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Chapter Resources
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Image Bank
Video Clips and Animations
Chapter Summary
Chapter Review Questions
Standardized Test Practice
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Image Bank
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Image Bank
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Image Bank
Bacteria Reproducing
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Compound Light
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Organelle – Cell Wall
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Organelle – Nucleus
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Organelle – Central Vacuole
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Inside a Mitochondrion
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Types of Human Cells
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Plant Cell
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Collection Bag
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Compare Cells
Make the following Foldable to help you see
how plant and animal cells are similar and
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Fold a vertical
sheet of paper in
half from top to
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the fold at the top.
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Unfold the paper once.
Cut only the fold of the
top flap to make two tabs.
Turn the paper vertically
and draw on the front
tabs as shown.
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Read and Write
Before you read the chapter, write what you
know about each of these cells. As you read
the chapter, add to or correct what you have
written under the tabs. Compare and contrast
the two types of cells.
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Video Clips
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Video Clips
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Video Clips
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The World of Cells
• The cell theory states that all living things are
made of one or more cells, the cell is the
basic unit of life, and all cells come from
other cells.
• The microscope is an instrument that enlarges
the image of an object.
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The World of Cells
• All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane
and contain hereditary material and
cytoplasm. Plants cells have a cell wall
outside the cell membrane. Cells, except
bacteria, contain organelles.
• The nucleus directs the cell's activities.
Chromosomes contain DNA that determines
what kinds of traits an organism will have.
Vacuoles store substances.
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The World of Cells
• In mitochondria, the process of cellular
respiration combines food molecules with
oxygen. This series of chemical reactions
releases energy for the cell's activities.
• The energy in light is captured and stored in
food molecules during the process of
photosynthesis. Plants, algae, and some
bacteria make their own food by
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Reviewing Main Ideas
The Different Jobs of Cells
• Many-celled organisms are made up of
different kinds of cells that perform different
• Many-celled organisms are organized into
tissues, organs, and organ systems that
perform specific jobs to keep an organism
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Chapter Review
Question 1
What make up about two-thirds of the mass
of a cell?
A. food
B. minerals
C. wastes
D. water
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LE 1.1c
Chapter Review
The correct answer is D. Cytoplasm is made
up of approximately two-thirds water.
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Chapter Review
Question 2
Which is the place where food, water, and
minerals are stored?
A. cytoplasm
B. nucleus
C. mitochondrion
D. vacuole
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LE 1.1c
Chapter Review
The answer is D. Some vacuoles store wastes
until the cell is ready to get rid of them.
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Chapter Review
Question 3
Which is NOT a main idea of the cell theory?
A. all cells come from cells
B. all cells make up tissues
C. all living things are made of one or more cells
D. the cell is the basic unit of life
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LE 1.1e
Chapter Review
The answer is B. One-celled organisms cannot
form tissues. Tissues are a collection of similar
cells that all do the same sort of work.
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Chapter Review
Question 4
Which is found in plant cells but not animal
A. cell membrane
B. cell wall
C. cytoplasm
D. nucleus
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LE 1.1
Chapter Review
The answer is B. The cell
wall provides protection
and support for the plant.
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Chapter Review
Question 5
Which is known as nature’s solar energy
A. chromosomes
B. chloroplasts
C. chlorophyll
D. chlorofluorocarbons
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LE 1.1c
Chapter Review
The answer is B. Photosynthesis takes place
inside the chloroplasts of plant cells.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 1
Which two structures are NOT found in animal
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LE 1.1
Standardized Test Practice
A. cell membrane,
cell wall
B. cell wall,
C. chloroplasts,
D. chromosomes,
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LE 1.1
Standardized Test Practice
The correct answer is B. Most plant cells
contain the same types of organelles as animal
cells. However, plant cells also have a cell
wall and chloroplasts.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 2
What is the magnification of a microscope that
has an eyepiece with a power of 5 and an
objective lens with a power of 10?
A. 10 X
B. 25 X
C. 50 X
D. 100 X
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Standardized Test Practice
The answer is C. The magnification of a
microscope is found by multiplying the
powers of the eyepiece and the objective lens.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 3
Who is credited with discovering cells?
A. Robert Hooke
B. Gregor Mendel
C. Isaac Newton
D. Theodore Schwan
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LE 1.1a
Standardized Test Practice
The answer is A. In 1665, Robert Hooke
observed tiny boxlike things in a thin slice of
cork. He called them cells.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 4
According to this illustration, what are the end
products of photosynthesis?
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LE 6.2a
Standardized Test Practice
A. carbon dioxide
and water
B. food and carbon
C. oxygen and food
D. sunlight and water
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LE 6.2a
Standardized Test Practice
The correct answer is C. The arrows that are
exiting the chloroplast indicate that oxygen and
food are the end products of photosynthesis.
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Standardized Test Practice
Question 5
Which are long and tubelike, forming a system
through which water, food, and other materials
move in a plant?
A. flower cells
B. leaf cells
C. root cells
D. stem cells
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LE 1.1f
Standardized Test Practice
The correct answer is D. Many of the cells in
stems are long and tube-shaped. They move
water and other materials through the plant.
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