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Respiratory System
Chapter 18 Section 1
You Will Learn
• To describe the structures and
functions of the respiratory system.
• To analyze the process of cellular
• To explain other functions of the
respiratory system.
• To model how air moves in and out
of the lungs.
The Respiratory System
• During the day you eat only a few
times, but you breathe thousands
of times.
• Your body cannot store much
• The Respiratory System works to
get oxygen from the environment
and remove carbon dioxide and
other waste products from your
The Respiratory System
•The respiratory
system uses both
mechanical and
chemical reactions.
•Air transported in
your lungs by a
mechanical reaction.
•Oxygen used during
chemical reactions
to release energy in
your cells!
Exchanging Oxygen & Carbon
•Oxygen enters
the body when
you inhale
•Oxygen is
then passed
through the
body through
Red Blood
• The air we breathe is about 20%
• About 80% of the air is nitrogen
• The air you exhale is mostly Carbon
• Too much Carbon Dioxide in your
body will damage cells.
• So how do Scuba divers get the
Oxygen they need to dive deep into
the ocean?
Cellular Respiration
• Uses Oxygen in chemical reactions
to release energy.
Glucose + Oxygen  Energy +
Water+ Carbon Dioxide
The Respiratory System works with
the digestive and circulatory
system to make cellular respiration
Carbon Dioxide is the waste product
and is released from the body
Structures: Nose
•Air enters
through your
•Tiny hairs called
cilia filter dirt and
other particles.
•Mucus also helps
to filter.
•Warms Air
Structures: Throat
•Also Known as
the Windpipe or
•Air travels down
on the way to the
Structures: Lungs
•Located on either
side of the heart
•Air enters through
the lungs into
structures called
bronchial tubes.
•At the end of
bronchial tubes are
tiny sacs called
•Oxygen passes
from the inside the
alveoli through the
thin walls and
diffuse into the
blood. CO2 also
Collapsed Lung
Structures : Ribs
•Protects lungs
•Very Flexible
•Is able to
expand to make
room for the
lungs to expand
and fill with air.
Structure: Diaphragm
• Stretches downward as you inhale,
which causes lungs to push
• At the same time, other muscles
draw the ribs outward and expand
the lungs. Air rushes into the
lungs, and inhalation is complete.
When the diaphragm and other
muscles relax, the process reverses
and you exhale.
Other Functions
•The respiratory
System also allows
the body to speak,
sing, sneeze, &
•Put your hand over
your throat. Can
you feel your vocal
cords vibrating?
•The vocal cords are
folds of tissues in
the larynx.
The Respiratory System
• You sneeze to clear particles out of
your nose
• A hiccup is a sudden inhalation that
makes the diaphragm contract.
– Air rushes in the throat
– The Diaphragm contracts
– The passageway between the vocal
cords closes
– This causes the hiccup sound
– Hiccups can be caused by eating too
fast, sudden temperature changes, and
Did you Know
•Your body disposes
of water waste
through the
respiratory system
through hiccups,
yawning, coughs,
•Have you ever seen
your breathe on a
cold winter day?
This is because the
water vapor you
exhale condenses
into larger droplets
when it moves from
your warm body to
the cold air.