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The Civil War
Civil War
War between the Northern
(Union) and Southern
(Confederate) states
1861 - 1865
“From Bull Run to Antietam
Causes of the Civil War
1. Regional differences between the
industrial North and the agrarian
2. Question of slavery in the territories
3. Compromise of 1850 and the KansasNebraska Act inflame passions
4. Abraham Lincoln is elected President
5. Lower South secedes
6. Confederacy attacks Fort Sumter
Strengths of South
Most officers were Southern
Defensive position
Fighting to preserve their
way of life and right to selfgovernment
Strengths of North
Twice the railroad tracks
Twice as many factories
Balanced economy
More money
Government, Army and Navy
Larger population
Strategy of North
• Naval blockade of southern ports
ordered by Lincoln
• Would stop South from shipping cotton
to Europe and from receiving goods
from Europe
• Gain control of the Mississippi River to
divide the South
• Anaconda Plan
South’s Strategy
• Prepare and wait (wanted to go
in peace); defensive war
• War of attrition – wear down
enemy; failed to realize that the
North had more resources
• But…the North had stopped
exports of cotton and Europe
turned to Egypt and India
Jomini’s Art of War
• The standard textbook taught to all
trained military leaders of the Civil
• Emphasized the importance of
position and maneuvering your
• Battles were seen as unnecessary if
you were able to capture important
points (the high ground)
• Try to force enemy from his
position from your BETTER
Tactics and Technology
• Generals trained in European warfare of
having masses of troops charge
• New rifles and artillery were more accurate
and deadly; bullet shaped ammunition and
• Artillery could fire shells and canisters
• Commanders were slow to change
Why the techniques didn’t
• Both sides tried to use these techniques at
the beginning of the Civil War
• Both sides had the same strategy and knew
the drills cold
So…a New Style of Fighting Developed
• There was a lot of shooting
but not a lot of aiming!
• The element of surprise
became important
• The troops advanced though
“minie” balls, sulfurous
smoke, and loud noise from
cannon fire,
• Hand-to-hand combat was
important after the ammo ran
The Divisions of the
Civil War Army
• Cavalry
• Artillery
• Infantry
Johnny Reb and
Billy Yank
• The “common
man” soldier
• Enlisted and
usually infantry
• Generally aged
• Died by the
Who were these
common soldiers???
•If a Northerner: Could not pay
someone to fight for them
•If a Southerner: Did not own
20+ slaves
•Died by the thousands on both
sides throughout the war
•Paid the ultimate price for their
The Union’s Strategy
1. Defend Washington with the Army of the
Potomac and try to capture Richmond
2. Gain control of the Mississippi River and
split the Confederacy in half
3. Blockade the South (Anaconda)
The Confederacy's
Turn back every Union advance until the
British or French joined their side
Fight defensively
Make the people of the North weary of
Force Lincoln to negotiate
“A war of attrition”
The Campaign of 1861
• “Our battle summer…”
• A short and painless
• 90-day enlistments
were common
• “ A short vacation from
the plow”
• “An excursion party to
the Sunny South”
The First Battle of Bull Run
• July 21, 1861
• General Irvin McDowell-North
• General P.G.T. Beauregard-South
• Railroad used to move troops
• Sightseers watch; North flees
• Casualties: North 2900; South 2000
The First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)
• Took place north of
Richmond, VA
• Congressmen, reporters,
socialites, and curiosity
seekers came to watch the
• Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
became Confederate hero
• Fierce gun fire surprised both
The Union Panics and
• Spectators in carriages and with picnic
lunches were trampled by troops and
peppered with gunfire
• A Confederate win
• Washington DC is VERY
close by
• “What if……????????”
1862 and Stalemate
• The British and the French did not join the
Southern cause
• Lincoln evokes the wartime powers given
to him by the Constitution (the loss of the
writ habeas corpus) cut the heads of the
• Robert E. Lee takes over the Confederate
The Battle of Shiloh (Tennessee)
• A surprise Confederate attack by General Joseph
Johnston’s 4000 Rebel troops
• Grant was reportedly still drunk from the night
• The bloody battle lasted throughout the next day
• 11,000 Southern losses and 13,000 Northern losses
• Mass graves were dug… “Shiloh was a horror”
Lessons from Shiloh (April
• The war would be a long one and a bloody
• Both sides would suffer great losses
• Fraternization between the two sides
ceased between battles
• The idea of the “summer battle” was no
longer boasted about by either side
War in the East
• Monitor and the Merrimack
• Merrimack was wooden ship
with iron plates bolted on
• Merrimack damaged three
wooden ships
• Wooden navies now obsolete
War in the West
• General George McClellen led Northern
Army; ordered to build and train the
• General Ulysses Grant led Northern
Army in the West to try to seize the
Mississippi River
Forts Henry and Donelson
•Used gunboats
•Forts in Tennessee and fell to
– Nashville fell to federal troops
•Grant moved farther south
toward Mississippi
Mississippi River
• Naval squadron under David Farragut
seized New Orleans for the Union
• He captured Baton Rouge, La and
Natchez, MS
• Took Memphis, TN on June 6, 1862
• Only Vicksburg, MS and Port Hudson, LA
remained for the North to capture to split
the Confederacy
Peninsular Campaign
•Confederates destroyed
Merrimack to keep it from being
captured by the North
•McClellan was too cautious
•Moved army east of Richmond
•Heavy casualties in the Battle of
Seven Pines
George McClellan
Robert E. Lee
Trained at West Point, he
takes command at the
Battle of Seven Pines
Well liked by his troops
Served as President of
Washington and Lee
University after the war
The South Goes on the
• General RE Lee
now in Charge!!!!
