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The Union in Peril
Chapter 4
The Divisive Politics of Slavery
The Civil War Begins
The North Takes Charge
Reconstruction and Its Effects
Slavery divides the nation. North and South
enter a long and destructive civil war that ends
slavery. African Americans briefly enjoy full
civil rights, but new laws discriminate against
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Differences Between North and South
Controversy over Slavery Worsens
• Industrialized North does not
depend on slavery
• Southern plantation economy
relies on enslaved labor
• North’s opposition to slavery
intensifies, tries to stop its
• South tries to spread slavery in
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Differences Between North and South
Northern States
Southern States
• Massachusetts was first colony
established in the North
• Virginia was the first colony
established in the South
• Liberal religious views
• Conservative religious views
• Economy is based on Industry
• Economy is based on agriculture
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Differences Between North and South
Controversy over Slavery Worsens
• The peculiar institution got worse as
new states were admitted into the
• Pro-Slavery government leaders
wanted the new states to be slave
• Anti-Slavery government leaders
wanted the new states to be nonslave states
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Slavery in the Territories
Statehood for California
• California applies for statehood as free state in 1849;
angers South
The Compromise of 1850
• Slave state Texas claims eastern half of New Mexico
• Southern states threaten secession—withdrawal
from Union
• Compromise of 1850 has provisions for both sides
• California becomes free state; tougher fugitive slave
law enacted
• Popular sovereignty, or vote, decides slavery issue
in NM, Utah
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Slavery in the Territories
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Slavery in the Territories cont.
• When states apply for statehood, they have to create a
constitution where people decide on the type of
government. This is called popular sovereignty
• In the United States of America, what is more important?
– The States?
– The Nation?
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Slavery in the Territories cont.
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Protest, Resistance, and Violence
Fugitive Slave Act
• Slaves denied trial by jury; helpers fined and
• Northerners defy Act, help send slaves to safety
in Canada
The Underground Railroad
• Abolitionists develop Underground Railroad—
escape routes from South
• Harriet Tubman is conductor on 19 trips to free
African Americans
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
increases protests
Objective: Describe the operation of the Underground Railroad
& other forms of protest against slavery
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Protest, Resistance, and Violence
Objective: Describe the operation of the Underground Railroad
& other forms of protest against slavery
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Protest, Resistance, and Violence cont.
Tension in Kansas and Nebraska
• Kansas, Nebraska territories north of 3630’
line, closed to slavery
• 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act allows popular
sovereignty on slavery
“Bleeding Kansas”
• Proslavery settlers from Missouri cross border
to vote in Kansas
• Fraudulent victory leads to violent struggle over
slavery in Kansas
Violence in the Senate
• Charles Sumner verbally attacks slavery,
singles out Andrew Butler
• Preston S. Brooks, Butler’s nephew, assaults
Sumner on Senate floor
Objective: Describe the operation of the Underground Railroad
& other forms of protest against slavery
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
New Political Parties Emerge
Slavery Divides Whigs
• Democrat Franklin Pierce elected president in 1852
• Northern, Southern Whigs split over slavery in territories
• Nativists Know-Nothings also split by region over slavery
The Free-Soilers’ Voice
• Free-Soilers fear slavery will drive down wages of white
The New Republican Party
• Republican Party forms in 1854; oppose slavery in territories
• Democrat James Buchanan elected president (1856);
secession averted
Objective: Explain the political conditions that gave rise to the
Republican Party & divided the Whigs
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Conflicts Lead to Secession
The Dred Scott Decision
• Dred Scott, a slave taken to free territory by owner, claims freedom
• Supreme Court denies appeal; Scott has no legal rights, not a citizen
• North angry; South reads ruling as guaranteed extension of slavery
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
• 1858 Senate race between Senator Stephen
Douglas and Abraham Lincoln
• Douglas wants popular sovereignty to decide if state
is free or slave
• Lincoln considers slavery immoral; wants
constitutional amendment
Objective: Describe the conflicts that led to secession
The Divisive Politics of Slavery (4.1)
Conflicts Lead to Secession cont.
