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Tang and Song Dynasties
 What were the achievements of the Tang Dynasty?
 What were the achievements of the Song Dynasty?
 What were the major beliefs of Daoism, Legalism and
 Korea, Vietnam, and Tibet- tributary states
 Rulers had to acknowledge Chinese supremacy & send
tribute to emperor
 Used civil service exam to recruit officials
 Land reform- broke up land and redistributed to
 System of canals- trade and transportation
 Grand Canal- longest waterway dug by human labor
Tang Dynasty Decline
 Corruption
 High taxes
 Drought
 Famine
 Rebellions
Song Dynasty
 New strains of rice
 Improved irrigation methods
 Food surpluses
 Foreign trade
Chinese Society
 Gentry- Wealthy landowning class
 Revival of Confucian thought
 Peasants- worked the land, lived on what they
 Social mobility through education and government
 Merchants According to Confucianism, even lower class than
peasants because their riches came from the labor of
Chinese Achievements
 Mechanical Clock- used a complex series of wheels,
shafts and pins turning at a steady rate to tell exact
Chinese Achievements
 Gunpowder
 Made from sulfur and charcoal. First used in fireworks
and later in weapons
Chinese Achievements
 Block Printing and Movable Type
 Block Printing- a full page of characters was carved onto
a wooden block.
 Movable type- made up of precut characters that were
combined to form a page.
Arts in China
 Balance and harmony through simple strokes
 Landscape artists- capture essence of natural world
 Buddhist themes
 Mastered porcelain making
Literature in China
 Works on philosophy, religion, history
 Li Bo- Greatest Tang poet; wrote over 2,000 poems.
Silk Road 4x4
 Fold your paper into 4 squares.
 Square 1- Draw a map of where the Silk Road existed.
Describe location and growth of Silk Road.
 Square 2- What goods were passed along the silk road?
 Square 3-How did cultures pass along the silk road?
 Square 4- How did disease pass along the silk road?