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Energy Basics
Part 1: The Relationship Between Matter and Energy
Define matter and energy
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
Energy is the capacity to take action and move matter around.
How are energy and matter related?
Energy is stored in matter.
Energy moves matter.
3. The Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be rearranged.
The total mass of Earth is constant, because Earth is neither
gaining or losing mass.
4. The Law of Conservation of Energy (First Law of Thermodynamics)
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from
one form into another.
Part 2: The Various Forms of Energy
Forms of Energy
Potential Energy
Energy that is stored and ready
to be used, due to an object’s
position or condition.
- Nuclear
- Elastic
- Gravitational
Kinetic Energy
Energy that is released due to
an objects movement or
- Light
- Heat
- Sound
- Electrical
- Mechanical- Linear and Rotational
Energy Definitions
• Heat – Energy of moving particles that can change
• Light – Energy from electromagnetic waves.
• Electrical – Energy from the movement of electrons.
• Chemical – Energy stored in the bonds between atoms in
a molecule.
• Nuclear – Energy stored in the bonds between particles
in the nucleus of an atom.
Energy Definitions
• Sound – Energy associated with the vibration of matter.
• Mechanical – Energy associated with the movement of objects.
• Gravitational – Energy associated with a gravitational field.
• Elastic – Energy stored in the configuration of material that is
released as it is distorted.