Download intro to plants - SBI3USylviaFall2010

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Plants: Structure and
Objectives: F3.1
1. Describe the general structure of
vascular plants
2. Describe the structures of the various
types of tissues in vascular plants.
What do you already know...
• Name the process that occurs within the
mitochondria of living cells.
• What is the equation for this process?
• Name the process that occurs within the leaves of
green plants.
• Why do plants carry out this process?
• What two substances do plants make, during
photosynthesis, that animals need?
• What substance do animals make, during
respiration, that plants need?
Classifying Plants
• Kingdom Plantae can be classified into two
major divisions:
1. Vascular Plants (ie: Ferns, Trees)
2. Nonvascular Plants (ie: Mosses)
In this unit we will be learning about
vascular plants: their structure and
how they function.
A Typical Vascular Plant
Major Plant Parts and Functions
Explain what (general) function each of these
plant parts carry out.
• Roots:
• Stem:
• Leaves:
• Flowers:
The "Typical" Plant Body
The Shoot System (Leaves, Stem, Flowers)
• Above ground (usually)
• Elevates the plant above the soil
• Many functions including:
– photosynthesis
– reproduction & dispersal
– food and water transportation in ________
and ___________
The Root System (Roots)
• Underground (usually)
• Anchors the plant in the soil
• Absorb water and nutrients
• Transports water and nutrients to the
• Food Storage
Plant Tissues...
• The tissues of a plant are
organized into three tissue
1) the dermal tissue system
2) the ground tissue system
3) the vascular tissue system
Work Sheet Activity
Plant Tissue
•Generally a single layer of cells
•The "skin" of the plant
• protection
• prevention of water
loss (waxy cuticle)
Outermost cell layer
•Makes up the bulk of the plant
•Made up of
-Parenchyma cells
- Collenchyma cells
-Schlerenchyma cells
•In roots it is called pith
• photosynthesis
• food storage
• regeneration
• support
• protection
Middle cell layer
Made up of
•Xylem cells
•Phloem cells
•Parenchyma cells
•Schlerenchyma cells
•Transport of water,
Innermost cell layer
ions, minerals, and food
•Secondary role in
Dermal Tissue:
Vascular Tissue:
Cell Types in the Plant Body...
Parenchyma: Consist of living cells that make up plant body.
• Involved in photosynthesis and nutrient and water storage
• Functions in healing and regeneration of plant parts
Collenchyma: Consist of living cells/Just below the epidermis
• Help strengthen the plant
• Thicker, flexible cell walls (flexible plant parts)
Sclerenchyma: Usually dead at maturity.
• Secondary cell wall made of cellulose
– Provides strength and rigidness to cell
More Plant Cells...
Xylem: Vascular tissue
• Carries water and dissolved minerals up from the
roots to other plant parts
Phloem: Vascular tissue
• Transports sugars, synthesized in the leaves
throughout the plant and down to the roots for
• ** all of these cells arise from meristematic cells
(undifferentiated cells)
Homework (pg. 500 of your text)
Name 3 plant tissues.
Name the specific type of tissue or cell
that performs each of the following functions:
a) Provides a waterproof layer
b) Transports sugars throughout the plant
c) Transports water and minerals up the plant
d) Stores carbohydrates
e) Forms a hard shell and provides support