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In 1856, the Civil War in Kansas started when a group of pro-slavery
riders burned down a part of the free-soil town of Lawrence.
John Brown- fanatical abolitionist who, in May of 1856 in response to
the pro-slavery events in Lawrence, hacked to death 5 presumed proslavery men at Pottawatomie Creek.
Civil War flared up in Kansas in 1856, and continued until in merged
with the nation's Civil War of 1861-1865.
The Tariff of 1857 lowered duties to about 20%. The North blamed it
for causing the panic, because they felt they needed higher duties for
more protection. This gave the Republicans two economic issues for
the election of 1860: protection for the unprotected and farms for the
farm less.
The Disruption of the Democrats
For the election of 1860, the Democrats met in Charleston, South
Carolina to choose their candidate. The northern wing of the party
wanted to nominate Stephen Douglas, but the southern didn’t. The
southern Democrats chose vice-president John C. Breckenridge. The
Constitutional Union Party was formed by former Whigs and KnowNothings. They nominated John Bell as their presidential candidate.
The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln as their
presidential candidate.
The Southerners said that if Abraham Lincoln was elected as
President, the Union would split.
In December 1860, South Carolina's legislature voted unanimously to
secede. 6 other states joined South Carolina: Alabama, Mississippi,
Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. The 7 seceders in February
1861 created a government known as the Confederate States of
America. The states chose Jefferson Davis, as President.
The southern states seceded fearing that the Republican Party would
threaten their rights to own slaves.
Many southerners felt that their secession would be unopposed by the
North. They assumed that the northern manufacturers and bankers,
dependent upon southern cotton and markets, wouldn't dare cut off
the South.
In 1857, Kansas able to apply for statehood. In order to keep the free-soilers from creating a
free state, the pro-slavery politicians created the Lecompton constitution would protect those
who already owned slaves in Kansas.
James Buchanan, a democrat. Southern and liked the Lecompton Constitution. Senator
Stephen Douglas was opposed to the document and campaigned against it. A compromise was
reached that enabled the people of Kansas to vote on the Lecompton Constitution.
President Buchanan divided the powerful Democratic Party by enraging the Douglas
Democrats of the North. He divided the only remaining national party and with it, the Union.
the Democrats chose James Buchanan as their presidential candidate to run in the election of
1856 because he wasn't influenced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act. the Republicans chose
Captain John C. Fremont because he wasn’t influenced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The
American Party, chose president Millard for the election of 1856.
James Buchanan won the election of 1856. some southerners said the election of a Republican
president would mean war
Dread Scott, a slave who had lived with his master for 5 years sued for his freedom on the
basis of his long residence on free soil. The Supreme Court ruled that because a slave was
private property, he could be taken into any territory and legally held there in slavery. The
Court stated that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that Congress had no
power to ban slavery from the territories, no matter what the territorial legislatures
themselves wanted.
election of 1858, the Republicans chose Abraham Lincoln to run against Democrat Stephen
Douglas. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860, but he did not win with the popular
vote. 60% of the nation voted for another candidate. 10 southern states didn't even allow
Lincoln to appear on the ballot. Gave south Carolina a reason to secede
His word was chosen for chapter 19 because it
means to disagree with something. In this
chapter there were many things that people
disagreed with such as the electoral conflicts,
Lincoln's & Douglas debate, the peace or civil war
debacle, and Democratic disruption. All of these
in someway are factors of a disagreement. So
dissension fit this chapter because of the many
disagreements that took place.
On March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln was
inaugurated president
Most southern forts gave up power to the
Fort Sumter: was one of the two to no give up
power to the confederacy was still a northern fort.
Lincoln sent ships to supply the fort but before they
made it south had opened fire on the fort on April
12 1861 and so begun the war
Called for 7,500 volunteers to join the military
The Confederate capital was then switched from
Montgomery, AL to Richmond, Va
In Maryland, Lincoln declared martial law rule by
the military to take the railroad into the state for
fear of loosing the border states.
North had a strong U.S. Navy
Tent Affair: A U.S. Northern ship stopped the
British ship Trent in Cuba and forcibly took 2
Southerners. England and the South their release.
Lincoln released the Confederates
Lincoln did this against the constitution suspended
habeas corpus so arrests could be made easily.
