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What is this about?
Trivia Question
What is the strongest muscle in the body?
Blood Flow
Pulmonary Circulation
Location of heart….
Purpose: To pump oxygenated
blood out to the body so that the
body can carry out its daily
functions and work properly.
Four Chambers of the Heart
 Upper Two Chambers: Left and right atriums
 Lower Two Chambers: Left and right ventricles
 Draw picture of the four squares….
Healthy Lungs
Lungs of a Smoker
 On left,
 On right,
Lung Cancer
What's in a Cigarette?
There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than
4,000 chemicals. At least 50 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are
 Many of these chemicals are also found in consumer products, but these products have
warning labels. While the public is warned about the danger of the poisons in these
products, there is no such warning for the toxins in tobacco smoke.
 Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke, and other places they are found:
 Acetone – found in nail polish remover
 Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye
 Ammonia – a common household cleaner
 Arsenic – used in rat poison
 Benzene – found in rubber cement
 Butane – used in lighter fluid
 Cadmium – active component in battery acid
 Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes
 Formaldehyde – embalming fluid
 Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid
 Lead – used in batteries
 Napthalene – an ingredient in moth balls
 Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel
 Nicotine – used as insecticide
 Tar – material for paving roads
 Toluene - used to manufacture paint
Healthy Lungs vs. Smokers
Purpose: Takes in non-oxygenated
blood and oxygenates that blood. It
then sends that oxygenated blood
back to the heart to be pumped out
to the body for use.
Blood Pressure…. High and Low
(Dehydration, severe bleeding etc.)
Arteries = “Away”
Arteries: blood vessels that carry
blood away from the heart.
Veins = “Towards you”
Veins: blood vessels that carry
blood from the body back to the
 Tiny blood vessels that carry blood from the arteries to
the body’s cells and from cells to the veins.
Pulmonary Arteries
Carry blood containing carbon
dioxide (non-oxygenated blood)
from your heart to your lungs.
Pulmonary Veins
Carry blood containing oxygenated
blood from your lungs to your
Pulmonary Circulation
Definition: the flow of blood from
the heart to the lungs and back to
the heart.
(Whiteboard Drawing of stickman,
lungs and heart)
Flow of Blood Through Heart
Blood flows to the heart
through the Superior and
Inferior Vena Cava, into
the RIGHT ATRIUM, then
drops into the RIGHT
then pumped to the lungs
through the PULMONARY
ARTERY. From the lungs, the
blood returns to the heart through
flows into the LEFT ATRIUM, then
drops down to the LEFT
VENTRICLE. From the left
ventricle the blood is pumped
to the body through the AORTA.
 A tissue that prevents the back flow of blood into the
 They open and close to
let the blood flow in only
one direction.
 **** Think of them like
a traffic cop….
Liver and Kidneys
 Wastes from your blood
are carried to these for
removal from your body.
Trivia Question
How far would all your blood
vessels stretched out be?
100,000 miles!!!
That’s enough to circle
the Earth four times!!
Trivia Question
How many times does your blood
cycle through in one day?
*1,000 cycles in one day!!
*Roughly 100,000
heartbeats in one day.
 Hypertension: Blood pressure
higher than normal for a long
 Can lead to a heart attack,
stroke, and kidney failure.
 Heart Attack: Stoppage of flow of blood to the heart.
 Stroke: Cluster of blood
cells (blood clot) blocks
blood vessel in brain.
Heart Video (2:56)
 Diabetes: The body does not produce enough insulin
that allows glucose (food broken down) into the cells.
So, even though the blood has plenty of glucose, the
cells are not getting it for their essential energy and
growth requirements because of the lack of insulin.
 Insulin helps with glucose transport (getting energy out
to the body)
 Type I: a disorder in which the body does not produce insulin (a
hormone that aids in moving sugar from the blood to the cells).
Those with Type I Diabetes are required to take insulin injections
to move sugar from the bloodstream. (Usually you are born with
Type I).
 Type II: occurs when insulin that the body produces is less
efficient at moving sugar out of the bloodstream. Usually caused
from obesity. Those with Type II treat with exercise, eating
healthier, weight loss.
Diabetes (cont’d)
 When glucose builds up
in the bloodstream, it can
cause two problems:
 in the short term, cells
become starved for energy
because they do not have
access to the glucose
 in the long term, frequent
glucose build-up increases the
acidity of the blood, damaging
many of the body's organs,
including the eyes, kidneys,
nerves and/or heart
Trivia Question
What is the #1 cause of death in
 Cardiovascular Disease: The build up of plaque in
the arteries that causes a stop of blood flow resulting
in a stroke or heart attack.
 THE #1 cause of death in America.
 Primary cause of cardiovascular disease = Not exercising
 What can you argue is the most important class of your
Blood Pressure
Normal BP is 115/75
Diastolic Pressure
Minimum pressure in
arteries; occurs at the
beginning of the cardiac
cycle when the ventricles are
relaxing (filling up with
Systolic Pressure
Peak pressure in the arteries;
occurs near the end of the
cardiac cycle when the
ventricles are contracting
◼Talk to your elbow partner about the circulatory system
◼Define any questions you may have about what was
covered today
◼Tell a story of someone you know who has a problem
with his/her circulatory system
◼What are things you can do now to prevent hypertension
and/or a heart attack/stroke in the future?
Heart Lab
 Groups of 6 people
 2 buckets (1 with water, 1 not) at each group
 1 sponge at each group
To try and get all the water from one bucket to the
other in 60 seconds. Good luck!