• Second Battle of Bull Run
– Stonewall Jackson attacks
from the rear and General
Lee from the front
– Another Confederate
The War at Sea
• Union sailors assigned to the blockade had
many long, boring days at patrolling sea
waiting for action
• Confederate sailors however on
commerce-raiding ships destroyed or
captured more than 250 northern
merchant ships and $15 million in ships and
The Union’s Ironclad
• The Union Monitor was an odd shaped
ship “that resembled a cake tin riding on a
The Confederate's Ironclad
• The Confederate
(Virginian) was an
old battleship that
had been armed
with iron plates
that covered it in
the shape of a tent
The Clash of the First Ironclads
•On March 9,
1862 the two ships
battled for 5 hours
•Technically a
•The Merrimack
had to withdraw
for repairs so it
became known as
a Union win
Battle of Antietam
• Lee invaded Maryland, hoping for
European support
• McClellan delayed after getting battle plans
of Lee; Sept. 17, 1862
• North lost 12,000 and Lee 14,000;
retreated to VA; As Lee withdrew,
McClellan did not attack
• Bloodiest one-day battle of war
The Battle of Antietam
• President Davis was not happy with Lee’s
defensive victory’s and wanted him to
make a major push north
• His army of 40,000 met McClellan’s
80,000 men at Antietam Creek near
Sharpsburg, VA
• McClellan found Lee’s
battle plans, due to a fatal
stroke of bad luck
• The Rebel forces lost
25% of their men
Life Behind the Lines
Southern Constitution
Recognized states’ rights
and slavery
Needed to build loyalty of
Fewer resources than North
Required military service
Law required 3 years service
for white men from 18 to 35;
later moved to 50
Large slave owners excused;
wealthy hired substitutes
 Confederate government regulated commerce and
 Farmers paid 10% of produce to war effort
 Income tax imposed
 Borrowed slaves for labor
Help from Europe
No recognition (official
acceptance of government)
Great Britain built privateers
for the Confederacy
Europe decided to wait and see
who would win
Politics in the North
Strained relations with Great
North removed Slidell and Mason
from British ship, the Trent, and
then had to free them
Demanded $19 billion for damages
by privateers from Great Britain
1862, passed Pacific Railroad
Act: gave land and money to
companies for construction of
railroad from Nebraska to
Pacific Coast
Homestead Act: free land
Tariff to protect industry
Economy of North
 Federal income tax
 Internal Revenue Act of 1862: tax on certain items such as
liquor, tobacco, medicine, and ads
 Created national currency: greenbacks
Wartime Actions
 Delaware secure
 Maryland: arrested disloyal representatives
 Missouri: supported uprising to overthrow pro-Confederate
state government
 Kentucky: martial law
Northern Draft
1863, military service for
white males 20 to 45.
