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Rotation vs. Revolution
Earth rotates about its
Takes 1 DAY
Earth revolves all the
way around the sun
Takes 1 YEAR
Moon, Sun, Earth Positions
The Earth REVOLVES around the sun and the moon
REVOLVES around the Earth.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into the
Earth's shadow. The only way that can happen is if
the Earth is between the sun and the moon.
Phases of the Moon
New Moon
Full Moon
Moon receives sunlight
only on the side facing
away from the Earth
Moon receives sunlight
only on the side facing
towards the Earth
Solar System
Planets that are closer to the sun are
 The SUN produces its own light, and it’s HOT!
 The order of the planets…going from those
closest to the sun to those furthest out…
 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune
then there’s that guy Pluto
It’s a pretty cool
planet…it’s got an
atmosphere, and life, and
oceans, and lakes…all
sorts of stuff!
Humans have always been
interested in space. What
instrument do we use to look
far into space?
The Telescope!
Space Exploration
Where have humans been in space? Mars?
The Moon?
YES, we’ve been to the MOON!
We have put some robots on Mars, but no
human has stepped foot on Mars
It took a long time to put someone on the
moon because we had to develop the
technology to be able to explore space!
Gravity: The Moon & Ocean Tides
What causes tides?
The gravitational pull of the moon!
The gravity between the earth and
the moon pulls the water into and
off of the shore.
Force that holds Sun, Planets, Moon in Place
Gravity – pretty much is the
glue that’s keeping this
whole solar system together
It keeps the sun, planets, and
moon in orbit
Gravity: Mass vs. Weight
Mass is the same, no matter where you are in the
 Weight takes in to consideration acceleration due to
 …therefore you weigh different based on where
you are in the universe
 You weigh a lot more on Earth than you would on
the moon, b/c there isn’t much gravity on the moon
BUT, your mass is the same on the Earth & the
Amount of gravitational force between two
objects is dependent on two things:
Distance between the two objects
Mass of the two objects
To have LOTS of gravitational pull
between the two objects, the objects have
LOTS of mass and a SMALL distance
between the two
Fossil Fuels
Burning fossils produces sulfur dioxide (air
pollution)…which contributes to ACID RAIN
Acid rain is NO good
 Fossil Fuels are a NON-renewable resource,
and they have a lot of associated
environmental problems
 Nuclear energy is one potential alternative to
burning fossil fuels, but there’s issues with
nuclear too…like where to store the waste!
Renewable Sources of Energy
Renewable sources of energy are
good, well because we won’t run
out of them!
 Solar Energy = Sun Energy –
available everywhere…it
distributes heat by radiation &
Earth Systems: Camouflage
Animals who look like
what’s in their environment
survive more because
predators cannot see them
Animal Adaptations
Animals that are most well adapted to their
environment will have the best chance of survival.
Animal’s bodies reflect their lifestyle
 For example:
 Fish swim  have fins
 Hummingbirds eat nectar  have long thin beaks
Large areas of land that have similar
climate, type of animals, plants, etc.
Lots of different biomes…just know
some general characteristics of biomes
This will be covered further in
Humans must be responsible consumers
It’s important to not over hunt
or over harvest any plant or
animal, because if we take too
many of any one thing, it may
not be around next year
Fossil Record
Bones found deepest in the Earth are the
 Archeologists can study animals and plants
that are extinct by digging and researching
the fossil record
 Often, things like hair, skin, and other soft
tissue is not preserved.
 These tissues decay much quicker than
bones do.
The Water Cycle
Water Cycle
Precipitation = water rains from
the clouds
 Evaporation = water changes
from liquid to gas at the surface of
lakes and ponds
 Condensation = water vapor
condenses to form clouds