Download The Solar System In a Nut shell! (Geared towards 5th grade

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The Solar System In a Nut shell!
(Performance Assessment for middle school science)
Big Idea!
• The Solar System includes the Sun, 8
planets, and their moons.
• Target: Middle School Science
• Purpose: Understand the Earth and its
processes, the solar system, and the
universe and its contents.
Performance Assessment Overview
Compare and contrast the differences and
similarities between the inner and outer planets.
Evidence: Make clear distinctions of what the
planets are made out of.
Tasks: Put students into groups of 3 and have
them investigate (through “planet stations”)
what the planets are composed of. They will
present their findings to their classmates.
Cont’ Performance
Invent a home and a space suit that will help you
survive your new planet’s environment.
Evidence: List 5 challenges students may
encounter while living on their new planet.
Tasks: Have students brainstorm what it would
be like living on another planet. Model for
students how gravity and temperature on Earth
are different to inner and outer planets (in
regards to their position to the Sun).
Performance Assessment Summary
• Groups of 3 students research the planets in the
solar system and present a PowerPoint
presentation to show case their findings.
• Individuals brainstorm differences and
similarities between the inner and outer
• Group creates a more elaborate final list of 6
differences and 6 similarities.
• Individuals pick a planet and design a home
and space suit that combats the challenges of
the planet.
Rubric for Group Presentations
(Elements that constitute “Exceeds Criteria” for the Group
PowerPoint presentations)
• Presentation details 6 similarities and 6
differences between the inner and outer planets.
• Facts are written concisely and elaborated on
• Each student briefs 2 slides with a strong, clear
speaking voice and is able to answer questions
about their slides.
• 1 similarity and difference is represented
artistically as well as verbally.
Rubric for Individual Presentations
(Elements that constitute “Exceeds Criteria” for the
Individual Design Poster )
Students individually present each of their
posters to the class.
Speaking voice is clear and strong.
The individual poster must:
Explain which planet the student chose and
Go over a minimum of 3 challenges the
student will face while living on this planet.
Explain how their home and space suit
mitigates these challenges.