Could pay $300 or hire a
substitute to serve
Opposition to War
 Riot over draft: 100 died in New York City
 Copperheads (Democrats): said freed slaves would
take jobs
 13,000 imprisoned for opposition
Writ of Habeas Corpus
 Legal protection requiring that a court determine if a
person is lawfully imprisoned
 Constitution allows suspension during a rebellion
 13,000 Americans imprisoned without trial;
newspaper editors and elected state officials
 Jan. 1, 1863, Lincoln
issued the Emancipation
 Freed slaves in areas of
rebellion against the
Effect of Proclamation
Inspired southern slaves to
escape to the protection of
Union troops
Encouraged African
Americans to serve in the
Union army
Seized possessions would
be kept by the enemy;
included slaves
Used to build fortifications,
1863, used to fight South
African American
By 1865 180,000 African
Americans had enlisted
Served in all-black regiments
1863 54th Massachusetts
Infantry, under Colonel Robert
Gould Shaw attacked Fort
Wagner; lost half his men
Hardships of War
South’s economy: food
Men at war; women worked
Army deserters
North’s Economy
Industry boomed
Women worked
Some products were shoddy
and fell apart
Prison Camps
Andersonville, Georgia
Held 35,000 Northerners,
kept in a fenced open area
100 died a day of starvation
or exposure
Commander hanged later
Medical Conditions
 1 out of 4 soldiers died
 Women cared for sick
 Clara Barton: “angel of battlefield”
 American Red Cross
 Disease killed more than guns
The Tide of War Turns
Battle of Fredericksburg
General McClellan replaced
with Ambrose Burnside
Burnside attacks Lee in VA
by charging into
Confederate gunfire
Union casualties 13,000
Battle of
Burnside resigns
Joseph “Fighting Joe”
Hooker takes over for North
Lee split forces to counter
Hooker approaching from
the rear; builds fires in camp
Lee and Jackson
May, 1863; On the second
day, Stonewall Jackson
attacked on right of Hooker
Jackson scouting at night
and is hit by own troops;
arm amputated; died
The Battle of Chancellorsville
• General Lee had 60,000 troops
• General Hooker had more than
double that amount
• Lee took a chance and divided his
army and took Hooker by surprise
• Known as Lee’s last great
victory although the South
technically lost more men
• The Confederates mourned
the loss of Stonewall Jackson
The Siege of Vicksburg
• Vicksburg an important trading
center was high on a rocky cliff
on the Mississippi River
• City was considered impassable
• General Grant created a new plan…assault
the society and the civilians who live nearby!
• After several successful confrontations, he
settled down for a successful 7-month siege
• Vicksburg surrenders on July 4, 1863
Battle of Gettysburg
North at low point due to
Lee weakened by blockade
and lack of supplies
Lee hoped North would give
up if he won in Pennsylvania
Lee’s Biggest Mistake
General James Longstreet,
Lee’s second in command
He advised Lee not to attack
the North’s strong position
But…Lee orders the attack
The Gettysburg Campaign
• Lee decided to threaten
Washington DC by way
of Pennsylvania
• At first everything went
his way, and he caught the Union soldiers
off guard
• General Meade was looking for Lee and
Lee was looking for a shoe factory
• They found each other in a little town
called Gettysburg
The 3-Day Battle Begins…
• The Rebels were on
Seminary Ridge and the
Union was on Cemetery
• Lee attacked and almost
won on the first day but the Federal line held
• On day two, the Union held its place on Little
Round Top where they could shoot onto
advancing troops
• Remember…the advantage always rests with
the _________________?
July 1, 1863
General George Meade, new
Northern general
Northerners held hills south
of town; Cemetery Ridge
Southerners held Seminary
Ridge; field in between
July 2, 1863
Meade brings reinforcements
Little Round Top, undefended
Maine soldiers under Colonel
Joshua Chamberlain hold it and
then attack with bayonets
Saved Union army from retreat
Day Three: Pickett’s Charge
• Between 1:00 and 2:00,
General Longstreet was ordered
against his will to head across
“no man’s land”
• The “Billy Yanks” were waiting
on top of Cemetery Ridge
with reinforcements who were
loaded with rifles and artillery
• The “Johnny Rebs” were
slaughtered first by artillery and
then by minie balls
The Results of Gettysburg
• The attack was a nightmare for the South that
lasted less than an hour but over 10,000 men
were dead wounded or missing
• 5 of 25 commanders were injured; the other
15 were killed and 2 Brigadier Generals were
• Southern morale was ravaged
• But a second attack never came…Lincoln was
• The South was never able to launch an
offensive campaign again
Actual Scene from after the
July 3, 1863
Lee opens with artillery
15,000 Confederates attack
Pickett’s Charge; cut up by
Northern artillery; ½
Bloodiest battle of war
Union had 23,000 casualties
South had 28,000 casualties
July 4, 1863, Lee retreats to
The Gettysburg Address
• Lincoln’s moving
speech is among the
most famous in U.S.
