Download 1. According to traditional Jewish law, what identifies

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1. According to traditional Jewish law, what
identifies someone as a Jew? How is this
designation of membership in the religion different
from Islam and Christianity?
1. According to traditional Jewish law, what
identifies someone as a Jew? How is this
designation of membership in the religion different
from Islam and Christianity?
—To be Jewish means to be born of a Jewish mother or
convert to Judaism. In Islam and Christianity, however, a
person must make a statement of faith to become a member
of either.
2. What does it mean to say that Judaism is
typically not a proselytizing religion?
2. What does it mean to say that Judaism is
typically not a proselytizing religion?
— Judaism is a religion strictly for Jews. It is a religion of a
people, and it is only possible to become Jewish by birth
or by conversion. Judaism is the religion for Jews while
other religions are for other people.
3. What confusion does distinguishing between
Judaism and Jewishness attempt to address?
3. What confusion does distinguishing between
Judaism and Jewishness attempt to address?
—It attempts to address the difference between the religion
and the social and cultural aspects of the Jewish people.
4. Name the two perspectives that Judaism has
toward history. How is the perspective on history
different from the perspective held by Hinduism
and Buddhism?
4. Name the two perspectives that Judaism has
toward history. How is the perspective on history
different from the perspective held by Hinduism
and Buddhism?
—History is both sacred and dynamic for Judaism; compared
to Hinduism and Buddhism, for which history belongs in
the realm of illusion and appearances.
5. Why does the word “agreement” rather than
“contract” better define covenant as Jews
understand the concept?
5. Why does the word “agreement” rather than
“contract” better define covenant as Jews
understand the concept?
—The word “agreement” defines covenant better because it is
less legalistic and more relational.
6. What is the origin of the concept covenant?
6. What is the origin of the concept covenant?
—The concept originated with the interactions among Middle
Eastern people where resources were scarce. Additionally,
covenants laid out the terms of agreement between a ruler
and subjects in a nation.
7. According to the Bible, who initiates the
covenant between God and the Jewish people?
7. According to the Bible, who initiates the
covenant between God and the Jewish people?
—God initiates the covenant, and he continues to remain
faithful to it, even when the Jewish people do not.
8. How is Judaism different from Deism?
8. How is Judaism different from Deism?
—Judaism believes that God has been active in the world
since he created it. Deism believes, on the other hand,
that God created the world and then left natural forces
and humans to determine its course.
9. What does the term “Hebrew” say about the
ancestors of the Jewish people?
9. What does the term “Hebrew” say about the
ancestors of the Jewish people?
—The word “Hebrew” means “strangers,” a term that
identified the ancestors of the Jewish people as people
without a homeland.
10. What does God ask of Abraham as a “sign of
the covenant”?
10. What does God ask of Abraham as a “sign of
the covenant”?
—God asks of Abraham as a sign of the covenant that all
male children undergo circumcision at the age of eight
11. What is the origin and meaning of the word
11. What is the origin and meaning of the word
—The origin of the name “Israel” is derived from Jacob’s
struggle with a stranger—a messenger from God—which
ends in the stranger asking Jacob’s name, then renaming
him “Israel.” The descendents of Abraham take on the
name “Israelites,” or “children of Israel.”
12. What is the pivotal story of the Jewish religion?
12. What is the pivotal story of the Jewish religion?
—The Exodus, in which the Jews are liberated from slavery,
survive a desert journey, and arrive as a united people in
the promised land.
13. How do Jews today view the Exodus
experience of liberation?
13. How do Jews today view the Exodus
experience of liberation?
—Liberation is an ongoing theme in the lives of Jews.
Alone, people are enslaved, with God’s intervention, they
are set free.
14. What is the meaning of Yahweh?
14. What is the meaning of Yahweh?
—It means “I am who am,” a dual natured understanding of
God. God is both a mystery and an active presence in the
15. What does it mean to say that Judaism believes
in ethical monotheism?
15. What does it mean to say that Judaism believes
in ethical monotheism?
—Ethical monotheism means that the belief in the one, true
God has ethical implications. Belief in God cannot be
separated from moral acts.
16. What role did the people known as Judges play
in formation of Israel?
16. What role did the people known as Judges play
in formation of Israel?
—The Judges led the early nation of Israel before Samuel
anointed Saul king.
17. Who were the three kings during the period of
a united Israel?
17. Who were the three kings during the period of
a united Israel?
—Saul, David, and Solomon.
18. What is the difference between the
temple and synagogues?
18. What is the difference between the
temple and synagogues?
—The temple was built as a place where Jews could worship God
and offer animal sacrifices, it became the focal point of their
religion—a place of pilgrimage. Synagogues developed after
the temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. The Jews who
survived the Babylonian captivity created synagogues to
continue their traditions and study Scripture. This study of
Scripture helped hold the Jewish people together.
19. What does “messiah” literally mean? What is
the Greek translation of the word?
19. What does “messiah” literally mean? What is
the Greek translation of the word?
—“Messiah” literally means “anointed one.”
The Greek translation is “christ.”
20. How were the prophets extolled in Scripture
different from official prophets?
20. How were the prophets extolled in Scripture
different from official prophets?
—Official prophets were often retained by rulers, prophets
from Scripture were “unofficial” and they frequently
challenged the king and the people of Israel to keep the
21. Name the three parts of the Hebrew Bible.
21. Name the three parts of the Hebrew Bible.
—The Pentateuch (or the Torah), the books that describe the
actions of the prophets, and the Writings (which included
the psalms, proverbs, and wisdom literature).
