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Chapter 15 Review
Mr. Meza
7th Grade World History
Topic #1
1. What is a dynasty?
• A ruling family
2. How did the Tang dynasty build on
the accomplishments of the Sui
• The Tang dynasty established a strong central
3. Who was able to govern during the
Song dynasty ?
• Because of meritocracy, anyone was able to
4. The reasons why the Yuan dynasty
was not able to fill government jobs
with Mongols.
• Mongols were illiterate (cannot read or write)
• Not enough Mongols
5. China faced problems and division
between what two dynasties?
• Tang and Song
Topic #2
Cause and Effect
6. What happened to China after the
fall of the Han dynasty?
• Like Europe after the fall of Rome, China broke
into different kingdoms
7. What was the consequence of losing
the Mandate of Heaven?
• Dynasties lost the right to rule.
8. What happened to the Han dynasty
after placing corrupt government
• Farmers rebelled
• Lost the Mandate of Heaven
9. What was is an aristocrat and why
were they favored to help govern?
• A person with plenty of wealth
• Family connections and married into imperial
10. What Chinese philosopher was
influential in the rise of scholar
• Confucius
Topic #3
11. What kinds of questions were
Chinese asked on the civil service
• Poetry
• Legal issues
• Administrating issues
12. Which dynasty introduced the civil
service examination?
• The Han dynasty
13. What is a bureaucrat?
• A governing person with authority.
14. What is meritocracy?
• Rule by officials of proven merit.
15. What is the Mandate of Heaven?
• Heaven supported the dynasty for as long as
the emperor ruled well
16. What was a weakness of the civilservice system?
• Because it was based on tradition and not
17. Chinese dynasties
Tang 618-907
Song 960-1279
Yuan 1279-1368
Ming 1368-1644
18. How were rulers expected to treat
their subject?
• With respect.