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 Part 1 Violence & Lincoln’s Assassination
 Part 2 Freedman’s Bureau & Johnson*
 Part 3
 Part 4
 Part 5
 Part 6
 Part 7
 Part 8
 Part 9
 Creation of a single unified country
 Abolition of slavery (13th Amendment)
 Increased power to federal government – killed the
issue of states rights
U.S. now an industrial nation
A stronger sense of nationalism
Western lands increasingly opened to settlement
South was economically and physically devastated, w/
the plantation system crippled...thus Reconstruction
(rebuilding the U.S.) - but a deep hatred of the North
 2 things that had to be resolved at the end of the
Civil War
 Seceded States
 Freed Slaves
None of these plans (so far) addressed issues facing
freed slaves
 Black Codes
 Lynching
 Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
 Ten-PercentPlan
 Offered forgiveness to all southerners who pledged
loyalty to the Union and support for emancipation
 With 10% of the population pledging this, the state
could then form a government that banned slavery
and be readmitted into the Union
 Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Virginia
 Angered Radical Republicans
 Readmitting states to the Union was a power of
Congress, not the president
 Since secession was against the law, Confederates
had never legally left the Union
So Congress responds with…
The Wade Davis Bill
Once a majority of a state’s white, male citizens
pledged loyalty to the union, it would be
readmitted into the Union
Lincoln Pocket vetoed
 Becomes President after Lincoln is assassinated in 1865
 Similar to Lincoln’s Plan
 Except…
 Wanted to break the planters’ power by excluding high-
ranking Confederates and wealthy Southern landowners from
 Pardoned more than 13,000 former Confederates so that
“white men alone must manage the South”
 All but Texas joined and sent Representatives to Congress,
Congress refused to admit them
 1866 Congress voted to enlarge the Freedmen’s Bureau &
forbid S. states from passing black codes
 Freedmen’s Bureau provided food, clothing, hospitals, legal
protection and education to former slaves
 Johnson vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau Act and the Civil
Rights Act
 What do you see
people, etc.)?
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infer from or
about the
 Favored tougher rules for restoring the states that had
left the Union
 Wanted to truly give freed slaves freedom
 Overrode Johnson’s veto of the Freedman’s Bureau
and drafted the 14th Amendment
 14th Amendment grants citizenship to “all person’s born or
naturalized in the United States”
Reconstruction plan:
Ratify the 14th and 15th Amendments
Write new state constitution that guaranteed freedmen
the right to vote
Form new governments to be elected by all male citizens
including African Americans
 Congress drafted the Reconstruction Plan of 1867
 Denied state governments formed under the Lincoln
and Johnson plans
 Divided former Confederate states into 5 military
 This would force southern states to grant African-Americans
the right to vote and pass the 14th amendment to reenter the
 Johnson vetoed
 Congress overrode Johnson’s Presidential Veto
 Congress upset with Johnson, look for grounds to
impeach him.
 Find it after he violates the Tenure of Office Act in
1868 by removing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton
from office
 Senate did not vote to convict so he remains in office
 Ulysses S. Grant wins the election by 306,000 votes
 Over 500,000 Southern African Americans had voted
in which 9/10 voted for Grant
 Radical Republicans introduce the 15th Amendment
after the election
 15th Amendment no person can be kept from voting
based on “race, color, or previous condition of
 Scalawags: white Southerners who joined the
Republican Party
 Mainly small farmers wanting to improve their
economic position
 Carpetbaggers: Northerners who moved to the South
after the war
 African Americans
 Discontinuity in Southern Republicans
 Scalawags and white Southerners resisted equal rights
for African Americans
 95% of former slaves were illiterate
 First public schools established in the South by the
new African American churches
 Voted and held office in local, state, and federal
 Many forced into sharecropping because they were
denied land
 Sharecropping: landowners divided their land and
assigned each head of household a few acres, along with
seeds and tools.
 Sharecroppers kept a small share of their crops and gave
the rest to the landowners
 Rise of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
 Goal was to destroy the Republican Party,
Reconstruction governments, aid the planter class, and
keep Af. Am.’s from engaging in politics
 Killed approximately 20,000 men, women & children
 Boycotted Af. Am.s who voted Republican
 Congress passed a series of Enforcement Acts in 1870
and 1871 to try and block the KKK
 Supervision of elections in Southern states
 Gave President power to use fed. Troops where KKK was
 May 1872 Congress passed the Amnesty Act allowing
150,000 former Confederates the right to vote and hold
government offices
 Also allowed the Freedman’s Bureau to expire
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(symbols, people,
 What words are
 What can you infer
from or about the
 Panic of 1873 after a series of banks fail leads to a 5 year
Supreme Court undoes some of the social and political
changes Radicals made
Republicans retreat from Reconstruction policies
Southern Democrats regain control of the South
Election of 1876
 Samuel J. Tilden (D) vs. Rutherford B. Hayes (R)
 Tilden wins popular vote but misses by 1 electoral vote
 S. Democrats agree to accept Hayes if federal troops are
withdrawn from the South