Lincoln did this against the constitution monitored
Border State elections so the vote would turn out
his way and
Military draft sent out in south and North
AB stated that he would not fight the south unless the south provoked it. He marked restoration of the union as
his top goal
U.S. splitting pleased Europe because it would offer European counties to be the dominate power again. Many
in Europe were pulling for the North. They had largely already moved against slavery and realized that the war
might end slavery in the U.S. They pulled from the north because of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Fort Sumter was running low on supplies and was surrounded by south it had to give up its little supplies left or
itself to the confederacy
The blockade caused 4 states Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina to secede and join the south
In between the North and South were the Border States of Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland. They were
critical for either side, since they would've greatly increased the South's population and industrial capabilities.
The "Five Civilized Tribes" the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole fought with the South.
Some Plains Indians sided with the North. Tennessee was a brothers vs. brothers split because officially the
state joined the South but thousands of "volunteers" sided with the North. Splitting the people of Tennessee
apart. West Virginia split from Virginia midway through the war.
The Confederate ship Alabama caused a problem. The "Southern" ship was manned by Brits and never docked
in the South. It traveled the world and captured 60+ vessels angering the north. British-built sea vessels that
went to the Confederacy were also a problem.
Problems arose in Canada and Mexico
-President Jefferson Davis was never popular. He was all business, stubborn, and physically over-worked
himself. Lincoln certainly had his troubles too. But, he was the head of an established and stable government
and seemed to relax more as time wore on.
The draft caused uproars mostly in Northern cities
New York City saw a riot break out in 1863 over the draft.
The South was beaten down by the war.
This word was chosen for Chapter 20. Because Lincoln
denied the seriousness of the war in the beginning.
As it progressed his actions where conforming to
agreed standards of moral conduct. He made
unconstitutional decisions which where unethical. He
was distressed and did what ever it took regardless of
the precautions or rules which is unethical according
to the standards of the time.
The northern military plan had 6 components:
 slowly suffocate the south by blockading its coast
 liberate the slaves
 undermine the very economic foundation of the south
 cut the Confederacy in half by seizing control of the
Mississippi river
 dismember the Confederacy by sending troops through
Georgia and Carolina's, capture its capital at Richmond
 try everywhere to engage their enemy's main strength
 grid it into submission.
The northern sea blockades were concentrated at principles
March 9,1862 the union iron clad the monitor, and the
Confederate Merrimack met the fought to stand still.
Lincoln concluded that an attack
on a smaller Confederate force at
bull run would be worth trying.
July 21,1861 the union &
Confederate forces met.
Union victory was thought to be
for sure, as evident when
spectators showed up.
1861 general George B. McClellan
was given command of the army of
Peninsula campaign McClellan's
army launched a waterborne
attack in the spring of 1862 &
capture red Yorktown.
General Robert E. Lee launched a
counter attack against the union
forces the seven days battles -from
June 26 -july 2,1862 & drove
McClellans forces back to sea.
Can we all agree that both war, and
battle acquires immense energy, endorses
tremendous stress, and not to mention the
perplexity of it all? Reading this chapter
was like reading about pure violence, chaos,
and baffled individuals. Fray was chosen to
depict this chapter because it’s evident that
there is a vast fray, along with many other
things. If one were to look up the word fray
in a thesaurus, you would find argument,
quarrel, dispute, disagreement, and other
words correlating with conflict.
Congress created the Freemens Bureau on March3, 1865. the Bureau expired seven years later in 1872.
Considering reconstruction, Lincoln proclaimed his 10 Percent reconstruction plan, which declared when “10 percent” of
the state voters in the presidential election take an oath of allegiance to the United States, and pledge to abide by
emancipation the state could then be reintegrated into the Union.
In 1864, Republicans, presented Congress with the Wade-Davis bill. This bill required that 50 percent of state voters
take an oath of allegiance, and claim for safer regards than Lincoln’s relations with emancipation Johnson agreed with
Lincoln’s reconstruction plan, but with his own twist. On May 29,1865 Johnson’s reconstruction called for specific
guidelines, but it was a guarantee remittance to the Union.
Black codes, authorized by Johnson, were to regulate matters of the emancipated blacks. November 1865, Mississippi
was the first to pass these Black These codes forbid blacks to take part in any commonplace life circumstances. Along
with reconstructing the states, Congress itself called for major reconstruction.
Republicans passed a legislation, which appealed to the North, such as the Morrill Tariff, the Pacific Railroad act, and
the Homestead Act.
Before and after the war a tremendous of alterations occurred, including what the common slave counted for. Initially,
the common slave counted as three- fifths of a person, but now th slave was five- fifths of a person. This change most
definitely made an impact; in addition, Southern states were entitled to many more votes than before.
Republicans feared what these southerners were capable of, and their democratic views & motives.
On December 6,1865 the Union was announced to be restored.
