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Circulatory system
The circulatory system
Has 3 functions:
1. Transport – moving things around
the body in the bloodstream
2. Body temperature control – more
blood near the skin cools the body
quicker. That’s why your skin looks
redder after exercise
The circulatory system
3. Protection – moving antibodies around
the body to fight disease. Blood
clotting seals clots.
Circulatory system
Deoxygenated blood
Has less oxygen – its found in all veins
(except the pulmonary vein)
Circulatory system
Oxygenated blood
Has more oxygen – its found in all arteries
(except the pulmonary artery)
The circulatory system
• Each time a blood cell goes right around
your body, it goes through the heart twice –
that’s double circulation.
• It happens because there are two circuits….
The circulatory system
The systemic circuit is the main circuit and it
• oxygenated blood around the body in the
• Deoxygenated blood back to the heart along
the veins – this then gets reoxygenated in
the pulmonary circuit
The circulatory system
The other circuit is: The pulmonary circuit
• It includes the heart and lungs. It carries:
• Deoxygenated blood from the heart to the
lungs to oxygenated.
• The blood then goes back to the heart to be
pumped around the systemic system