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Assignments were very good this week!
Let me know this week if you’re planning to do a
presentation rather than a report
The Search
An overview of the Mars Rover Mission
Gas Giant Planets
Sketch of a Gas Giant
Who's who in the Outer Solar System
Formation of Gas Giants
Formation of GG moons
Tidal Forces
Visits to the Planets
How Unique is Earth?
The Mars Rovers
Identical pairs of rovers sent to opposite
sides of Mars
Spirit and Opportunity
Each has a 12:20 `day' (sol) ; since on
opposite sides of Mars, it is always day
for one of the two
Primarily geology mission.
The Mars Rovers
Launched in June/July 2003
3 Stages:
Get off out Earth's surface
Get out out Earth's orbit
Head towards Mars
The Mars Rovers
Began landing in Jan 2004
Entered atmosphere at 12,000 mph
(Chicago -> San Francisco in 9 minutes)
Broke using heat shield, parachute.
Took pictures on decent to gauge
horizontal velocity
Deployed airbags
Fired retro-rockets
Bounced a lot
The Mars Rovers
Once landed and stable, base unfurled
Rover, which was also folded up,
The Mars Rovers
The Mars Rovers
Four Science Goals:
Determine whether Life ever arose
on Mars
Characterize the Climate of Mars
Characterize the Geology of Mars
Prepare for Human Exploration
The Mars Rovers
Search, characterize rocks & soils that hold clues to
past water activity and geologic process
Determine distribution, composition of minerals,
rocks, and soils surrounding the landing sites.
Perform "ground truth" of surface observations made
by orbiters
Search for iron-containing minerals that indicate water
Geological clues to the environmental conditions
that existed when liquid water was present. Assess
whether those environments were conducive to life.
The Mars Rovers
Panoramic Camera (Pancam)
Microscopic Imager (MI)
Engineering cameras: Hazcams and Navcams
Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer
Mössbauer Spectrometer (MB)
Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS)
Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT)
Magnet Array
Gas Giant Planets
Who's Who
Tidal Forces
Our Solar System
Almost all of mass of planets are in the 4 giant
The Giants
The Giants are sometimes all
called `Jovian' planets after
After more exploration
showed their diversity, this
term lost favor
The Giants
The giant planets inhabit the
outer solar system (5-30 AU)
This means they get less
energy from the Sun (4% 0.1%) per area
Top of cloud cover of planets
is very cold (-170oF --350oF)
The Giants
The giant planets can be
weighed very accurately by
measuring the speed of their
Much heavier than Earth, but
not so heavy considering their
Densities 600 – 1600 kg/m3,
compared with Earth's 5700
Mostly made of gas/liquids?
The Birth of Giants
In outer solar system, cooler
Less evaporative stripping of
volatile gasses
If sufficiently massive cores
form, can keep even volatile
These gasses will be
representative of the very
early solar system
The Birth of Giants
Since early solar system is
largely composed of
Hydrogen, so will gas giants
Rocky or Icy or Slushy core
High-hydrogen atmosphere
has some similarities to
atmosphere in Miller-Urey
Can form lots of organics
The Birth of Giants
Large rotating liquid metal
region means large magnetic
Jupiter: Significant field
extends out size of the Sun!
Can seriously effect nearby
The Birth of Giants
Jupiter in Infrared
Large mass -> high pressure,
temperature at center
Temperature at center of
Jupiter ~ 4 times surface of
Collapse from origin of planet
still slowly continuing
Releases heat energy
These planets have a source of
The Birth of Giants
Jupiter in Infrared
Gas giants emit more heat
than they absorb from Sun
At earlier times, would have
been much hotter
Moons, which are nearby,
heated by their nearby planet
Many of these moons are
large (planet-sized)
Moons might be interesting
for life?
