and causes twitching or jerking of certain body parts. Status epilepticus Frequent, long-lasting electrical activity with no regaining of consciousness between attacks. Very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Partial seizures Simple partial seizures “Jacksonian” or “focal” seizures. Short seizures with no loss of consciousness People may see, hear or smell something odd & their body may jerk. Complex partial seizures “Psychomotor” seizures A seizure with a change, but no loss, in consciousness. People may hear or see things or have a memory resurface. Déjà vu may occur. Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Diagnosis Diagnosis requires a thorough evaluation of patients medical history describing seizure characteristics and frequency. People suffering from epilepsy -brain waves have a characteristically abnormal rhythm. Another way epilepsy is diagnosed is through an electroencephalograph (EEG). Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of Epileptic Syndromes Focal Seizures 60% 0f Epilepsy Focal Cortical Disturbance Their origin usually determines the clinical picture Focal Spikes on eeg Primary Generalised Seizures Origin unclear either sleep spindles or hypersynchrony Commence bilaterally Spike and wave No aura Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Cerebral cortex regions Functional Areas of the Brain Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Example of Primary Generalised Epilepsy Childhood absence seizure Easy Kent Coastal PCT Complex partial seizures Epilepsy; Commonsense Logical Disabling Easy Kent Coastal PCT Examples of Focal Seizures Focal motor seizure that becomes secondarily generalised. Likely focus in right frontal lobe Easy Kent Coastal PCT Cellular Electrophysiology Membrane Potential The Na+ / K+ Pump http://www.biologymad.com/NervousSystem/nerveimpulses.htm Easy Kent Coastal PCT Cellular Electrophysiology Selectively Permeable Membrane - Channels Depolarising Shift Epileptic Focus Easy Kent Coastal PCT Easy Kent Coastal PCT Principles of Epidemiology Incidence Rate= new cases per year [n per 100,000 per year] For epilepsy is around 50 per 100,000 Point Prevalence = All cases with active epilepsy at a point in time [n per 1000]. For epilepsy is 4-6 per 1000 Active Epilepsy = to have had a seizure or treatment in the last 5 yrs Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Conditions that may look like a seizure Syncope “Psychogenic” seizures Breath-holding spells Paroxysmal REM sleep behavior Panic attacks Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T International classification of epilepsies Originally established in 1989 – currently under revision Current system comprises two major categories: Localization-related syndromes Idiopathic Symptomatic Generalized-onset syndromes Idiopathic with age-related onset Idiopathic &/or symptomatic Symptomatic Nonspecific etiology Specific syndromes Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Complex partial seizures stare into space/engage in automatisms, such as grimacing, gesturing, chewing, lip smacking last 3 minutes or less post-ictal: somnolence, confusion, headache for up to several hours Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Generalized tonic-clonic seizure No aura tonic phase x 10-20 seconds: sudden LOC, loss of posture, arms flex, eyes deviate upward extension of back, neck, arms, legs involuntary crying out ends with tremors which merge c clonic phase Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Generalized tonic-clonic seizure Clonic phase x 90 seconds: brief, violent, generalized flexor contractions alternating with progressively longer muscle relaxation cyanosis cheek or tongue biting, salivation loss of bowel, bladder control Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Generalized tonic-clonic seizure Post ictal phase x minutes to hours headache mild confusion sore muscles may sleep and feel refreshed Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Evaluation of single seizure History of event Medical History Family History Social History Physical Examination Neurological Examination Laboratory Evaluation EEG MRI Routine lab work Epilepsy Prof. Magdy Dahab 26 Treatment and Prognosis Antiepileptic (anticonvulsant) medications Carbamazepine (Tegretol) Clobazam (Frisium) Clonazepam (Rivotril) Diazepam (Valium) Divalproex sodium (Depakote) Ethosuximide (Zarontin) Phenobarbital (many different names) Phenytoin (Dilantin) Valproic Acid (Depakene) Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Special topics in the Management of Epilepsy 1. Woman and Epilepsy Pregnancy and epilepsy. 