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World History I
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the civilizations of Persia, India, and China,
in terms of chronology, geography, social
structures, government, economy, religion,
and contributions to later civilizations by
describing the impact of Confucianism,
Taoism, and Buddhism.
Ancient Chinese Beliefs
 Chinese
philosophers sought ways to
understand the universe and the human
 Nature is two-sided (dualism)
Yin = female, dark, and passive
Yang = male, bright, and active
 Balance
is normal condition
(551 B.C. – 479
B.C.) was a leading
philosopher during the Zhou
 Followers collected his
teachings in a work called
the Analects.
 Confucianism emphasized:
 Confucius
family, respect for elders,
reverence for the past
virtue, or correct behavior
strong but moral government
 Daoism
Laozi [LOWD-ZOO]
shunned politics
Contemplate and appreciate
nature, harmony, balance
Be humble, quiet, and
Dao De Jing = compilation
of Laozi’s teachings
Legalism and Buddhism
 Legalism
concerned itself w/politics and
power. People were, by nature, selfish
and untrustworthy. Harsh laws were
needed to make people obey laws.
 Han Dynasty lasted so long b/c of balance
between Legalism and Confucianism?
Spread of Buddhism
 Buddhism
in China
Brought by missionaries from
India during the Han Dynasty
Mahayana Buddhists believed
Buddha to be a savior (help to
escape the miseries of the
Universal charity and
Why were Confucianism, Taoism, and
Buddhism important in the formation of
Chinese culture?
 Contributions
of Confucianism
in forming the social order in
Belief that humans are good, not
Respect for elders
Code of politeness, still used in
Chinese society today
Emphasis on education
Ancestor worship
 Contributions
of Taoism in forming
Chinese culture and values
 Humility
 Simple life and inner peace
 Harmony with nature