22. What 70 B.C. event transformed Judaism?
22. What 70 B.C. event transformed Judaism?
—The Roman army crushed a rebellion in Jerusalem, and in
the process, destroyed much of the city and the temple.
Only the Western Wall (the Wailing Wall) remains.
23. What is the relationship between the
Talmud and Torah?
23. What is the relationship between the
Talmud and Torah?
—The Torah is the Hebrew word for “five books,” or the
Pentateuch—as it is known in Greek. The Torah provides
the laws for Jews to live by as provided by God. The
Talmud, on the other hand, provides rules set forth by great
rabbis that interpret the meaning of many of the laws from
the Torah so that Jews could remain faithful to the Torah in
times of change.
24. Who were the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim?
24. Who were the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim?
—The Sephardim are Jews who lived in Muslim-controlled
land, particularly in southern Spain. Jews who lived in
Christian-controlled land, particularly in Germany and
Eastern Europe, were known as Ashkenazim.
25. What was the Spanish Inquisition?
25. What was the Spanish Inquisition?
—The Spanish Inquisition were trials set up to punish
anyone suspected of undermining or rejecting the
Christian faith.
26. What position did Saint Augustine of Hippo
take regarding Jews?
26. What position did Saint Augustine of Hippo
take regarding Jews?
—Jews should be allowed to exist in the Christian world to
serve as a living reminder of Christianity’s roots, but that
Jews should always be second-class citizens to serve as a
reminder that Christianity has superceded Judaism.
27. What principal differences exist among the
four major branches of modern Judaism?
27. What principal differences exist among the
four major branches of modern Judaism?
—Reform Judaism seeks to adopt Judaism to the modern
world. Orthodox Jews seek to stay as close as possible to
traditional ways of dress, lifestyle, and worship.
Conservative Jews, in the 19th Century, felt that the
reform movement had gone too far and want to conserve
more of their Jewishness. Reconstructionist Jews see
Judaism as constantly evolving throughout history, and,
as such, they wish to create a religious civilization by
building on the past while also being open to
contemporary developments within the Jewish
community and the world.
28. Define Zionism and shoah.
28. Define Zionism and shoah.
—Zionism was the movement to reestablish a nation of
Israel on the land where the ancient kingdom of Israel
had once existed. Shoah is the term that Jews use to refer
to the murder of their people in the Holocaust—an event
that led to the formation of the nation of Israel.
29. What function does the Sabbath play for Jews?
29. What function does the Sabbath play for Jews?
—It is a day to meditate and reflect. It is a day to stop
business, rest, and appreciate God and his gifts.
30. What feasts mark the beginning and end of the
High Holy Days in Judaism? What time of the year
are they celebrated?
30. What feasts mark the beginning and end of the
High Holy Days in Judaism? What time of the year
are they celebrated?
—Rosh Hashanah begins the High Holy Days, and Yom
Kippur ends them. They are celebrated beginning on the
first day of the autumn month of Tishri.
31. What is the origin of Sukot? What does it
celebrate today? How is it celebrated?
31. What is the origin of Sukot? What does it
celebrate today? How is it celebrated?
—Sukot originated with the harvest time among Jews who
discovered it was more practical to stay in the fields than return
home after the day’s work. Today it celebrates the fragility of
life and one’s dependence upon God—as their ancestors did
when traveling to the Promised Land. It is celebrated by
building a hut-like structure covered with branches, fruits, and
32. What does Pesach commemorate?
How is it celebrated?
32. What does Pesach commemorate?
How is it celebrated?
—Pesach—or Passover—commemorates the Exodus from
Egypt. It is celebrated with the seder meal, designed to
assure that the meaning of the meal is not lost by having
the youngest child present questions about why Pesach
night is different from all other nights.
33. What does Chanukah celebrate? Why has it
taken on increased significance recently?
33. What does Chanukah celebrate? Why has it
taken on increased significance recently?
—Chanukah celebrates the rededication of the temple after
Greek rulers who controlled Israel were driven out. It has
increased in significance recently because it falls around
the time of Christmas.
34. What serves as the initiation rites for infant
boys and girls into Judaism?
34. What serves as the initiation rites for infant
boys and girls into Judaism?
—For boys, circumcision is the initiation rite. For girls, a
ceremony for naming formally initiates them.
35. What do Bar and Bat Mitzvah mean? What is
the significance of these ceremonies?
35. What do Bar and Bat Mitzvah mean? What is
the significance of these ceremonies?
—Bar and Bat Mitzvah mean “son or daughter of the
commandment.” When a Jewish boy or girl turns 13, he
or she is called upon to observe the commandments and
to be a responsible adult member of the Jewish
36. Name two rituals associated with the Jewish
wedding ceremony.
36. Name two rituals associated with the Jewish
wedding ceremony.
—The couple being wed stands under a chupah during the
ceremony. The ceremony ends with the groom stepping
on a glass and everyone saying Mazel tov.
37. What is Shivah?
37. What is Shivah?
—Shivah is an initial seven-day mourning period following
the death of a family member or loved one that is spent at
home with friends during which the family and friends
recite special prayers.
38. Why is assimilation a concern of
Jews in America?
38. Why is assimilation a concern of
Jews in America?
—Assimilation refers to a minority group losing their
identity and becoming part of the dominant community.
As Judaism and Jewishness are such large parts of being
a Jew, assimilation would destroy large parts of what it
means to be a Jew.