1. Pre-conceptual Care ensure pregnancies are planned [high dose oestrogen pills if necessary, 4 packs of COC consecutively with 4 day pill free interval, Depo-provera every 10 weeks not 12.] Discuss modification of AED to reduce number and total dose Advise oral folic acid 5mg daily when intending pregnancy Belfast Register ….www.epilepsyandpregnancy.com Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Special Topics in the Management of Epilepsy Ante-Natal Care Continue 5mg Folic acid until at least 12 weeks Adjust AED if necessary on medical grounds Monitoring of plasma levels is not usually necessary [SIGN guidelines] Offer serum screening at 16weeks and anomaly scan at 18-22 weeks Prescribe oral vit K 20mg a day from 36weeks in on enzyme inducing AED Prolonged seizures can be controlled by IV Diazepam [ rectally is OK if IV access not possible] Belfast Register ….www.epilepsyandpregnancy.com Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Special Topics in the Management of Epilepsy Intra-Partum Care Continue usual AED regime during labour Control seizures with i.v. diazepam Early decision for LSCS if seizures uncontrolled Offer same range of analgesics as available to other mothers Give infant vitamin K 1mg IM at birth Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Special Topics in the Management of Epilepsy Post Partum Care Encourage breast feeding Offer advice for safe settings for feeding, bathing etc. Review AED and contraceptive regimens Encourage pre-conceptive care for future pregnancies Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Special topics in the Management of Epilepsy Catamenial seizures- “the clustering of epileptic seizures in relation to the menstrual cycle” Seizure control is worse in anovulatory cycles Oestrogen- inhibits GABA, potentiates glutaminergic transmission, increases neuronal metabolism and discharge rates and promotes kindling. Progesterone- its metabolites are barbiturate like ligands at GABA receptor, reduces neuronal transmission and discharge rate, suppresses kindling and inhibits epileptic discharges Seizures likely when oestrogen/progesterone ratio is highest Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Sexual dysfunction in epilepsy Hypo sexuality – surveys suggest 22-67% reduction in sexual interest Erectile Dysfunction – occurs in 57%[ Toone et al 1989], up to 83% in TLE Sexual Functioning in Males [1989] Previous SI 56% [compared to 98% controls] S.I. in the previous month 43% [compared to 91% in controls] Previous erectile dysfunction 57% [compared to 18% controls] Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Social Aspects of Epilepsy o Occupational – Unemployment, poor jobseeking skills, Non competitive, unskilled manual employment as a result of disadvantaged education, pressure of keeping current job o Social – Social isolation as a result of no driving licence, unable to drink alcohol, stigma o Tiredness o Over protective parents Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Employment Disability Discrimination Act 1995 & 1996 Disability is defined as; “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect upon one’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.” Substantial is more than minor and long term is longer than 12 months Exclusions; Hay fever, tendency to set fires or steal, physical or sexual abuses of others Disability Discrimination Help Line Tel: 0345 622644 Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Driving Collapse at the wheel CVA 8% Heart 9% Diabetes 17% Blackout 22% Epilepsy 38% Others 7% Group1 Driving Licence- Must be 1 yr seizure free with a medical review before restarting or only nocturnal seizures for 3 yrs Group 2- Withdrawn for 10 yrs and can be re-issued if 10yrs seizure freedom and has not taken AD during the time or does not have a continuing liability to epileptic seizures Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Driving AED Withdrawal Risk of developing seizure increases by 40% so advise patients not to drive during withdrawal and for 6 months afterwards Confidentiality If patients continues to drive inform patient not to If continues to drive advise if continues will inform DVLA [copy of warning letter to patient and GP] If still continues advise will inform DVLA and do so [occurs very exceptionally] Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Carbamazepine Partial Epilepsy – Not for Absence or Myoclonic Jerks Start at 100-200mg a day increase slowly S/E- diplopia, nausea, headache, dizziness Idiosyncratic reactions possible [up to 10%] Monitoring needed- increase ‘Chrono’ dose Beware of interactions Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Clobazam Used intermittently Extra cover for catamenial seizures, stressfull events , clusters of attacks Dose- 10mg [SLS] once or twice a day for 3 days Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Clonazepam Limited role due to tolerance, sedation and withdrawal seizures Usually reserved for refractory seizures especially Myoclonic jerks Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Ethosuximide Indication – Absence seizures [hence paediatric field