Harper’s Ferry
• John Brown leads group to arsenal to start slave
uprising (1859)
• Troops put down rebellion; Brown is tried,
Lincoln Is Elected President
• 1860, Lincoln beats 3 candidates, wins no
southern electoral votes
Southern Secession
• 7 states secede after Lincoln’s victory; form
Confederacy in 1861
• Former senator Jefferson Davis elected
president of Confederacy
Objective: Describe the conflicts that led to secession
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
Union & Confederate Forces Clash
Southern States Take Sides
• 1861, Fort Sumter in Charleston
falls; Lincoln calls for volunteers
• 4 more slave states join
• Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky,
Missouri remain in Union
Objective: Analyze the Strengths of both sides at the beginning of the Civil War
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
Union & Confederate Forces Clash
Northern Strengths
• More People
• Factories
• Food Production
Southern Strengths
• Cotton
• Outstanding Generals
• Motivated Soldiers
• Union plan: blockade ports, split South in two, capture Richmond
• Confederacy plan: hold out until the people in the North get tired of fighting
Objective: Identify differences between the North & the South
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
Union & Confederate Forces Clash cont.
Bull Run
• Bull Run—first battle, near
Washington; Confederate victory
• Thomas J. Jackson called Stonewall
Jackson for firm stand in battle
Union Armies in the West
• Ulysses S. Grant pushes south;
captures forts, wins at Shiloh
• David G. Farragut takes New
Orleans, the Confederacy’s busiest
Objective: Analyze the Strengths of both sides at the beginning of the Civil War
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
Union & Confederate Forces Clash cont.
The War for the Capitals
• Robert E. Lee takes
command of Confederate
Army in 1862:
- drives General George
McClellan from Richmond
- loses at Antietam,
bloodiest one-day battle
• McClellan removed from
command, lets battered
Confederates withdraw
Objective: Analyze the Strengths of both sides at the beginning of the Civil War
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
The Politics of War
Britain Remains Neutral
• Britain does not need cotton, does need Northern goods
Proclaiming Emancipation
• Emancipation Proclamation empowers army to free Confederate slaves
• Gives soldiers moral purpose; compromise no longer possible
Both Sides Face Political Dissent
• Lincoln, Davis suspend habeas corpus to suppress disloyalty, dissent
Objective: Identify the key political issues that affected the conduct of the war
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
Life During Wartime
War Leads to Social Upheaval
• Casualties, desertions lead to conscription on both sides
• Conscription—draft that forces men to enlist; leads to draft riots
African Americans Fight for Freedom
• African Americans are 1% of North’s population, 10% of army
• Serve in separate regiments, paid less than whites for most of war
Soldiers Suffer on Both Sides
• Soldiers often sick from camp filth, limited diet, poor medical care
• Prisons overcrowded, unsanitary; many die of malnutrition, disease
Objective: Describe aspects of military & civilian life during wartime
The Civil War Begins (4.2)
Life During Wartime cont.
Women Work to Improve Conditions
• Thousands of women serve as nurses for both sides
• Union nurse Clara Barton later founds American
Red Cross
The War Affects Regional Economies
• Confederacy faces food shortage, increased prices,
• Union army’s need for supplies supports Northern
• North’s standard of living declines
• Congress enacts income tax (percentage of
income) to pay for war
Objective: Describe aspects of military & civilian life during wartime
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The Tide Turns
Southern Victories
• December 1862, Fredericksburg; May 1863, Chancellorsville
Objective: Explain how decisive battles, such as Gettysburg & Vicksburg
changed the tide of war
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The Tide Turns cont.
The Battle of Gettysburg
• North wins decisive three-day battle of
Gettysburg, July 1863
• Total casualties were more than 30%; South
The Gettysburg Address
• Nov. 1863, Lincoln gives Gettysburg Address at
cemetery dedication
• Speech helps country realize it is a unified nation
Objective: Explain how decisive battles, such as Gettysburg & Vicksburg
changed the tide of war
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The Tide Turns cont.
Grant Wins at Vicksburg
• May-July 1863, Grant sieges Vicksburg after unsuccessful attacks
Objective: Explain how decisive battles, such as Gettysburg & Vicksburg
changed the tide of war
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The Confederacy Wears Down
Confederates Seek Peace
• Confederacy no longer able to attack; works toward armistice
• Southern newspapers, legislators, public call for peace
Total War
Lincoln appoints Grant commander of all Union Armies (1864)
Grant appoints William Tecumseh Sherman as Western commander
Grant, Sherman wage total war to destroy South’s will to fight
Grant’s strategy to decimate Lee’s army while Sherman raids Georgia
Objective: Describe instances of total war waged by Grant & Sherman
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The Confederacy Wears Down cont.
