Download Leadership Qualities - K. L. N. College of Engineering

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Leadership Qualities
Qualities of a Leader
Becoming the Person
Others Will Want to Follow
Effective leadership skills are needed more
than ever to stay ahead of the competition
“If you can become the leader you ought
to be on the inside, you will be able to
become the person you want on the
outside. People will want to follow you.
And when that happens, you’ll be able
to tackle anything in this world.”
The essence of leadership is service to
As a leader, you exist to:
– Inspire others to strive for excellence
– Ensure the work environment is safe, challenging,
and fair
– Teach, mentor, provide guidance
True leaders put the welfare of the group
ahead of their own self-interest
Great leaders enhance institutional
capability by driving the actions of others to
achieve greatness
 Create and establish strategies
 Ensure effectiveness and efficiency
 Communicate openly and often
 Build solid relationships
 Act with integrity and fairness
 Provide counsel and direction
 Motivate, coach and develop others
 Produce results, meet objectives and
exceed goals
“How can you have charisma?
Be more concerned about making others
feel good about themselves
than you are making them feel good about
Any leader can get work done by barking
Simplify your Message- It’s not what you
say, but also how you say it.
Really Care about your Audience
Show the Truth- Believe what you say,
Live what you say
Seek a Response- the goal of all
communication is action
Qualities Leaders Posses To Make
Things Happen:
They Know What They Want
They Push Themselves to Act
They Take More Risks
They Make More Mistakes
you can dream it,
you can do it.”