usually] Introduce slowly 500mg daily increasing to 12 g a day Side Effects – GI and CNS Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Gabapentin Add on therapy for partial seizures only Dose starts at 300mg a day and increases to 1800-2400 mg a day with t.d.s dosing No interactions[ not metabolised] Side effects – well tolerated occas. drowsiness, dizziness, diploplia, ataxia and headaches ? Efficacy Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Lamotrigine Broad spectrum and first line [ less teratogenic than VPA] Dosing – slow to minimise side effects usually 25mg a day increasing every 2 weeks, b.d. dosing. Max dose around 400mg a day. Interactions – VPA , CBZ and PHT Idiosyncratic reactions in up to 5% Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Piracetam Need a wheelbarrow ! Indications – refractory myoclonus Dose – 7.2g in t.d.s. dosage, increasing weekly to 12-24 g/day!! No known interactions Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Phenytoin Was considered first line for partial seizures Poor side effect profile- rash , liver toxicity. blood dyscrasias, cosmetic changes, neurotoxicity etc Dosing difficulties – saturation kinetics Many interactions Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Phenobarbitone [and Mysoline] World-wide best seller for partial seizures Side –effects largely unacceptable- effects on cognition, mood and behaviour. Also arthritic changes, dupytrons contracture, frozen shoulder Interactions- accelerates metabolism of many lipid soluble drugs Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Sodium Valproate Broad Spectrum and Powerful [ no-longer first line in women] Dose – 300- 500mg a day, usually bd dosage Side effects- tremor, wt. gain, POS, possible hepatotoxicity, blood dyscrasias and pancreatitus Interactions- can inhibit liver enzymes Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of established Anti Epileptic Drugs Vigabatrin Tertiary Care Initiation Peripheral field loss [permanent in up to 40%] Used for very resistant cases or in infantile spasms Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of the Newer Anti Epileptic Drugs Topiramate Second line – Broad Spectrum [5 mechanisms of action] Dose starts at 25mg a day -2 in 3 tolerate it slowly increased to 200-400mg a day Side effects- Irritability, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, cognitive slowing, speech impairment, weight loss and paraesthesia. Beware of kidney stones [occurs in 4 %] Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of the Newer Anti Epileptic Drugs Oxcarbazepine- analogue of CBZ Indications – same as CBZ, may worsen absence and myoclonic epilepsy. Dose – start at 300mg a day and increase to 900 – 2400mg a day as needed Side effects – hyponatraemia, headaches, occas. rashes and teratogenicity Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Overview of the Newer Anti Epileptic Drugs Levetiracetam – Piracetam derivative Licensed as second line for refractory partial epilepsy but is broad spectrum Dose- start at 125mg [half a tab] a day and build up to max of 3,000mg if needed Side effects – no known idiosyncratic reactions may cause somnolence, irritability [initially] Interactions – Nil definite ?? CBZ and PHT Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T STATUS EPILEPTICUS Definition Most epileptic seizures stop with minutes Continuous seizures >10 mins Does not recover between recurrent seizure Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Type Generalized Generalized tonic-clonic, absence, myoclonic ,tonic,atonic,akinetic,clonic Partial onset Simple complex Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T on vu ls alc ant oh wi ol thd ce wit raw re hd al br ra ov w as al m cul eta ar bo tra lic um CN S d a in ru fe g cti on t u c pr ong mor io en r e it p al id ilep io sy pa th ic an tic Cause 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Treatment of protocol 0 min: hx of recent seizures,impaired cons,observe 10 mins,start EEG as soon as possible 5 mins:iv set normal saline or dextrose solution 10 mins:lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg iv push (<2mg/min) Epilepsy problem solving in clinical practice-Dieter Schmidt and Steven C Schachter Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Treatment protocol 25 mins : phenytoin 20 mg/kg slow iv push (<50 mg/min) or fosphenytoin iv push fast 150 mg/min,monitor BP,ECG during infusion If continuing: another 5 mg/kg phenytoin,can give twice,to a maximun dose of 30 mg/kg Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Treatment of protocol 60 mins:phenobarbital 20 mg/kg iv push Support respiration,on endo Phenobarbital 5~15 mg/kg Phenobarbital 0.5~5 mg/kg/hr for maintain Continuous infusion of propofol or midazolam Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T Thank You www.magdydahab.com Prof. Magdy Dahab Epilepsy Eas y Ken t Co ast al PC T