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China’s Earliest
► Using
pages 328 – 329
► List how the Shang Dynasty began to shape
the Chinese Civilization
3 items for each
Achievements of the Shang
 Dynastic Rule began (page 329)
of Heaven - Zhou
 Built palaces, temples, & royal burial sites
 Battled nomadic invaders
with wheeled chariots (Middle East?)
 Supervised irrigation & flood control projects
people strengthened rule
Mandate of Heaven:
ancestors in heaven chose their leaders,
granted right to rule
loyalty was exchanged for good government
like “Divine Right of Kings” in Western Europe
Achievements of the Shang
 Shang Di chief God
 King served as the link between heaven &
Earth to please the gods
home to gods and spirits
 Priests used Oracle Bones to consult with
ancestors (page 328)
.html - Oracle Bones website
Achievements of the Shang
► Achievements:
 Developed their own form of writing
 Ideographs: symbols to express ideas such as
beauty, joy & justice
 Accurate calendar
 Bronze making
 Silk
 pottery
Random videos
► Silk
Road 2:34
► Inventions 2:31
► Great Wall of China History Channel
► History of The Great Wall of China
Three Chinese Schools
of Thought & Buddhism
Discovery Atlas: Short Stories: China
Schools of Thought Overview Video
► China’s
best known philosopher
► Born around 551BC
► Developed ideas about how to restore peace
and ensure harmony in Analects
► Taught 5 relationships must govern human
 Hierarchy: any system of persons
or things ranked above
one another
► Taught
5 relationships must govern human
 Relationships
& ruled
►Father & son
►Older brother & younger brother
►Husband & wife
►Friend & friend
► The
superior person should set the example
for the inferior person
► Family and society should be placed above
the individual
► Filial Piety: the duty and respect that
children owe their parents
► Importance
on Education
► Education shapes Chinese government
 Forbidden City Video 2:40
► Civil
Service Exam: merit (page 339 Exam Time)
 To ensure officials shared Confucius traditions and values - Han
► Confucian
ideas spread & influenced
cultures of Korea, Japan, & Vietnam
► Founder
of Daoism: Lao Zi
► Link between people and nature rather than
the importance of proper behavior
► The
Way of Virtue
► Dao
means the way
 “Those who know the Dao do no speak of it;
those who speak of it do not know it”
 Quote p. 331
Fireworks 2:38
Yin and Yang (reading)
 Immortality
Tai Chi Video 2:45
Hungry Ghost (reading)
Made advances in science
and technology
Developed magnetic
May have Invented
Influenced art
► Best
Government few
 Rules artificial
► Han
Feizi- most famous Legalism writer
 The ruler alone possesses power wielding it like
lightning and thunder
► Rejected
Confucian ideas about proper
► Harsh laws imposed by a strong leader
would ensure order
► In 221 Qin emperor used to unite China
 Shi Huangdi – video Devine Recognition
 Ascending the Throne – Qin’s Legacy
Han Feizi
Great Wall Website
Shi Huangdi
Xian Tombs of Qin Dynasty
► The
Terracotta Army or the "Terracotta
Warriors and Horses" is a collection of
terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of
Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China.
► Website
– Video – Video
► One
of the few foreign influences to
impact China - Han
► The three Chinese schools of thought
dealt with life on Earth, Buddhism was the
only one that offered an escape from
suffering of Earthly life
► Promised salvation for the good and
punishment for the wicked
► Buddhism
blended with Chinese beliefs and
► Chinese could accept diverse ideas
Kung Fu
Similarities between Chinese
Schools of Thought
► All
offered ideas about how to build an
orderly society