Sherman’s March
• Spring 1864, Sherman creates a path of destruction through Georgia
The Election of 1864
• Lincoln’s unexpected reelection helped by Sherman’s victories
Objective: Describe instances of total war waged by Grant & Sherman
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The Confederacy Wears Down cont.
The Surrender at
• April 1865, Grant, Lee sign
surrender at Appomatox
Court House
• Within a month, all
remaining Confederate
resistance collapses
Objective: Describe instances of total war waged by Grant & Sherman
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The War Changes the Nation
Human Cost of the War
• Approximately 360,000 Union and 260,000 Confederate soldiers die
Political and Economic Changes
• Civil War increases power, authority of federal government
• Southern economy shattered: industry, farmlands destroyed
Objective: Explain how the war changed the nation & people’s lives
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The War Changes the Nation cont.
A Revolution in Warfare
• Developments in military technology make fighting more deadly
• Ironclad ships change naval warfare
Objective: Explain how the war changed the nation & people’s lives
The North Takes Charge (4.3)
The War Changes Lives
The Thirteenth Amendment
• Thirteenth Amendment bans slavery in all
Lincoln Is Assassinated
• April 14, 1865, Lincoln is shot at Ford’s
• Assassin John Wilkes Booth escapes,
trapped by Union cavalry, shot
• 7 million people pay respects to Lincoln’s
funeral train
Objective: Explain how the war changed the nation & people’s lives
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
The Politics of Reconstruction
Building a New South
• Freedmen’s Bureau provides social services, medical care, education
• Reconstruction—U.S. rebuilds, readmits South into Union (1865–1877)
Lincoln’s Plan
• State readmitted if 10% of 1860 voters swear allegiance to Union
• Radical Republicans consider plan too lenient:
- want to destroy political power of former slaveholders
- want full citizenship and suffrage for African Americans
Objective: Describe various Reconstruction plans & analyze the political
consequences of the plans
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
The Politics of Reconstruction cont.
Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction
• Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor, forms own
• Excludes Confederate leaders, wealthy landowners
• Congress rejects new Southern governments,
Congressional Reconstruction
• Congress passes Civil Rights Act, Freedmen’s Bureau
Act (1866)
• Fourteenth Amendment grants full citizenship to
African Americans
• Reconstruction Act of 1867 divides Confederacy into
Objective: Describe various Reconstruction plans & analyze the political
consequences of the plans
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
The Politics of Reconstruction cont.
Johnson Impeached
• House impeaches for blocking Reconstruction; Senate does not convict
U. S. Grant Elected
• Grant elected president in 1868; wins 9 of 10 African-American votes
• Fifteenth Amendment protects voting rights of African Americans
Objective: Describe various Reconstruction plans & analyze the political
consequences of the plans
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
Reconstructing Society
Conditions in the Postwar South
• By 1870, all former Confederate states have rejoined Union
• Republican governments begin public works programs, social services
Politics in the Postwar South
• Scalawags—farmers who joined Republicans, want to improve position
• Carpetbaggers—Northern Republicans, moved to the South after the war
• Many Southern whites reject higher status, equal rights for blacks
Objective: Describe how Reconstruction affected life in the
South for white Southerners & former slaves
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
Reconstructing Society cont.
Former Slaves Improve Their Lives
• Freedmen found own churches; ministers become community leaders
• Republican governments, church groups found schools, universities
• Thousands move to reunite with family, find jobs
African Americans in Reconstruction
• Few black officeholders; Hiram Revels is first black senator
Sharecropping and Tenant Farming
• Sharecropping—to farm land owned by another, keep only part of crops
• Tenant farmers rent land from owner
Objective: Describe how Reconstruction affected life in the
South for white Southerners & former slaves
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
The Collapse of Reconstruction
The Collapse of Reconstruction
• Ku Klux Klan—southern vigilante group, wants to:
- destroy Republicans, aid planter class, repress African Americans
- to achieve goals, KKK kills thousand of men, women, children
• Enforcement Acts of 1870, 1871 uphold federal power in South
• In 1872, Amnesty Act passes, Freedmen’s
Bureau expires
Support for Reconstruction Fades
• Republicans splinter; panic of 1873 distracts North’s attention
• Supreme Court rules against Radical
Republican changes
Objective: Explain the reasons for the end of Reconstruction
Reconstruction & Its Effects (4.4)
The Collapse of Reconstruction cont.
Democrats “Redeem” the South
• Democrats regain control as 1876 election deal ends Reconstruction
Objective: Explain the reasons for the end of Reconstruction