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Psychotic Disorders
Eszter BarraJohnson, Ph.D.
Remedios Varo: To be
Reborn (1960)
What Are Psychotic Disorders?
Psychotic disorders are mental disorders in
which the personality is seriously
disorganized, and a person's contact with
reality becomes impaired. During a
psychotic episode a person is confused about
reality and often experiences delusions and /
or hallucinations. (Miller, J.L., 2000,
Characteristics of Psychotic Disorders
Delusions [inaccurate beliefs the person
holds, even after being presented with
accurate information; 2 kinds: Grandiose,
and Persecutory]; hallucinations [internal
sensory perceptions, sights or sounds, that
are not really present], bizarre behavior,
incoherent or disorganized speech, and/or
disorganized behavior (Miller, J.L., 2000,
Types of Delusions
Grandiose delusion: This occurs when a
person’s belief about his/her own importance
or status in life is grossly out of proportion. For
example, a person might believe that he / she is
Jesus Christ, the Pope, or the President of the
Persecutory delusion: This means that a
person believes there is some form of a
conspiracy to harass, punish, or attack him /
her (typical example: “The FBI is following
me”). The person also might believe that the
group to which he / she belongs is being
harassed or singled out for punishment by the
government or other entities. (Miller, J.L.,
Rare Types of Delusional D/O
More rare types of delusions include
Capgras syndrome, in which the person
believes someone they know had been
replaced by a clone; and Cotard’s
syndrome, in which the person believes a
part of his or her body (e.g., the brain, or
some body parts) has changed in some
impossible way.
Types of Psychotic Disorders
There are 9 main types of Psychotic Disorders, such as:
(1) Brief Psychotic Episode
[Psychotic symptoms last 30 days or less]
(2) Schizoaffective Disorder
[Psychotic episodes with mood disturbances]
(3) Schizopherniform Disorder
[Same criteria as Schizophrenia, but episode lasts from 16 months, and there is no deterioration of social status].
(4) Schizophrenias
[Psychotic symptoms last longer than 6 months, and
deterioration of occupational and social functioning is
prominent. See types of Schizophrenias on the next
(Miller, J.L., 2000,
Major Subtypes of Schizophrenias
For detailed diagnostic criteria please
read the DSM-IV-TR and review the
Durand & Barlow text book pp.504-505.
Types of Psychotic Disorders ctd.
Delusional Disorder [non-bizarre
delusions, situations that could occur in
real life, such as being followed,
poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or
loved from a distance; can lead a normal
social life]
6. Shared psychotic disorder (Folie a
Deux or Psychosis by association) [a rare
delusional disorder shared by 2 or,
occasionally, more people with close
emotional ties as explained here:
Types of Psychotic D/O ctd.
7. Substance induced psychosis
[certain drugs and chemical
substances may induce
temporary delusions and
8. Psychosis due to a general
medical condition [see next 2
Psychotic State / Medical Cause
One or more medical conditions causing
brain changes, leading to psychotic
symptoms (e.g., hallucinations,
delusions), A large variety of medical
conditions can create psychosis, amng
them neurological conditions like brain
tumors, cerebro-vascular disease,
Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis
(MS), epilepsy, auditory or visual nerve
injury or impairment, deafness,
migraine, and infections of the central
nervous system. []
Psychotic state / Medical Cause II.
Endocrine disturbances include increase
(Hyper -,) or decrease (Hypo-) in the
activity of the thyroid, parathyroid, or
adrenocortical system. A decrease in
blood gases such as oxygen or carbon
dioxide, or imbalances in blood sugar or
electrolytes are some metabolic causes of
psychosis. Autoimmune disorders with
central nervous system involvement such
as systemic lupus erythematosus may also
cause psychosis. []
9. Psychosis - Not otherwise
specified [Everything that
doesn’t meet the criteria for
other types of Psychotic
Disorders; patient exhibits some
or mixed symptoms of various
Psychotic D/O]
So, are surrealistic paintings…
…created in psychotic
episodes? What do
you think?
Remedios Varo: Vampiros
Or how about this one:
Remedios Varo:
Exploracion de las
Fuentes del Rio
Orinoco [The
origination of the
Orinoco river] (1959)
…and this one?
Remedios Varo:
Mental Health Services USA
Legal and ethical issues: Review
Chapter 14
pp. 563-583.
Insanity as Criminal Defense
The insanity defense has been a source of
intense debate among attorneys, mental
health professionals and the public. The
average American believes defendants are
abusing this defense to avoid the
consequences of their actions including
capital punishment.
Do you agree or disagree; and why?
The Case of Andrea Yates
A Houston jury found Andrea Yates not guilty by reason of
insanity for admittedly killing her 5 children in 2001 by
systematically drowning them in a bathtub. In her
delusional state while in a psychotic episode, she thought
Satan was inside her she was trying to save the kids from
The 42-year-old will be committed to a state mental
hospital, with periodic hearings before a judge to
determine whether she should be released. If convicted of
murder, she would have faced life in prison.
What are your thoughts about this tragedy?
This is the END
I enjoyed spending
time with you this
evening. Have a
safe and happy
Dr. E.
René François Ghislain
Magritte (1898 – 1967)