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NCES 6.P.1
Kim Lachler
What is Energy?
the ability to work
So what is work?
when a force causes an object to move in
the direction of the force.
Work = force X distance
Energy is transferred from the first object
to the second object, so that it can do
How is energy measured?
Energy is measured in Joules (J)
(1 J = amount of energy it takes to lift an object
that weighs 0.445 pounds {1 Newton} 1 meter)
Three main types of energy
Kinetic Energy
energy in motion
Kinetic energy = mv2
m = mass
v = velocity
Three main types of energy
Potential energy
energy an object has because of its position
Gravitational potential energy – the force of gravity
working on an object
Gravitational potential energy = weight x height
Elastic potential energy – energy stored in a
stretched rubber band
Three main types of energy
Mechanical energy
total energy of motion and position of an
Mechanical energy = potential energy + kinetic
The mechanical energy remains the same.
As potential energy increases the kinetic
energy decrease.
Or as the potential energy decreases the
kinetic energy increases
6 other forms of energy
Thermal energy
kinetic energy due to random
motion of particles that make up
an object
6 other forms of energy
Chemical energy
potential energy based on the
arrangement of atoms
6 other forms of energy
Electrical energy
potential energy based on moving
electrons being ready to be used
6 other forms of energy
Sound energy
potential energy changing to kinetic
energy through vibrations
6 other forms of energy
Light energy
Similar to sound energy - potential
energy changing to kinetic energy
through vibrations
6 other forms of energy
Nuclear energy
Nucleus of atoms contain huge
amounts of potential energy
Nasa, electromagnetic spectrum, accessed 12/16/2010
Media College. COM, How Sound Waves Work,, accessed 12/16/2010
Cool Cosmos, What is Heat?., accessed
KEEP, What is Energy?,,
accessed 12/17/2010
Discovery Education, Clip Art Gallery,, accessed 12/17/2010
Holt,Rinehart and Winsteon, North Carolina Holt Science & Technology, Holt,Rinehart and Winsteon,
New York, 2005
Discovery Education,, accessed 12/28/2010