The Composition of Giants
Structure of gas giant
atmospheres depends on mass
of planet
Lower planet mass -> lower
interior pressure -> may not
be high-pressure enough to
make hydrogen into a liquid
Rock/Ice cores surrounded by
Hydrogen/Helium gas
The Moons of Giants
Planets large enough that many
moons were also formed
Many of them planet sized in their
own right
Get heat from planet
Some (Io/Jupiter) effected by planets
magnetic field
Atmosphere? (Titan, Saturn)
Water? (Europa, Jupiter)
The Moons of Giants
Formation: like planets around sun
Rotating body, disk forms
Moons generally along plane of
rotation of planet
Tidal Forces
Tidal forces familiar from Earth
Not due simply to gravitational
attraction (that would just move
the whole body) but the
difference in gravitational force
across the body
Gravity: inverse square
Tidal forces: inverse cube
REALLY matters how close the
object is
Most of the gas giants have
Jupiters are very small,
probably transient, and made
largely of dust
Too close to planet, tidal forces
are strong enough to disrupt
moons or prevent them from
Result is material scattered in
orbit around planet
Visiting the outer Solar System
Voyager I/II
Pioneer 10,11
Launched in 1972
Camera, equipment for
measuring gas/magnetic fields
in the solar system, radiation
Now ghost ships
Carry plaque in case ever
Plaque designed by Carl Sagan
Voyager I/II
Launched in 1977
Carry cameras, equipment for
measuring gas/magnetic fields
in the solar system
Now at 90 AU (8.4 billion
Still send trickle of data
Will continue transmitting until
~2020 (not enough sunlight to
power equipment)
Voyager I/II
Carries a golden record
Has needle, instructions on how
to play it on cover
Contents assembled by Carl
Contains music, greetings in 55
natural/atmospheric sounds,
written greetings
Voyager I/II
Travelled past Jupiter, Saturn
Voyager II then flew by Uranus
and Neptune; Voyager I stopped
by Titan (largest moon of Saturn),
trajectory then sent it out of plane
of galaxy
Sent to examine magnetic field,
radiation from Sun, esp. poles
Sent to Jupiter for slingshot out of
plane of ecliptic
Also obtained magnetic field data
from Jupiter
Launched 1993
Study Jupiter's atmosphere,
satellites, magnetosphere for 2
Made encounters with asteroids
Arrived at Jupiter, Dec 1995
Significantly advanced our
knowledge of the Galilean moons
At end of mission was burned up
in Jupiter's atmosphere to avoid
contaminating moons
Took pictures of direct impact of
comet into Jupiter in 1994
Will arrive at Saturn later this
year (July)
Already taking pictures
Will send a probe (Huygens) to
Planets of Interest
Where might life be?
Gas Giants?
Gas Giants
Convection is a fundamental
Happens everywhere
Fluid heated at bottom rises,
cools, falls back down
Gas giants have hot centers
Large-scale motions
Mix material
Gas Giants
Makes it difficult to imagine
life forming
No real surface to live on
Chemicals constantly being
mixed around
No originally contained
environment (`protocell')
Gas giants have planet-sized
At least one (Titan) has a
significant atmosphere
Another (Europa) very likely
has liquid salty water under a
layer of ice
Very suggestive it has a liquid
No cratering
Many fractures, ridges on
What would this mean for life?
If some source of energy
on inside (geothermal,
chemical), very real
possibility of some sort of
Very Cold
Massive, Cold enough to have
an atmosphere (1.5 x as dense
as ours!)
No oxygen
No liquid water
Hydrogen rich
Interesting organic chemistry
Lakes of hydrocarbons?
Huygen probe 2005
Moon of mystery
Side facing away from Saturn is
very, very dark
Much less light reflected than
bright side
How did this happen?
What is the dark material?
How Unique is Earth?
What is special about Earth?
How important/rare are those things?
How many such planets are there likely
to be?
Large surface gravity
Reasonable temperature
Rocky srface
Large moon
Lots of heavy elements
How Important/Rare are these?
Heavy elements;
Likely ubiquitous in
planets around Pop I stars
How Important/Rare are these?
Rocky Surface
Can happen if there is
heavy elements (see
Probably true of all
planets close enough to
have liquid water
(But planet migration)
How Important/Rare are these?
Requires not too close to
Requires massive enough
How Important/Rare are these?
Reasonable Temperature
`Goldilocks zone’
Needs to be right distance
to star
How Important/Rare are these?
So we require
Rocky Planet
Of the right mass
At the right distance from
the star
Habitable Zone
Corresponds to further than
Venus to about Mars distance
for our Sun
Using inverse-square law, could
calculate for other stars
Main requirement: liquid water
in the presence of an
Habitable Zone: Binary Stars
About half of all stars are in
binary systems
Stars orbit a common center of
mass (more on that next week)
Can planets have reasonable
orbits in such systems?
Yes, but must orbit one star or
be far away from both;
`Figure 8’ orbits aren’t stable
Reading for Next Class (Apr 23)
Chapter 17: The Discovery of Extra-Solar
Techniques for finding planets
Looking closer