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Calcium enters from biosphere in dust or
from organisms
 Like phosphorous, there is no gaseous
state so it does not stay in the
 When animals die, the calcium in their
bodies are decomposed and go into soil
Water can carry calcium to or from soil
through weathering
 When in the soil, calcium is in an
insoluble form until it is broken down by
microbes into a usable form
 Mineralization can store calcium in rocks
 Calcium can be returned from root
 Calcium can be absorbed by plant roots
When absorbed by plants, calcium is
now in an organic state
 The calcium can continually be recycled
between the plant roots and soil
 OR herbivores can eat the plants or drink
the water and the calcium returns to the
 If the plant or animal dies, decomposers
break down the organism and calcium is
returned to water or soil
Calcium is a mineral necessary for life
 In early life, calcium helps build strong
bones and teeth
 Helps with muscle contraction and other
body processes
 Plants need calcium to help in cell wall
development and their metabolism;
stronger cell walls protect from