Gettysburg Address
 Nov. 19, 1863
 President Lincoln explained the meaning of the Civil
 Freedom and equality belong to all
After Gettysburg…
• Southern Campaign
• The Tennessee Campaign
becomes more important as
General William Rosecrans
followed orders to push General
Braxton Bragg into northern
• Union troops then attacked
Chattanooga one of the South’s
only important railroad centers
North wanted control of the
Mississippi River
General Ulysses S. Grant
Several attacks failed
Began a siege in May 1863
Surrender July 4, 1863
Ulysses S. Grant
Turning Point
Gettysburg and Vicksburg
Mississippi River taken by
North, cutting Confederacy
in two
A New Birth of
Grant Takes Command
Lincoln must win battles to
win the election of 1864
Grant plans to use North’s
superior population and
industry to wear down the
Battle of the Wilderness
May 5, 1864 in Virginia
Grant beaten, but moved
south anyway
No retreat
Battle of Spotsylvania
May 12, 1864
Northern losses were huge,
with bodies piled four deep
Again Grant moves his army
further south
Battle of Cold Harbor
June, 1864, armies met
eight miles from Richmond
Large Northern losses
Grant lost 7,000 Union
soldiers in less than one
Siege of Petersburg
Grant moved around capital of
Richmond and attacks
In last two months, Grant lost
65,000 men
Lee has trouble replacing
casualties and waits
Sherman in Georgia
Sherman wanted to seize
Atlanta, a rail and industrial
98,000 Union men
Confederate General Joseph Johnston
General William Sherman
Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
Johnston wanted to delay
Sherman until after the Nov.
Mid-July, Sherman is near
Johnston replaced with
General James Hood
Hood engaged Sherman in
several battles and lost
thousands of men
Sherman laid siege to the city
Sept. South’s army left Atlanta
The South’s
last true
• A surprise awaited
Rosecrans, when Bragg
hit him hard at
Chickamauga just south
of Chattanooga
• The Confederate force
of 70,000 beat the
Union force of 56,000
one of the bloodiest
battle of the war
• The Rebels lost 18,454
and the Yankees 16,179
in the bloodiest two
days of the War.
• A fog began to cover
much of the top half of
Lookout Mountain at
10:00am that morning,
obscuring the view of
the participants of the
battle and the men in the
Chattanooga Valley.
• It was this
phenomena that gave
the fighting on its
nickname, "The Battle
Above the Clouds."
“The Battle
Above the
“The Rock of Chickamauga”
• The Union forces fled
back to Chattanooga in
part because of General
George H. Thomas, a
Federal soldier who had
remained loyal to the
• Thanks to Thomas, the
North was able to retire
in good order to the
fortifications of
The Rock of Chickamauga
Let rebels boast their Stonewall brave
Who fell to fill a traitor's grave,
We have a hero grander far,
The Union was his guiding star,
The "Rock of Chickamauga."
When foot by foot, stern Rosecrans
Round grim Lookout, with bold advance,
Pressed back the rebels from their lair,
Our Thomas was the foremost there,
The "Rock of Chickamauga."
-William B. Hamilton-(Lt., 22nd Michigan Infantry, Co. F)
Grant’s “Total War”
• Lincoln promoted General
Grant to the rank of Lt.
• Gave him total command
of the Union forces
• He called off the
“gentlemen’s war
• Make war not only on the
Confederate army but on
the Southern people as
Sherman’s March to Atlanta
- 1864
Ringgold Gap
Rocky Face Ridge
New Hope
Pickett’s Mill
Kolb’s Farm
• Peachtree Creek
• Jonesborough
Grant’s Right Hand Man…
William Tecumseh Sherman
• Was he mentally
• Was he a brilliant
• How did his plan to
cut through Georgia
• How did Atlanta fit
into his plan?
The March to the Sea
Some thought Sherman was
mentally unstable
He ordered Atlanta burned
Cut a 300-mile long path of
Captured Savannah in Dec.
The Election of 1864
Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, Vice
President, Republicans
Former General McClellan,
Democrat (Lincoln had relieved him
of his command!)
Capture of Atlanta helped Lincoln
win reelection
Thirteenth Amendment
Passed by Congress in
February, 1865
Ratified by the states and
became law on Dec. 18, 1865
Ended slavery in the U.S.
End of the War
Sherman moved through
South Carolina, burning
most houses
Did not destroy North
April 9, 1865 Lee met Grant
and surrendered
Grant offered food and
ordered celebration by
Northern troops ended
Effects of the War
Both sides suffered great
losses; more than half a million
people died
Union preserved
Slavery abolished
Lincoln’s Assassination
April 14, 1865, John Wilkes
Booth shot Lincoln while he
was watching a play
Lincoln died the next day and
Booth was killed in Virginia
John Wilkes Booth
The Death of a President
• Did not live to see the
peace he helped to create
– Conspirators and southern
sympathizers plotted against
the president
– Died in office on April 14,
Lincoln’s Rocking Chair
at Ford’s Theatre
Bed in which Lincoln Died
Lincoln Laying in State
Funeral Procession
Funeral Hearse
John Wilkes Booth
Other Conspirator’s
How would the South be
Treated After the War??
•Welcomed Back??
•Or…paid back???
•Find out in Chapter 15…