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the action or process of
reconstructing or being
Andrew Portillo Per 4
Background on Reconstruction
 Reconstruction in U.S. history, the period (1865-77)
followed the American Civil War and during which
attempts were made to the redress the inequalities of
slavery and it’s political, social, and economic legacy
and to solve problems arising from the readmission to
the Union of the 11th states that had succeeded at or
before the outbreak of war.
 Abraham Lincoln was who gave most ideas for
reconstruction and wanted to establish the his ideas
and reconstruction.
 In 1865 reconstruction had gave 4 million slaves their
Debating Freedom
 Had been debated nation wide, the debate started at the
beginning of the Civil War in December 1863, Abraham
Lincoln liked the thought of Reconstruction & gave ideas
towards it.
At first, Abraham Lincoln was against slavery and
although he wanted to put an end to slavery he didn’t focus
on the situation in abolishing it in the Union War
 The slaves pushed the issue more than what he expected.
Then when he heard the myth (which was really a myth, no
slave was happy being a slave) that stated that slaves were
happy being slaves and Lincoln thought absolutely
ridiculous so he decided that he should really put and end to
it all, he fought for their freedom.
Rising Problems
 President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 1865.
 A new president was elected, President Andrew Johnson he
basically went against with Lincoln’s ideas and made his own.
 Johnson didn’t like the fact that he freed the slaves so he took
every chance to make them miserable but some didn’t see it.
 Johnson event the “Black Codes”
 The “Black Codes” were laws that required African Americans to
sign yearly labor contracts and in other ways sought to limit
freedman’s economic options and reestablish plantation
 The Klux Klan (KKK) would reverse the changes wrought by
Radical Reconstruction in violent flashback that restored white
supremacy in the South
 Slavery was legally 100% done
 The 14th Amendment was established and stated that
the African Americans would give them “Equal
 The 15th Amendment was established at it stated that it
gave EVERYONE the right to vote and that their vote
would be denied due to color, race, or previous
condition of servitude.
Reconstruction starts to
After most problems were solved bigger things
Many white people had turned to violence in response
to the changes that were made. They formed a gang the
Ku Klux Klan and they used violence to “solve” their
KKK Violence (Lynching)
Powerful Quotation #1
“Those who deny
freedom to others
deserve it not for
-Abraham Lincoln
Powerful Quotation #2
“You cannot escape the responsibility
of tomorrow by evading it today”
-Abraham Lincoln
Primary Source
This picture show
Abraham Lincoln with
African Americans around
him, this picture represent
how slaves looked at
Abraham Lincoln as a
hero due to how he fought
for them.