A huge uproar emerged in Feb. 1866 when president Johnson vetoed a bill that related the life extension on the
Freedmen Bureau.
In March 1866 the Civil Rights Bill was passed, which Johnson manage to veto, but Congress was not going have that.
In the election of1866 -a crucial one at that- Republicans racked up more than two-thirds in both houses of congress.
On March 2,1867 Congress passed the Reconstruction Act, which divided the south into five military districts, and also
deprived tens of thousands of former confederates from voting. Congress had set guidelines for the readmission of the
seceded states; the states were required to formally approve the Fourteenth Amendment.
Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment in 1869, which incorporated black suffrage in the constitution. With the
Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendment made, and passed, women were still failed to be mentioned.
Fighting adamantly, and ardently the battle fought by feminists was loss.
Once southern black men began to act, and move politically. Participation of blacks in politics expanded during this
time of reconstruction, and they also served in state governments as governors, representatives, and other significant
positions. In response to the austere, harsh acts performed by the Ku Klux Klan, Congress passed harsh Force Acts of
871. “Radicals” were not satisfied with Johnson altogether, so they decided to impeach him.
In 1867 Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act. The voted of House of Representatives was 126 to 47 to impeach
Johnson for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” and also charging him with violations of the Tenure of Office Act. There
was a vast struggle to build a case for Johnson’s impeachment, and on May16, 1866 seven Republican senators voted
The old south was gone
Blacks who were free at last took different path ways in life,
some in search for their fragmented families, and others
living as a free person.
The bureau achieved a great amount in education, but in
other areas it wasn’t success.
Lincoln’s proclamation triggered an uproar in Congress, and
Republicans feared the restoration of the plant aristocracy to
attain power, and once again enslave blacks.
There were two groups of people when it came to the issue of
reintegrating the seceded states, those who agreed with
Lincoln reconstruction plan, and the other who believed a
much bigger price should be paid.
Even though blacks were free, black codes restricted their
every move, restraining them from having a normal American
The Republicans had numerous fears, especially of the
southerners taking over.
Congress was concerned about Johnson's 10 percent
governments passing the most severe Black codes.
Women played a major part in prewar abolitionist movement.
Both blacks and women fell short of basic civil rights,
especially the right to vote.
Freedmen turned a League into a group of political clubs that
educated members, built black churches and school, and also
recruited black militias to protect black communities.
Although things were looking up for blacks there were still
others who managed to be pessimistic, finding reasons to
accuse them of something. Ku Klux Klan, or the “Invisible
Empire of The South” was founded in 1866. Many whites
resented the success of blacks and despised the ability they
had attained. Johnson’s trial caught thousands of people’s
interest, and was the biggest show of 1868. Reconstruction
The one word that describes, captures,
depicts, and expresses this chapter of
reconstruction is Resurrection. Reason
being that I chose this word is that the
entire chapter deals with restoring or
“resurrecting” these states that seceded,
but now they must compromise in order to
reintegrate with the Union. Resurrection
does not occur with a “new born” or
“newfangled” person or place, but
something that once existed, and for
whatever reason they had “died” or
“seceded” it’s obligatory for them to revive
Masses of immigrants came to the U.S. in hopes of finding
riches but many were dismayed when they found none.
The dollar bill congress was named for is lavish spending:
 Gave pensions to civil war returners
 Increase government purchases on silver and passed the
McKinley tariff act of 1890.
 The peoples Party or populist formed from
frustrated farmers in the agricultural bets of the west &
 Populist demanded inflation through free unlimited
coinage of silver.
 They also called for a grant income tax, government ,
railroad telegraph and telephones.
 The Sherman silver purchase act of 1890 was created by
the administration of Benjamin Harrison to increase the
amount of silver.
The Republicans nominated
general grant for the presidency
in 1868.
Democrats nominated Horatio
Grant won the election of 1869.
Liberal Republican party was
formed in 1872.
Horace Greeley was the liberal
Republican for their presidential
candidate for the election of 1872.
Liberal Republicans caused the
Republican Congress to pass a
general amnesty act in 1872.
When one reads this chapter or merely takes a look at
the title, the word paralyzed is placed in the mind of
the reader. Some perpetually ask their selves, and
ponder if it’s even possible if an entire age or system
can be paralyzed? The answer is, most definitely
anything can be paralyzed, but what was the main
cause for it? There are many causes that contribute
to this “big bang”, and surely there are effects to
follow. This word was chosen, because it depicts this
chapter thoroughly. One can beg to differ, but
observing, analyzing, and reading about some these
people, and events leave my mind in a paralyzed