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Business Programming
Using Java
Tim McKenna
The Focus of BPJ444
 What is Java?
 The Sun Java 2 Platform
 Getting Started with Java Programming
 The IBM i5, iSeries, AS/400 Java Platform
The Focus of BPJ444
Java programming skills (85%)
IBM tool and platform (15%)
– IBM WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
which is based on Eclipse IDE. Use Eclipse.
– IBM iSeries as a database platform
preparation for other courses
– DOMINO, iSeries Practicum, Web Services
What is Java?
invented at Sun Microsystems in 1991 by
James Gosling, a Canadian.
named the new language “Oak” after looking
out his office window
later renamed “Java” following a trademark
1994: hey, this Web thing is way cool
May 23, 1995: Java and HotJava browser
officially announced
JDK 1.0 available November, 1995
What is Java?
Java starts with C/C++ language form:
– syntax, semantics, expressions
Java improves C/C++:
– no pointers in Java … hooray
– no memory manglement malloc/free
– Java does automatic “garbage collection”
– strings are objects, not null-terminated arrays
– int, long, float are the same everywhere
– out of bounds array index checking at run time
Java cleans up C++
no operator or keyword overloading
– things mean what you think they mean
no header files
– Java uses classes and packages
no multiple inheritance
no standalone functions
– in Java, all methods belong to a class
no preprocessor
– everything is in the Java language
no structures or unions
– everything is in a class
Java is better
for Web, business & application
programming (no memory manglement)
 safer than C & C++ (no pointer stuff)
 rich library of programming features
 more portable across platforms
 downloadable Java applets can run
– in any browser (unlike ActiveX)
– safely in the Java security “sandbox”
(unlike ActiveX)
Java formula
 Java
= C++
– complexity and ambiguity
+ security and portability
Java is Object Oriented
focus is on objects, i.e. classes of things
objects have attributes: fields or variables (data)
objects have behaviour: methods to act on data
Procedural languages like C or COBOL …
– use algorithms to act on data – trusting all other
programs to behave properly and not corrupt data.
– data has no control of programs acting on it
data's only protection is DB constraints
– data and procedures are structurally
independent but functionally dependent
The Sun Java 2 Platform
Java mantra: “write once, run anywhere”
– the same code runs on any platform
also: run anytime
same code runs on the same platform over time
today on WinXP/Pentium 32bit CISC
tomorrow on Win?? & Itanium 64 bit EPIC
(this has always been OS/400 strength…
1979 S/38 *PGM objects run on current iSeries)
criticism: “write once, test/debug everywhere”
– with Java 2, this is rarely an issue anymore.
– with C++, it is still true
The Sun Java 2 Platform
- how does it do that?
use of bytecode to achieve portability
– .java source code ‘compiled’ into .class bytecode
– virtual assembler language
Java Virtual Machine interprets standard
bytecode and runs it on a specific platform
OS/hardware platform implements its own JVM
– e.g. OS/400, Wintel, Mac, Unix, Linux
– each have different Java Virtual Machines (JVM) to
run standard bytecode on their local OS / hardware
– some just-in-time compilation for speed
– performance issues everywhere except OS/400
The Sun Java 2 JDK
– JRE: Java Runtime Environment
– JDK: Java Development Kit
– SDK: Software Development Kit (old name for JDK)
Java compiler:
> javac
Java interpreter (JVM)
> java classfile
other command-line tools (e.g. javadoc, jar)
versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
How to install Java 2 JDK?
–link: J2SE Core Java
common problems in installation
– path name (“command unknown”)
– classpath name (“class file not found”)
– upper/lower case names
solutions: JDK documentation, General
Information, Installation Notes
see BPJ444 web site for installation notes
How to code, compile and run
a Java program?
Java 2 JDK Environment (Windows Platform)
notepad or TextPad: type in Java source code
compile source code:
> javac
run program:
> java HelloWorld
Eclipse: create a project, enter code (with assistance),
save a file (auto compiled), run from inside Eclipse…
it's an Integrated Development Environment
Getting Started with Java
Two Examples: a Java application and a Java applet
The Anatomy of a Java Application
Java Applets and the Internet
The Anatomy of a Java Applet
The Java Tutorial (online):
see the Introduction web page
package: a group of related classes
– sometimes called a "library" of classes
Java API: Application Program Interface
– Java's many packages with many
– all documented with javadoc utility into
HTML pages
base package “java.lang” is automatically
imported into every Java program
Some Examples
a Java application (console-based)
– command line tools: javac, java
a Java applet
– HelloWorlddemo2.html
– tools: javac, appletviewer
The Anatomy of a Java Application
three types of comments
– line, multi-line, and javadoc
keywords: public, static, private
use of API specification
– names: System, out, println
– package name: java.lang
the javadoc command:
– > javadoc
– > runJavadoc.bat (in will organize
and document all .java files in a directory
The Anatomy of a Java Applet
a Java program that runs in a web page
subject to security restrictions
keyword: import
use of API specification
- names: java.applet.Applet, paint
names: packages, classes, method, objects
tools: appletviewer, Firefox
IBM i5, iSeries, AS/400
Java Platform
Sun JDK compliant
the QShell Interpreter and Integrated File
System (IFS) – simulated UNIX environment
AS/400 Toolbox for Java
– Java classes developed by IBM to access OS/400
performance optimization
– the JVM is integrated with OS/400 in microcode
– OS/400 Java commands: CRTJVAPGM, RUNJVA
Java and IBM eServer iSeries
Approach 1: use of a workstation (or desktop)
locally develop Java code, e.g. using IBM WDSC
ftp the Java code to the IBM iSeries server
Integrated File System e.g. /bpj444demo
use iSeries QShell (STRQSH) to compile & run:
cd /bpj444demo
java HelloWorld2
Java and IBM eServer iSeries
Approach 2: Use of IBM Operations
workstation development of Java code
“drag and drop”
– from Windows Explorer to Operations Navigator
– use an iSeries Integrated File System directory
RIGHT click on
to compile the code
RIGHT click on HelloWorld2.class
to run the code
Java and IBM eServer iSeries
Approach 3: green screen server environment
use SEU or EDTF to build Java programs
use CL commands to compile and run Java
programs. e.g.
===> RUNJVA CLASS(HelloWorld2)
WebSphere Development Studio
Client for iSeries
build on Eclipse technology
– open source IDE:
tool for developing Java, etc. code
 built-in special support for OS/400 Java
- AS/400 Toolbox for Java
- Enterprise Toolkit for AS/400