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Nile River world’s longest river: east-central
Africa…empties into Mediterranean Sea
Land at mouth of Nile: Lower Egypt: delta land:
triangular piece of land formed from soil deposits:
rich fertile land
Higher land: Upper Egypt
Farther south: cataracts/waterfalls
Nile cuts across Sahara Desert
Wheat and barley grown on fertile land of Nile
Nile: “the giver of life”…settlements along the
Nile River gave but also took..times of drought,
times of flooding
Egyptians took control of the Nile
Simple irrigation ditches, dams and dikes,
learned to store water
Irrigation so important government supervised
Authority of leaders based on ability to provide
water for crops
Using the information from the text and classroom
discussion you are to do the following:
A. Create a Poster on the Nile River
B. Your Poster must have a Creative Title
 10 points
C. On your poster you must have illustrated at least 5 content
facts about the Nile River
 50 points
D. Poster should be in Color
 10 points
E. Creativity and Neatness
 20 points
F. Overall evaluation
 20 points
Flooding of Nile influenced Egyptians
Need to find order/reason in world: created stories to explain
Gods/Goddesses controlled a part of nature
Many gods/polytheism
Sun god: Ra
Sun’s position predictable..rise and set..rise in the east, set in the
west…god born each day, died each night
Belief in afterlife: life after death
Another god: Hapi: god of flood..many festivals to honor Hapi,
would bring good harvests
Horus: sky god Osiris: god of next world
Each city had a special god/goddess, as city grew powerful so did
the god
Amon-Ra: most powerful god
You will write a one page story creating a god
to explain one of the following events:
A. Why does it snow?
B. Why does it rain?
C. Why are there seasons?
D. Why does the sun rise and set?
E. Why is there drought?
F. Why is there wind?
Black ink, cursive, neatness, creativity
An advanced civilization: towns along Nile,
temples, stone tombs, writing, potters, copper and
gold for decorative art
Farming key to civilization: surplus crops: wheat
and barley, trading
Sinai Peninsula: crossroad for trade between
Egyptians and southwestern Asia
Nile served as a “highway” for trade
Egyptian expert shipbuilders
Importance of sails: increase travel speed, ability
to sail against the current: upstream
By 3100BC: two kingdoms: Upper Egypt and
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt/Lower Egypt: diplomacy,
interaction among the two
Upper Egypt conquers Lower Egypt: now just one
Egypt: capital: Memphis
World’s first nation-state: a unified area under one
King Narmer: beginning of a dynasty
31 dynasties in Egypt during its history
Three periods: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom,
New Kingdom
Kings considered living gods…connection
between gods an people..Kings never wrong
Writing system: hieroglyphs: borrowed from
Used for religious purposes: “holy carvings”
Expanded for government purposes
How to keep records?...papyrus
A book to us…a scroll for the Egyptians
Old Kingdom: Age of Pyramids
Pyramids: stone structures used as tombs, a
type of architecture: pyramid shape identified
with sun god: Ra
King Zoser: first king buried in a stone
Best known pyramid: Great Pyramid of Giza
Strongest religious belief: life after death
Need to preserve body after death: mummy
All body parts removed except the heart…home of
the soul
Body dried using a salt and then wrapped in linen
bandages: placed in tombs with personal
New Kingdom: Book of the Dead placed in tombs
“weighing of the heart”: soul of dead appeared
before god Osiris and group of judges:
heart/feather..need to balance
End of Old Kingdom: Egypt is in a civil war, a war within a country
Not only civil war but drought and famine
Hard times leads to conflict, fighting
“One can cross the water on foot..The land is in sickness…One will take
up weapons of warfare..a son as an enemy, a brother as a foe.”
2040 BC: Egypt unites: Middle Kingdom..time of stability and
growth…Dynasty 12
Look at the details: Dynasty 12
Amenemhet: king
Conquered northern Nubia
Chain of forts for defense
Walls of Prince: series of forts to protect Nile Delta
Building project
Irrigation and canals
Temples and pyramids: Labyrinth: 3,000 rooms
Advancements in art and literature
Fine jewelry
Now write a paragraph explaining why Dynasty 12 was so great…using details
Trade increased: southwestern Asia, eastern
Africa, and eastern Mediterranean region
Plenty of resources, especially grain, minerals, and
semi-precious stones
Lacked wood, copper
Imported: silver, copper, turquoise, cedar,
pinewood, gold, ebony, ivory, and incense.
Risks of trade: slow, robbers, pirates
Wealth could be made
“Cost-benefit analysis” : pros vs cons, cost vs what
benefits received: Is it worth it?
Create your own cost-benefit analysis on a topic
Dynasty 12 faced with attacks/invaders: eventually weak:
Dynasty 13: over 70 kings
Invaders from southwestern Asia: from Sinai Peninsula:
Hykos: “rulers of foreign lands”
Hykos: brought end of Middle Kingdom
Hykos: military superiority: horse-drawn chariots, body
armor, stronger bow
Established Dynasty 15: in Lower Egypt
Hykos: cultural exchange: horses, upright looms, lyre and
the lute, expanded trade routes
Egyptians will regain power
Have we learned details: Write a paragraph describing the
contributions the Hykos made to Egypt.
Page 155: Read the biography on Hatshepsut.
Give 3 specific facts about Hatshepsut.
Dynasty 18: beginning of New Kingdom
Egyptian kings took title of pharaoh: “great
Power of gold: flesh of gods made of gold
Time of first full-time army: conquered Nubia:
land rich in gold
A Queen: Hatshepsut: armies sent to Nubia and
southwestern Asia: demanded conquered land
pay tribute
Thutmose III: Egyptian Empire reached greatest
Amenhotep IV: pharaoh
Nefertiti: wife of Amenhotep
Favored a single god: Aton: god of sun
Amenhotep changed his name to Akhenaton: servant
of the Aton
Moved Egypt’s religious capital to Akhetaten
After death: 9 year old to the throne: Tutankhaton:
restored Egyptian gods: changed name to
tutankhamen: “living image of Amon”
Ramses II: Ramses the Great: new ruler: time of
1215 BC: Egypt in decline: losing land to Sea People:
invaders from Asia Minor
Egyptian society like a pyramid:1 pharaoh,
2 royal family members, priests, and nobles, 3
craftworkers, scribes, and merchants,
4 farmers
and unskilled workers, 5 and then there were slaves
Slaves: captured in war: could own personal items,
hold government jobs, and could earn freedom
Egyptians lived in villages, rural areas
Egyptian women highly respected: could own
property and businesses
Education started at early age: children of nobles,
mathematics, literature, and writing
Boys learned father’s trade
Girls learned role of mothers
Pyramids, temples, government buildings: made of stone
Other buildings made of mud bricks
Houses: two or three stories, first floor a shop or business,
upper floors living area
Some houses build around a courtyard: cook, play, relax:
“a back yard”
Special area for worshipping favored god
Summer: slept on roof to keep cool
Building of pyramid stopped: too expensive
Egyptian temples: long path of statues of sphinxes, temple
gate, courtyard, large hall: “swamp of creation:, hall lined
with stone columns, altar at rear of temple
Egyptians loved music: dance, lutes, harps
Literatue: the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor