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Plants: Structure and
What do you already know...
• Name the process that occurs within the
leaves of green plants.
• What is the equation for this process?
• Why do plants carry out this process?
• What two substances do plants make, during
photosynthesis, that animals need?
• What substance do animals make, during
respiration, that plants need?
Classifying Plants
• Kingdom Plantae can be classified into two
major divisions:
1. Vascular Plants (ie: Ferns, Trees)
2. Nonvascular Plants (ie: Mosses)
In this unit we will be learning about
vascular plants: their structure and
how they function.
A Typical Vascular Plant
Major Plant Parts and Functions
Explain what (general) function each of these
plant parts carry out.
• Roots:
• Stem:
• Leaves:
• Flowers:
The "Typical" Plant Body
The Shoot System (Leaves, Stem, Flowers)
• Above ground (usually)
• Elevates the plant above the soil
• Many functions including:
– photosynthesis
– reproduction & dispersal
– food and water transportation in ________
and ___________
The Root System (Roots)
• Underground (usually)
• Anchors the plant in the soil
• Absorb water and nutrients
• Transports water and nutrients to the
• Food Storage
Cell Types in the Plant Body...
Parenchyma: Consist of living cells that make up plant body.
• Involved in photosynthesis and nutrient and water storage
• Functions in healing and regeneration of plant parts
Collenchyma: Consist of living cells/Just below the epidermis
• Help strengthen the plant
• Thicker, flexible cell walls (flexible plant parts)
Sclerenchyma: Usually dead at maturity.
• Secondary cell wall made of cellulose
– Provides strength and rigidness to cell
Plant Tissues...
• The tissues of a plant are
organized into three tissue
• 1) meristematic tissue
• 2) dermal tissue
• 3) ground tissue
• 4) vascular tissue
Work Sheet Activity
Plant Tissue
•Generally a single layer of cells
•The "skin" of the plant
• protection
• prevention of water
loss (waxy cuticle)
Outermost cell layer
•Makes up the bulk of the plant
•Made up of
-Parenchyma cells
- Collenchyma cells
-Schlerenchyma cells
•In roots it is called pith
• photosynthesis
• food storage
• regeneration
• support
• protection
Middle cell layer
Made up of
•Xylem cells
•Phloem cells
•Parenchyma cells
•Schlerenchyma cells
•Transport of water,
Innermost cell layer
ions, minerals, and food
•Secondary role in
Specialized plant tissues...
Xylem: Vascular tissue
• Carries water and dissolved minerals up from the
roots to other plant parts
Phloem: Vascular tissue
• Transports sugars, synthesized in the leaves
throughout the plant and down to the roots for
• ** all of these cells arise from meristematic cells
(undifferentiated cells)
Dermal Tissue:
Vascular Tissue:
Name 3 plant tissues.
Name the specific type of tissue or cell
that performs each of the following functions:
a) Provides a waterproof layer
b) Transports sugars throughout the plant
c) Transports water and minerals up the plant
d) Stores carbohydrates
e) Forms a hard shell and provides support