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16.2 Civil War
The War in the East
1st Major Battle
• 1st Battle of Bull Run (1st Manassas-Confed.)
– Union led by Gen. Irvin McDowell
– Confederate led Gen. Pierre G. T. Beauregard
– McDowell was trying to seize the Manassas
railroad junction but were stopped at Bull Run
creek by the Confederates.
Union Soldiers Attitudes
• McDowell complained that his troops were
very “green” (untrained or untested).
– Stop to pick blackberries or get water every other
– Showed that many Union soldiers had no idea
what they were getting into, not serious, thought
war would be easy to win.
Key to Bull Run Victory
• At one point the Union hit the Confederate
left hard & drove them back.
• One Confederate unit held firm
– Allowed others were able to re-group and push
union away.
– “There goes Jackson
like a stone wall!”
– Thomas “Stonewall”
Rebel Yell
• Famous blood curdling war cry of the
Confederate soldiers.
Union Army after Bull Run
• Union forces tried to retreat orderly
– Roads were clogged with carriages and spectators!
– Union army was completely scattered.
– Luckily the Union the Confederate didn’t have the
strength to press the attack & take D.C.!
• Shattered hopes of
ending war quickly.
Union Leadership
• Shock of the Bull Run defeat led Lincoln to
change Generals.
– Appointed George B. McClellan lead General of
the Army of the Potomac.
– Built a 100,000 soldier,
highly trained army.
Confederate Leadership
• In June of 1862 death/injuries/political friction
led to change in Confederate leadership as well.
– Gen. Robert E. Lee, Army of Northern Virginia
– West Point, Mex-American War, Harpers Ferry
– Lincoln offered him head General of Union!
– Willing to take risks & make
unpredictable moves
Seven Days Battle
• McClellan very cautious after Bull Run,
thought Confederate Army bigger.
• Eventually launched the “Peninsular
Campaign” in Spring 1862.
• By June he was outside of Richmond.
• Lee attacked McClellan, “Seven Days Battle.”
• Saved Richmond & forced
McClellan to retreat.
Second Battle of Bull Run
August 1862
• Lincoln was frustrated by McClellan wasted time
and retreat from Peninsula.
• Sends Gen. John Pope to join
w/ McClellan's & attack Richmond.
• Gen. Jackson knew he had to
hit Pope before joined fully
with McClellan's troops.
Second Battle of Bull Run
• Lee divides his forces.
– Stonewall Jackson troops
march 50 miles in two days,
attack Pope’s rear &right flank.
– Longstreet & Lee march to Pope’s Front
– Use Jeb Stuart Calvary to communicate.
• Heavy fighting over 3 Day Battle.
• On 3rd Day Confederates force Union retreat.
• Pope reputation destroyed and Union army
morale reaches new low.
Follow Lee’s Success in VA?
• Lee’s brilliant & decisive strategic victory over
larger force at Bull Run gives confidence.
• Now Lee and other Confederate leaders
wanted to gain a victory on Northern soil.
• Felt they might gain
foreign recognition or
maybe force the North
to concede!
Lee Goes North
• Sept. 1862 Lee moved 40,000 troops into MD.
– Once again divided his army.
– One Part with him to Frederick
– Other with Jackson
to Harpers Ferry
McClellan Finds Out
• Lee had to send the orders/plans to split the
army out to all commanders in his army.
• One of those commanders used the plans to
wrap up some cigars.
• Rummaging through
abandoned Confederate
camp a Union soldier finds
the plans!
• Lee is vulnerable to being crushed!
Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)
• Despite having Lee’s plans, McClellan
hesitated, convinced they were a hoax!
• Lee and Jackson have time to reunite at
Sharpsburg behind Antietam Creek.
• Bloodiest Single Day
Battle in U.S. History
• Casualties
– 12,000 for North,
– 13,000 for South.
McClellan’s Opportunity
• Lee’s smaller Army was badly hurt.
• McClellan kept 4 full divisions in reserve!
– Worried about a counterattack
• Lee’s devastated army escapes.
• Still important victory for Union
– Stopped Lee’s Northern advance.
Naval Advantage
• Union Navy controlled the sea (& rivers)
• All of U.S. small Navy with many skilled Naval
officers went with Union.
• Union capable of building many more ships.
• Navy blockades Southern
trade & begins taking out
port cities from sea.
Southern Blockade Runners
• 1000’s of miles of coastline tough blockade.
– Swift Southern merchants ships run blockade.
– Run to Bahamas to but goods
– Could make large profits
• Overall blockade still effective
– Damage South economy
– Ships to Southern ports drops
from 8,000 to 600 per year.